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mjs last won the day on January 26 2018

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  • Birthday 12/21/1976

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  1. I think harder plastic sometimes gives more thump, softer more slither. Not sure if softer always means more action. Different action sure. Course there are a lot of shapes and sizes and variables, like speed... Anyways, I can think of some baits like a bulldawg where the body could be harder than the tail for sure.
  2. Maybe pinching a rubber core sinker onto the shank of the hook?
  3. The last one is a lindy shadling. Was endorsed by Winkleman.
  4. mjs

    stardust powder

    In case anyone is interested I tried the clear stardust as a clear over regular powder. Haven't had a chance to see how durable it is, but I am a little disappointed in the micro bubbles. Isn't horrible, but noticeable.
  5. I think I remember a jig from Cabelas that looked like that that was called 'gravedigger'. Could be wrong.
  6. mjs

    Chrome powder

    Maybe got the protec chrome at lure parts online? I did a quick Google and it seems listed there. I only saw the one chrome from them. Is there more than one? It looked ok until I epoxy coated it.
  7. mjs

    Chrome powder

    Have tried the protec one. It dulls if you clearcoat it.
  8. mjs

    stardust powder

    Thanks for the thoughts. I will buy some clear and check it out. The etex adds some chip resistance, but if this stuff works will be better sounds like. Less messy too. Also have a good supply of regular powder that as a hobby guy will last a while and don't really want to buy a lot of this new stuff in colors I have. Will report back on how it works out.
  9. mjs

    stardust powder

    I clearcoat my jigs with etex at the moment, but could clear stardust work as a clearcoat? Also, can the clear stardust be mixed with mica powder to make own colours? Any experiences or thoughts on this product?
  10. I like the 2/0 size. I found 4/0 could hook little guys up through the eye. Still good gap with 3" plastics.
  11. I use a small drill bit and use it by hand to clean the spout. Seems to scrape the junk off fairly well. Think I got the idea here.
  12. I use candy if I want something under to show through, but if you want a straight orange color why use a candy and have to go through multiple dips when you could use an opaque regular orange and get darker look with one dip? Less runny and fussy. Unless I am missing something I can't see in the picture. I agree with Smalljaw. I bought an oven thermometer that you put in the toaster oven(temp way off). Don't have to buy a new oven. New one likely to be off too
  13. I apply the acrylic eyes before baking. It kind of bakes in.
  14. Happens to me with chartreuse. Baking the base color before adding another fixes that
  15. A tip I got here was to coat the stone mold with kbs diamond coat if you want a glossy finish and don't want to oil every time. Copy baits might be a bit off from the originals. For example a 2" fin s minnow is awful skinny. Fixed that by carving, sanding the stone mold.
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