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Everything posted by SkeeterZX200

  1. Coachs Custom Rods in Dalton,GA, is now building custom sticks with Carbon Fiber Handles that looks pretty sweet to say the least. Here is one of Coachs Rods built on a Graphite USA UR66H Blank with Carbon Fiber Handle, Fugi Reel Seat and Fugi Alconite Guides built to the right Sprial wrap..Check out this rods paired with a Shimano Chronarch to give it the Stealth look. Contact me via mail or PM for more info, or call Coach (Paul) at 706-270-6665 no later than 9 PM est. Visit his site here www.coachscustomrods.com
  2. Coachs Custom Rods in Dalton,GA, is now building custom sticks with Carbon Fiber Handles that looks pretty sweet to say the least. Here is one of Coachs Rods built on a Graphite USA UR66H Blank with Carbon Fiber Handle, Fugi Reel Seat and Fugi Alconite Guides built to the right Sprial wrap..Check out this rods paired with a Shimano Chronarch to give it the Stealth look. Contact me via mail or PM for more info, or call Coach (Paul) at 706-270-6665 no later than 9 PM est. Visit his site here www.coachscustomrods.com
  3. Coachs Custom Rods in Dalton,GA, is now building custom sticks with Carbon Fiber Handles that looks pretty sweet to say the least. Here is one of Coachs Rods built on a Graphite USA UR66H Blank with Carbon Fiber Handle, Fugi Reel Seat and Fugi Alconite Guides built to the right Sprial wrap..Check out this rods paired with a Shimano Chronarch to give it the Stealth look. Contact me via mail or PM for more info, or call Coach (Paul) at 706-270-6665 no later than 9 PM est. Visit his site here www.coachscustomrods.com
  4. SkeeterZX200

    Custom BDS4

    Thanks Inzane, I got more in the Booth now..will show them later in the week.>SZX200
  5. Hello fellow anglers. New member here. I am an avid angler and love to paint lures, and custom rods.....Check out some of my lures in the gallery. Nice to have found TU...Thanks Szx200
  6. SkeeterZX200

    First Paint job

    looks good, any top pics?????
  7. Revenge Football head 3/8 oz., with custom craw color skirt and Zoom Lil Critter Craw trailer in watermelon red....Mean of spots and smallies......even those old green fish like them too.........
  8. Revenge Football head 3/8 oz., with custom craw color skirt and Zoom Lil Critter Craw trailer in watermelon red....Mean of spots and smallies......even those old green fish like them too.........
  9. SkeeterZX200

    Custom BDS4

    Thanks, I got more to do,,but Im on the right track anyways......Szx200
  10. Hey fellow anglers, New guy here...I'm sure alot of you guys and gals out there have seen G Blanks before..if not, here is one of mine. 6'4" MH Split rear handle w/xposed reel seat..Bright Chat. with red highlight wrap..the rod weighs in at 3 ozs and is built on the Shakari SH-X blank..and a nice Chronarch 100MG mounted in seat .Thanks
  11. Hey fellow anglers, New guy here...I'm sure alot of you guys and gals out there have seen G Blanks before..if not, here is one of mine. 6'4" MH Split rear handle w/xposed reel seat..Bright Chat. with red highlight wrap..the rod weighs in at 3 ozs and is built on the Shakari SH-X blank..and a nice Chronarch 100MG mounted in seat .Thanks
  12. Hey fellow anglers, New guy here...I'm sure alot of you guys and gals out there have seen G Blanks before..if not, here is one of mine. 6'4" MH Split rear handle w/xposed reel seat..Bright Chat. with red highlight wrap..the rod weighs in at 3 ozs and is built on the Shakari SH-X blank..and a nice Chronarch 100MG mounted in seat .Thanks
  13. SkeeterZX200

    Custom BDS4

    I just got the gun of after year past. I used to shoot paint on Moto-X helmets during my 15 year Moto-X career...Now on Lures .This is one of my latest..BDS4 in Metallic Silver Shad with Black Back and Bleeding gills and throat....Hope all likes...Thanks
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