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About JDW11

  • Birthday 10/27/1961

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Another option if you are limited for room for tools is to take an "adult education woodshop" course at the local high school if available. I own a 10" band saw, but it was a little underpowered for cutting out 8" - 10" baits that were 3/4" to 1" thick. I took the course over the winter and used their industrial band saw and cut out enough different blanks to last me for quite awhile (course met once a week for five weeks). I cut out the baits close to the line using their bandsaw and then used my own belt sander for sanding outside bends and an osillating sander for the inside bends at home. Because these are large and thick baits, I used my router table to make the round-over on the edges. Jim
  2. I have been getting away with not using a moisture trap, but recently have purchased one and will be installing it on my compressor. I have been using metallic acrylic enamels for baits and am in the process of switchcing over to Createx paints. I will not miss wearing the respirator and making sure there was enough ventilation for the fumes.
  3. Thanks for the replies. Jim
  4. Hi All: On a similar note, after applying etex to a wood bait as a protective coat (base coat instead of sanding sealer), do you apply createx right over the etex or do you have to apply a primer of some sort before the createx pattern goes on? I am new to createx and would like to start using it for my muskie baits. Thanks, Jim
  5. Thanks for the information bensford66. I will check it out!
  6. Hi: I currently use a Pasche single stage to paint my muskies baits (tips 1, 3, 5). I am looking at getting a two-stage for more detail. My question is will the Iwata eclipse be OK for using metallic acrylic enamels (car paint)? I already have a good supply of these and prefer not to abandon them for painting lures; at least not at this point. I will be near a Hobby Lobby on Monday, so a quick answer would be appreciated. Also, if an Iwata would work, what model would be best? I would like a brush to paint gill, fin and narrow barred pattern on my baits. Thanks, JDW in MN.
  7. Thanks for the information! I'm currently painting the blanks. Jim in MN
  8. Hello: I am a new member of TU. I have looked at this site occassionally over the past two years and have obtained some great information from the very knowledgable lure makers on this site. For that, I want to thank you! I finally figured its time to register because I would like to participate more actively. This leads me to my first question. I normally make Muskie baits out of wood, but have ordered some plastic factory blanks from a manufacturer. I use acrylic enamels (car paint) for my painting and use Zinsser Bulls Eye Primer/Sealer as a base coat on wood. What would you recommend to use (if any) as a base coat on the plactic baits? After I paint, I either use Envirotex or use the Centari Clear Coat over the baits. Thanks for any information you can provide. Jim in MN
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