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Everything posted by gunnie3035

  1. gunnie3035

    New HB color

    exceptional work....
  2. I probably use transparents more than any other color. They are great for fading colors over one another, plus they are thin and spray very nice. As the others stated a transparent color would work really nice for what your trying to do.
  3. gunnie3035

    Baby Bass

    Nice job!!
  4. gunnie3035

    H2o Baits

    I have no idea how the action are on these baits. I just painted them for a friend. I also have no idea how they were double posted. I got an error message on the first try, so I did it again. Apparently it worked both times.
  5. gunnie3035

    H2o Baits

  6. gunnie3035

    H2o Baits

  7. gunnie3035

    H2o baby gill

  8. I personally don't like salt. I believe is absorbs the oil in the plastic and therefore hardens the bait. If you wish to use lead or perhaps sand then I would pour the bait in two pieces. Just before the bottom section hardens too much simply drop the lead/sand so it adheres to the soft plastic but yet doesn't sink all the way to the bottom. Then pour the upper half and it should work fine. As the others said a microwave is a much better way to heat than using a propane or electric burner. If your worried about the plastic cooling off too much between pours then buy a pancake griddle and set your cup on it between pours.
  9. gunnie3035

    German Brown

    I bought them from a guy out of AZ. I will see if I can find his information.
  10. gunnie3035

    German Brown

    I think the paint is pretty close to a brown trout. I will get some jerks and swims painted up in this color, if I can remember how I did it. No they are not a Hot Custom bait, although they have some pretty cool stuff and Steve is a good guy. It's a 7" wood bait, it only had two hook hangers so I re-positioned the front one and added a third. They swim easier than a Lunker Punker and are a fraction of the cost.
  11. gunnie3035

    German Brown

    Little more trout action for ya'll.
  12. I've used DN over Wasco paint quite a bit. The first time I used it DN peeled the paint right off before I finished a brush stroke. I heat set the second bait and it worked out fine. I've found if you will spray some automotive clear over the bait before applying the DN you will get a smoother looking finish. Just don't expect to get the same look from DN that you get from 2-ton or etex. It may be tougher, but it doesn't look as pretty in my opinion.
  13. There isnt even words... I absolutely luv the eye work.
  14. On my ghost pointers I just hit it with a light coat of white and then wasco irridescent blue. I suppose you could mix the 2 together, but the irridescent needs a little base color to stick.
  15. gunnie3035

    New ones

    I have no idea what color magenta is, but the colors are pretty basic. Creatix: white, deep blue, black, sky blue, pearl gold, violet, pearl white. I outline the gill covers with a gold taxidermy pen after the primer. Even though you eventually paint over it, it gives some depth to the gills.
  16. I paint a fair amount of trout baits. I generally dont use much creatix. I use a lot of wasco water based taxidermy paint. The following is the colors I use on every trout: wasco paint: light bass green dark bass green black pearl white pearl silver gill red creatix: trans- light brown trans- violet pearl gold white
  17. gunnie3035

    New ones

    Mini-zipbait 7" Topwater
  18. gunnie3035

    New ones

    Mini-zipbait 7" Topwater
  19. gunnie3035

    5" Beetle Shad

    Your stuff always rocks, someday I want to paint baits like you!! Where/how do you get eyes that look like that??
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