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About -mike-

  • Birthday 12/16/1972

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  1. Heres what I do. Go to a hobby shop and get some stainless tubing. cut slots with a dremel tool into the end of the tube maybe 1/4" into the tube to make "teeth". it will look like a hole saw when you are done. Slide the "saw" over the blank and turn it so that it eats the tape and grip glue away. On the blank thru casting rod handles, you will have to go in from both ends, but enough can be removed so that the blank can be loosened from the blank. As far as the cork? I supposed if you are patient enough it can be done, but Id bet if you figured up the time spent verses the cost of new you'd see its a loosing battle.
  2. Bait casters ARE THE TOOL for most any fishing. Problem is ya need a good one. Not that the Ambassadors arent good- they just arent as good as most any shimano out of the box. Yes- bearings and bushings can be changed and swapped, but that isnt free and you need a small bit of aptitude to pull it off. Find out how much you'll have in getting these reels up to snuff, then compare that to the cost of a new one, then make your choice- Mike. FWIW, a souped up ambassador aint a bad reel at all.
  3. I posted yesterday, but it didnt show up, so ill try again. G loomis isnt a bad rod by any standard. 175 plus shipping/handling/insurance isnt cheap. My favorite smallie rod is a St Croix SCR 3S63MXF, Ive built several, and all the owners love them. My personal smallie rod is built on this blank. WIth the Ti guides and on off skeleton handle and a chronarch 51 MG the whole kit and kabootle weighs under 9 ounces. I cant think of any good reason it would cost any where close to 175. They also offer a 3S68MXF (6' 8") and a 3S70MF (7' fast) if length is really that important to you.
  4. Nawwwwww Fatman...... Its really much simpler than what youd think. The big thing is getting a few, or building an essential few tools. I built rods for years using a college book as a thread tensioner and a scrapped out record player for a dryer (still use that drier). Theres Tons and tons of info floating around that makes uncharted waters near non existant. Really the only hard part is the whole "braiding thread" thing. But that kinda stuff adds bling not fishability. Lots of good fish are caught on simple rods.
  5. I see what your sayin. That is one of the oddball things about the St. Croix's. I gotta build a blank at least once before I can look at a guy and tell him what the outcome should be. But again, those factory rods come in handy- kinda like gander mountain givin us a free show room if you think about it-Mike.
  6. Weird. Ive got the scIII drop shot (3S69MLXF) and Im pretty content with it, but built it as a baitcaster. I think its a tad light for erie dropshotting. Ive got a very hacked up reel seat and titanium guides-hate the frames and not real confident in them, but they are light. All in all, its sensitive- when using it with tubes in the local river- I can feel the smallies chewin on the tubes. Just goes to show how different two or three of the same rod can be "flavored", I guess.
  7. Nice. Im takin it that these are your creations? How do you like the Amtac stuff?? Im a tried and true St. Croix guy, but sometimes wonder bout the other stuff out there.
  8. Im guessin it would probly work just as well as anything else. The main reason, from what I gather, for the flexible "bill" is to limit hangups. So this or any other material would work, its just a matter of gettin it secured to the head. Flabaspond- I dont cast my own heads, I just use a generic Northland Fireball style jig that I get from a local shop. I like to use short shanks because it allows for more of the plastic to swim. Again, any jig head would probly work though. The key is a cross lock snap or even a split ring to allow it to swim freely.
  9. Ive made some using the transparent soft plastic drape stuff they have at cold storage facilities. I ring the head using modified fencing pliers and slide the "bill" on with some zap a gap to secure it in place. Ive never made any BIG ones, I think 1/4 oz. was as large as I went. I make them small enough to use those gulp minnows for crappie trolling. They like the combo, but honestly ya never know what gonna hit them- they swim great. My preference is the short shanked hook jigheads- lets more of the body of the minnow swim.
  10. Honestly, I ordered a bail arm from them 2 years ago. Never did get it, and my card was never billed. I called on a monthly basis-which humorously he'd look for my order form, then say he couldnt find it, then ask to call me back, then call me back sometimes, I gave up after 6 months. Now- My first dealings with them were stellar. ordered some bearings and clicker assemblies to convert some smaller abu baitcasters- got those pronto. SO who knows whats really goin on over there. I personally wont give them any more business.
  11. Aww, c'mon. Cant fish a vertical drop with a baitcaster? Might be the only advantage to a spinner, but not a reason to go with one. Hey good question raised above- who is makin shikari stuff these days?
  12. Dean, respectfully, no need to get ruffled, just discussing finer points. I dont think your an idiot, but would want to meet you before judging on the senility. Bout the only thing I can think of that would merit the spinning rod would be possibly better drag, other than that, to each our own. Anyways, no need to hijack terrys thread further. Terry, youve got my pm, let me know if your interested-Mike.
  13. Respectfully- I fish too much with spinning and baitcasting to ever agree with that. It is not feasable to keep you finger on the line the ENTIRE time with a spinning reel. As far as the rod interfering, lets just say Im not buyin that one either. Any one whoes ever handlined will tell you that the rod plays a crucial in sensitivity, it does not inhibit it. But like dabassman said- Different strokes for different folks.
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