Well, tried again. The plastisol wasn't hard packed, but it must have settled some because a solid mixing gave a firmer plastic.
Just making a few tubes for myself so I couldn't justify buying a mold. Thought dipping would be easy, and it's not that hard, but I sure didn't like my first attempts. I've been using metal rods with wooden dowel handles( makes a T) that I can hang up. After heating the plastic(about 4 ounces) in a microwave I then transfer it into a cut open coke can I place on a small burner. After a bit most of the bubbles go away and I start vertical dipping. Move to more horizontal dipping by tipping the can as the plastic level drops. Use up the last bit of plastic making panfish tubes. Makes a little bag of tubes. Have trouble getting perfect noses, got better after I beveled the end of the rod a bit, but still fix the worst ones with scissors and a candle. Open to suggestions to improve my process.
Have to try a batch with salt next. Don't have salt flour. Will try to grind some at home for my small needs. We'll see how that goes. What do people think is a good amount of salt?