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Everything posted by gunnie3035

  1. I know this has been talked about a few times. I did a search and still didn't get an answer. Does anyone pour/make/know how to make/know where to buy the wire harness' for swimbaits. The kind I'm referring to are the type that are in Matt Lures, Optima, Storm, so forth and so on. Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure someone else is making the weight/harness for them.
  2. The baits are cake to pour. The weight is the real trick. I'm still waiting for someone to make a mold or at least tell me how to sucessfully make a lead mold that won't break after 2 pours.
  3. Check with any place that manufactures archery targets. It comes in two different cans and must be mixed. You only have a few minutes before it starts to expand. Try Utah Foam, but I don't know if they sell to the public......
  4. I know I would buy one. They could be used on any type of swimbait that uses a belly hook.
  5. I purchased the lead wire from Sportsman's Warehouse. I think they have a 100 or so stores, but I think most are in the Western U.S. I have seen Bullet Weight, Inc. products all over the U.S. They are the cheap sinkers that are usually on the peg boards at the local fishing store. The 3/16 diameter wire is about 3/8 oz in the length that I cut it. The 1/4 diameter wire is about a 1/2 oz. I have also cut the end off a 1 oz Mojo weight and used them for the deep divers. I have tried brass sinkers, copper pipe, plastic sprinkler parts, ice maker tubing, and they all work to some extent. But, the lead wire is the best solution that I have found so far. I wish someone [Del??] would make a lead mold specifically for these type of baits.
  6. I forgot to mention; the baby e/chub e swimbaits are more weedless than you think. They will snag up a lot in tules/timber, but it is usually snagged on the nose, not the hook. If I'm in the thick stuff I will down size the hook from a 2 to a 3.
  7. I've been making baby e knockoffs for some time now. I just got Del's chub e mold [thanks, Del]. The aluminum inserts look very neat, but they don't have enough weight and are too expensive. Even with salt and stiffer plastic the bait just isn't heavy enough. I've poured some with lead wire wrapped around the insert and it helps some. The reason I knocked off the baby e in the first place was because the color selection isn't what I needed and the weight of the factory baits arent heavy enough to go down past five feet on a steady retrieve. The Mojo weights will work, but they are very costly for a sinker and I haven't seen a do-it mold for a Mojo weight. I don't see a need to cut grooves in the weight. I'm sure it would work, but a couple of drops of super glue at each end will secure the weight. Bullet Weight, Inc. makes lead wire that is hollow. It comes in 3/16 and 1/4 thickness. It comes in a coil and I don't remember what the total length is, but it is $2.99 a package. Trust me, you can make at least 100 baby e/chub e weights out of one package. I cut it off, grind the edge smooth, clean out the holes, and pour away. If I need more weight than the 1/4 offers, I simply make a few wraps with lead wire. I make a bait that wakes, a five footer, and a ten footer. Now with the chub e mold it takes a little more modification to work. The rod used to hold the factory aluminum insert is too big for the lead wire sinker or Mojo weight for that matter. So take a Walmart exacto knife [same diameter as the factory rod] and cut if off to the poper size. Then drill a small hole and insert a small drill bit to hold the sinker in place while you pour. A couple of drops of super glue, some eyes, and your ready to whack'em. I can pour eight chub e swimbaits with 2 cups of plastic. They are more durable than you think even with soft plastic. The chub e won't roll, no matter how fast you real it in. If I had one suggestion; I would like to see the section between the body and the tail thickened just a little bit. It is hard to pour with the harder plastic, you are always walking a fine line between burning the plastic and getting a smooth pour. Now that I've provided the solution, perhaps someone could turn me on to a supplier for some swimbait eyes. I dont like the flat stick on eyes, any ideas??
  8. I used POP and made a Tiny T swimbait. I use plastic hardner for the bottom portion of the bait [where the hook is inserted]. It doesnt have any effect on the bait other than making it more tear resistant. I like the action the tail has with the softer plastic. I use about two caps full of hardner per 1/4 cup of plastic.
  9. Is anyone here pouring/selling or better yet, making a mold for the weights in the Mission Fish swimbaits??
  10. So it is cool to copy someone elses bait and sell them, so long as you don't call them the orginal name? I mean I've looked at some individual websites [advertised here] and many are making molds of someones elses bait and reselling them. I'm familar with the patent thing, but I don't fully understand the copyright stuff.....
  11. One other question..... Say for instance, I wanted to shrink this bait or any other bait for that matter by an inch or two. Is there any substance or material a guy could pour that would shrink when it cooled?? I guess, what asking is this; I want to make a 4" swimbait, but the only mold or original bait I can find is a 5 or 6 inch version. How can I make the bait smaller?? I'm sure there is an answer, I'm just to retarded to figure it out. Any thoughts????
  12. What plastic do you recommend for this mold??
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