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Everything posted by Don

  1. Don

    River Baits

    Not sure, ask Tubeman (Mike) he sold it to me
  2. Both are truly SWEEEET !! Good job to all involved in that creation, and great pics from Brad as usual. D.
  3. Don

    River Baits

    BBC, not sure whose brown I'm using but I load it up with about 8 drops brown per oz. and use large black flake and small gold. It's quite possible that my chocolate ends up darker than yamamoto's but it ends up being pretty close. I use very minimal gold flake in it compared to the black. Hope it helps. D.
  4. Don

    River Baits

    Sounds like he just means he's had good success fishing that particular bait in rivers. Try black with blue claws, black with chartreuse claws, or motoroil. I like Yamamoto Chocolate for craws as well. D.
  5. I'll put the amt. of baits that I want to bag (8-10) in a sealed margarine container with just a pinch of table salt and shake vigorously to get a mild salt coating on them. I use top zip 4X7 bags so this makes it easier to bag the baits without them sticking to the inside walls of the poly bag.
  6. Don

    Red Shad attempt

    Another awesome color!! Nice one Onesock!
  7. Don

    Worm bags

    DJ, are you using their L740 laminated? Does it have a reclosable top along the 7" length? Thanks Don
  8. Thanks for the link 152! And to David as well, great to hear from an expert in the field, you have a PM dude.
  9. The microwave solved my problems (thanks again) but now I find I have to pour in 0.125 oz. into 6 oz. just to get the baits to smell when they come out. Does this ratio seem right? With the price I paid for the oil it isn't worth it. Are the anise scents that come in spray form (pro-cure, etc.) ok to drop into plastic or are they water based. The only local place I could find anise oil was at $2.49 CND for 0.125 oz vials... that's $10 for half oz. I purchased... talk about feeling bent over on that one, lol. Thanks Don
  10. thanks lads! Will heat it up and see how she goes... Don
  11. Finally sourced some anise oil to add to my soft plastics. The bottles are tiny at .125 fl oz. I opened a new bottle and added about 8 drops to 5 oz. of plastic just before pouring. First off, while my garage reaked of licorice the baits did not get infused with scent at all . It is indeed oil and not extract which would be water based. Figured the amt. added to 5oz. was adequate, no? Secondly, and more importantly, as soon as I poured the oil drops in I replaced the cap on the bottle and placed it out of my way. When I was cleaning up, I noticed the bottle's contents had crystalized into what looked like a frozen mass. Weird thing is that it was still warm to the touch. Unlike anything I've ever seen before. And it has remained in this state now 30 some hours later... any idea why this oil would have done this? And will it return to it's natural liquid state? I was in an cold garage but temps were well above freezing as I had the heater going all afternoon. And like I mentioned, the oil is not frozen, just completely crystallized.... I'm stumped. Thanks
  12. I have seen crawfish so dark reddish brown they almost looked black. Reminds me of a colour I poured not long ago... I was originally going for cinnamon but soon found out it was way too dark, so I added a crapload more brown and a hint of black... I call it Double Chocolate Chip. It's alot darker than the photo makes it look.
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