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GrabTheNet last won the day on July 12 2013

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About GrabTheNet

  • Birthday 12/20/1961

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  1. Are they available just the jig heads. I like to do my own painting and skirts?
  2. It's close but the head is off compared to the other. I found out that its Gamakatsu cobra 27 jig head. Everywhere is sold out of them.
  3. I cut the weed guard back to almost gone
  4. I did they don't have it. Thanks though
  5. Looking to find these jig heads unpainted or painted. Have checked most all of the tackle making places. Cant find them. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. I'm looking to make this particular jig or something close. The skirt itself has corrugated strands in it. Only thing i found similar was boss creature skirt. Its a green pumpkin jig. Thanks
  7. I think the tape your referring to is called Reflectix. It is in the insulation aisle. Great price also it's only $2.15. I've used it with great results. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Reflectix-2-in-x-30-ft-Reflective-Foil-Tape-FT210/100318556#.UdyVlObD_IU
  8. I've used the self adhesive foil with great results. It's made by reflectix it cost about $2.25 for a 2" x 30' roll and available at The Home Depot. It's not the stuff you get in the plumbing department it's in the isulation aisle. It's a lot thinner and smooths out well.
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