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Everything posted by Codgeman13

  1. Codgeman13

    Lip slot

    This may be a dumb rookie question, but do most of you cut ur lip slots in wooden baits before you shape them? On my first one I cut it after I had carved it (the last step) and I am not sure it turned out so well. I saw in Fatfingers paint booth pics it looked like he had the slot cut in the wooden cut out in his booth pic.
  2. Blackjack, thanks for the pattern, newbies like me can sure use some direction. Where do you get patterns like these did you draw this one up ur self? I have made a few on my own but i dont not really have a pattern to work from, i just sketch them out on the block of wood, carve, and sand untill i think they are even. Any suggestions?
  3. I was also thinking of a beginner setup and have asked some guys who paint in my club about theirs. Power cat has a nice setup for relatively cheap, less than 100 bucks on Ebay. I dont know much about em but you get the dual action airbrush, compressor, color cups and some tips in that kit. Search Ebay for dual action air brush, or powercat airbrush kits and you should see one for like 50 some bucks, it is close to 100 after shipping. I think it is a beginner set up but if you dont wanna spend a lot of money to get started the guys in my club say it is a good starter.
  4. Much appreciated, it should be there in a day or 2. Thanks again!!
  5. If I have to use wood putty to patch up any holes, I am guessing I should re-seal this area too?
  6. Kellure, I am a student in Raleigh, if you still have any and havent gotten rid of them I would like to get some from ya before you donate them, I can either send an envelope or just get up with you somewhere or something, let me know. Thanks, Codgeman13
  7. Thanks for the advice
  8. Hey guys, I know that there are a lot of forums on sealer, but i have a few questions on the process. I bought a sanding sealer to seal my basswood lures, which should dry in about 2 hrs time. Should I let the lures soak, or just dip them a few times and let dry? I think i remember someone saying they used a pvc pipe with a cap to fill with sealer and soak the lures in?? Any suggestions on time of soak etc will be appreciated. Thanks
  9. Hey everyone, I am pretty new to lure making, and have made my first couple of cranks. I am looking for a cheap good airbrush. I have been on ebay and stuff, but dont really know what all I am lookin at. I know it has been reccomended that I get a dual action brush, but other than that I am clueless. I have a buddy of mine willing to paint my first couple, but I would like to start painting them myself. If anyone can point me in the right direction, or has an older one they might be willing to part with let me know. Thanks.
  10. Codgeman13


    Thanks for the info, I liked the stuff on the Mcmaster-Carr site. I ordered some circut board which should be in this week and i can get the bills cut and installed. I'll keep posting pics of the progress.
  11. Codgeman13


    I am having trouble finding lexan thin enough to make the lips for my baits. Lowes and HD both have thick sheets. Any suggestions for stores that carry smaller sizes? Also my baits are made of basswood, what is the best way to weight them, just drill a hole and insert splitshot?
  12. Here are the pics I couldnt get them to load earlier, but I got them now http://www.tackleunderground.com/photos/index.php?n=411
  13. This is my first attempt at carving bodies from basswood. I will post more as I get them more complete. Thanks to those who have posted tips and such.
  14. This is my first attempt at carving bodies from basswood. I will post more as I get them more complete. Thanks to those who have posted tips and such.
  15. Thanks for the info. I have posted some pre-lim pics of the bodies. I am just getting started so I will put more up as i finish them.
  16. Codgeman13


    Hey fellas, I have been doing a lot of reading and decided last week to give crank bait making a go and found this site. I have carved my first bodies out of basswood. I only have the bodies made right now. I am thinkin about the wire through hook eyes, and line ties, but have no real clue other than the post about them how to do them. I have read some places that with harder woods you may not need them. Any suggestions on where to go from here. Thanks
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