I think this forum isn't what it used to be either. I do saltwater stuff, so most of what was talked about didn't really apply to me. Not to much spinner bait usage for me lol.
I'm pouring about 300 to 400 jigs a every other week for Spec rigs right now, (1/4, 3/8 and 1/2 oz., no hair) plus tying Flounder, Weakfish, Tautog, croaker, spot rigs, and do surf rigs and jigs up to 3oz. on request with hair.
I try to have most stuff tied before May/June, but I bought a new Shad Head mold last fall, and I can barely keep up with demand right now because people want them for Spec rigs for Gulp Alive for Flounder.
I'm a full time Printer, and do this on the side lol.