I took the tail off last night and it had little effect on the action of the bait. However, the tail did dampen the action of the bait so it is something to watch for. I moved the line tie undeneath the nose with little effect, but I didn't move it all the way back to the bill as suggested, that might just work. The tail section has no weight and is super bouyant, so I added a bunch of weight to where the the bait rested with the nose up and the tail just below the surface. I removed the bill and got a slight side to side wobble, not enough, but at least it was a sign of life. I also increased the distance between the joints, which should have helped, but it didn't.
If possible I would like the bait to have no bill at all, this way I could add a rear hook and it wouldnt foul w/the front one. The jointed tail as suggested by Gator is a grand idea, I will try it out tonight. All I need is a little wobble from the front half and the tail action would be great.
After staring at the bait for hours, I think the main problem is the shape. The flat bottom and streamline shape doesn't allow enough resistance from the water to enter the joint for a good kick. I may have to grind a little off the bottom to get a concave shape and maybe a little lip on the bottom rear.
I still see no reason why this stupid thing shouldnt swim with a flat bill. If a guy wanted a twitch bait with 180 degree turn this is the bait. I may cut an old spoon in half and see if the cupped bill will make a difference.