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Frank Rizo

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Everything posted by Frank Rizo

  1. The flasher is made from a kids toy. The toy is avalible at the Dollar Tree store it is a bounce ball with a light that is triggered by impacting but the vibration of the water will also activate the red and blue flashing lcd inside. Cut the rubber ball apart to get the plastic light out. The nice feature is the light activated at random. It is a new idea of ours we have used it only a few times. Also you have to drill a hole to slide you line through and when you do this apply silicon to the hole and a light coat to the outside and leave dry before use. I like to find random thing in life and make them into fishing lures. It is truely amazing what fish will eat!!!!!! One of the funniest is the spoons we cut the handle off of and made what we call "poor man spoons" If anyone has other stories of funny things that fish eat please indulge!
  2. Don't think I was making fun of your lure! By far it is one of the best paint job this site has seen, you ask, I told what I thought. I also think from what I have seen of your work you will figure it out. But does someone really want to fish with a piece of ART like that!
  3. I have found that some colors are hard to match so I have gone to great lengths to get only the best. For the best soft feather look I use baby geese feathers. The trick is to catch the bird alive and dye the feathers first. I usually dip the bird three or four times in the dye solution. Only take the fethers you need and let that one go. If your doing a lot of tieing your going to need several baby geese. By the way, My wife says we have the most colorful geese in the county. For fur we shave the neighbors ####tsue when he goes down to Florida for the winter, most of it grows back before he get home. We tryed shaving the cat to but it bit the cord on the clippers so we used the whole cat. You can read about that in the hardbait forums watch for the title catfishing.
  4. this is for catching carp and other bottem feeders. I like to use old lead molds for the shapes but here is what you need 1 toaster 1 old lead mold with the biggest cavity you can find 1 box of corn flakes 2 cups flour 12 drops fish oil 1 cup of water 1 large mixing bowl 2 eggs In the mixing bowl add flour and corn flakes mix by hand braking up the corn flakes into smaller pieces. Next, add the fish oil and water mix again by hand (if it is a bit dry add water as needed but don't make to watery) Now add the eggs these are binding material to hold it together once cooked. Mix by hand until contents have an even consistancy. place the mixture into the mold and then place the mold into the toaster the toaster has to have a bagle setting so that the mold will fit. Because of the short cycle time you will have to cook it twice so when it pops up the first time press down for another cycle. Like I said it is a great bait for suckers and crappy.
  5. I was working in the auto garage a few years ago when I came across some form a gasket material made with silicone and fish oil. It only came in the one color but I have found that if you add 10-15 drops of food coloring you can get slight changes in the color spectrum. It works good in you mold injector kits that Janes Net craft sells. Give it a try and let me know if it catches the big ones:)
  6. Floating jig heads are costly, so I created a way to make my own floating heads by using Great Stuff foam in my molds. You have to leave the mold sit till the foam has cured. After you get the jig out of the mold you must dip it in an oil base paint. You can use a wood rod to hang them on over night to cure before painting the eyes on. good luck and let me know how yours work out BUT please no profiting from this great idea Because it is mine:)
  7. where is some pic of the jig heads i heard rappila wanted to see. They said they seen them on another web-site what were they called again????something like silk-willies Big donk jig heads
  8. hey Donk, I knew this farmer that kept complaining about his horse never doing anything good. The funny this is the horse was dead! let it go and bury it! Or go get some crackers and keep wineing
  9. what is a perfect skirt? Have you ever cought a perfect fish? I have yet to there are each goofy looking. I know one guy that was trying to perfect the line one the side of a bass lure and found out that there is no perfect horizontal line!!!
  10. the lure looks great .....BUT,..... the placement of the gill makes the lure look a little cartoonish it is a shame to have such detailed body and a cartoon head try lowwering the gill and detail the head. When you perfect that i will send you the hood of my car to finish! large mouth bass would be nice!
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