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Everything posted by bssmstr

  1. bssmstr

    optic eyes

    Just curious, but are the optic eyes powered up or do they just reflect available light? Can you buy the 'eyes' or do you have to cut up fiber cable?
  2. Have you tried warming the mold B4 you pour?
  3. I love my 797 but one thing that is not generally known is that the side imaging is at slow speeds - 3 to 7 mph. great for grafting a spot, but not for cruising.
  4. I got aluminum rods at Home Depot
  5. 'O' rings, split rings, rubber bands for braces from dentists, etc (there was a previous post) or get some plastic tubing like water for "swamp" coolers or air tubing for instruments. Cut it into 1/8" 'O' ring strips. Just be sure you get the right size. Take your bait down to the hardware store or Wally world, and 'size' it. You'll be able to fish one senko for several fish instead of "1 for 1".
  6. I started with the 2 cup Anchor measuring cups - but have bought several 1 cup - because it has a narrower spout & is easier to pour with.
  7. heat both colors to approx. 340F and pour your 1st color. stir the 2nd and put in the micro. after you fill the 1st half-reheat the 2nd to ~340F - 10-30 secs. or whatever it takes to get it back to 340 (consistency of hot pancake syrup-I always add heat stabilizer to my recipes) while the 2nd is heating put the mold together. When the 2nd is ready-stir and start pouring. I use LC plastic and have had it as hot as ~390F- it will smoke but the stabilizer will usually keep it from burning. (I've only burned one batch - after that I use the heat stabilizer religiously and use a Sears lazer temp sensor-the candy thermos are too slow) If you do a 3rd or more reheats- add a little more stabilizer. 1/2 tsp is enough for 2-3 oz.
  8. Google him. If he is as he says-it will show up.
  9. "While you’re waiting for the glue to dry, seal your plug if you haven’t already done that. I use the Plasticoat process shown in Tally’s Tutorial. http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/kb.php?mode=article&k=20 " This link will not work for me. Could you reprint the tutorial or send it to me in a PM? Thanks, bssmstr
  10. That's a nasty growth! LOL But seriously, could it be injected foam like the kind found in the "rattle" cans for sealing spaces around new doors or windows? I filled my net's handle with it and it floats if I accidentally kick it overboard.
  11. Be wary of the tint of additives - they will discolor your plastic somewhat. The purple YUM will give it a violet tint and coffee grounds will make it brown. You will have to add more of the color of choice to offset it. If it has "natural" ingrediants like ground up craws or shad - the water content will bubble and boil in the plastic as ghost has pointed out.
  12. Ditto on the "Interested". I have a 5" aluminium drop shot worm (DEL's) - 2 cavities I could give up for something else of "equal" value.
  13. Del, On your baby-e, can you reverse the insert - have the hook on top of the bait so that you could creep it along the bottom??
  14. I pour out of a 1 cup Anchor&Hocking glass measuring cup. Warm your 2 piece a little, heat the plastic to about 330 or so, and try to pour down the middle of the spout.
  15. Lurecraft offers 7 hilites-gold, green, blue, violet, orange, silver, and -"NEW" - turquoise. Some perch have a turquoise edge on their scales. Do a search and you will come up with several threads on hilites and pearls. Lots of useful info. I have a 2 page Word file that I have copied off this site for hilites. Check the color recipes - a lot of them use hilites.
  16. I use Lurecraft products. The 536 is pretty soft and lively - but will tear easily. The 502 is pretty much the same as the Major manufacturers use for worms etc. You can buy hardner and/or softner to add to the plastic to get the consistensy you want. Get some heat stabilizer to add to the plastic after the first or second pour if you will reheat often or heat higher than 350 degrees (usually the first thing to burn off before the plastic burns). The "candy" thermometers take a long time to show the temp of the plastic. I bought a cheap lazer heat sensor - much faster and your plastic isn't cooling while waiting on the mercury to rise. 2 oz of plastic will make 10 centipedes and I have 1 mold with 5 cavities and usually pour 20 at a time (my wife uses the same baits I make).
  17. bssmstr


    I like the 901 and 925 laminates
  18. I agree about the temps. I got a laser temperature "gun" at Harbor Freights for $19 (on sale). I seem to pour better at ~350 degrees, but the glitter will bleed a lot at that temp. Now I try to pour at ~320 or less. Doesn't pour as well on 'thin' areas, you just need to be more patient and a lot more practice.
  19. I got a pair of quality scissors at a hair salon supply and they are super. Trims excellently. I usually pour my baits then take them to my easy chair to watch TV and do my finishing work. Not as cheap as the throw aways, but I don't have to worry about catching "something"! LOL
  20. bssmstr

    Gas mileage

    Well, I'm sure it works - a least for my truck and my girlfriend's car. I use a small 4 oz glass bottle and a funnel to put the acetone into before pouring into my gas tank - so it will not splash my paint job. Acetone is 155 octane - highly flammable. The link I got my info is smartgas.com. Pretty technical and a little lengthy, but pretty informative. I put it on "Mythbusters". Maybe they will do a test and we will know whether it is fact or myth.
  21. bssmstr

    Gas mileage

    I recently started using Acetone in my gas to increase MPG. I found the information online - PM me for the address as it will not let me type in the address here. 2 or 3 oz per ten gallons of gas will increase your MPG approx 10%. I experimented at first and found 2 oz is right for my vehicle and 3 actually hurt my MPG. I was getting approx. 10.8 MPG while towing my boat with my Ford F-150. Now I am getting ~ 12.5 MPG using the acetone. Acetone reduces the surface tension of the gasoline molecule and lets it burn better and cleaner (good for the environment). You need to use 100% acetone such as Clean Strip for stripping paint. I found it at Wal-Mart. Walgreens carries "Professional strength" nail polish remover and is 100% acetone & cheaper (easier to pour from also). A few of my friends have diesel engines and they say it doesn't help their vehicles. The article says it will & I don't know if they gave it a chance. You have to go through a few tank fulls to give it a real opportunity to work. they recommend 1-2 oz per 10 gals of diesel. Try it - I did and I LIKE IT! PS - I use it in my outboard - but don't ask - I don't know if it helps the MPG or not, but it helps the truck so I figure it can't hurt!
  22. I grew up in West Texas where an evaporative cooler worked pretty good and central air was still expensive. The water supply was brought in by 'plastic tubing' or 'swamp cooler' tubing. There are several sizes and I first used them on trick worms. Slide the tubing up to the egg sack and put your hook through the tubing. Add a small finishing nail to the head, and it pulled the worm down in front of the grass edge (or brush, stump, etc). Jerk, jerk, jerk and then let it fall back to the bottom or depth desired. REPEAT. It drives them nuts! Try not to pull the worm too far from the grass edge. No bite -- move down a little and try, try again.
  23. Yes, just slide tubing up to the "egg sak" and slip the hook underneath the tubing. You won't 'tear' the stick when the bass take your bait. I've caught as many as 12 on one stick. One problem though is getting the correct size tubing so it won't 'slide' off the stick easily. It should be snug.
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