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Everything posted by BLT

  1. I use Suffix performance braid over P. Pro, but that's just my choice. Never go back to mono for using jigs, can feel every bump on the bottom with braid. I fish with a lot of people that have a 3-4 ft mono leader to attach their lures to. I don't do that, but I use Tandem rigs most times, and they are tied to a mono leader already. I set my drag the same way I did for mono, never had an issue to make me change that. Try several types of braid, see what you like the best, but I will never go back to mono. I have tried Spider wire and power pro, did not like either one.
  2. I found a great source for lead is people that remodel old homes, and plumbers. I found a plumber with a giant pile of old lead pipe. Offer him going rate from the scrap yards, some tackle/sinkers if they fish, and see what happens. Make sure you cut it down into small sections, and prop them up on end to make as sure as you can there IS NO MOISTURE in them.
  3. Welcome CMTackle to the site, I'm CTTackle and I make tackle for the De. area, one store in Fortescue NJ, and in Md. also. Maybe we will share some peg space some day. There is a lot of info here, and some good people also.
  4. I order from their wholesale side (Shortys hooks) and get my hooks to PA. in 3-4 days. Good service all the time from them.
  5. I don't see it on Cabelas or bass pro's site, does anyone know if they have it?
  6. Can anyone PM me the name of the bulk supplier. I can get wholesale, just need the name. Thanks!
  7. You all should be looking for Plumbers in the area and asking to buy their scrap lead, and pipes from old house remodeling. I made a major score with a plumber. Offer them $.05-.10 a pound more than the scrap yard, or trade some tackle for some lead if they fish. Between sinkers and jigs up to 4oz., I go through over 300 pounds a year, so I was always looking. I'm set for a few years with one plumber.
  8. BLT


    I use a Shad Head jig for the 635s. The 1/8 and 1/4 oz bullet heads with the light wire hook I sell with the 2.5" Fin-S already on them as a spec/tandem rig. The Shad Head mold is a Do-it mold.
  9. BLT


    Yep, make the 130 mile ride every other weekend to deliver tackle and fish if time permits. I need to start learning more about local fresh water fishing in my area of Pa.
  10. BLT


    What is funny....no, it's just a plain Do-it shad head jig for saltwater. Eagle Claw 635 hooks. (just had 3000 more hooks show up yesterday) I also sell a lot of Spec rigs tied with 1/8-1/4 oz. bullet head jigs, and different types of Fin-S 2.5" shads on them. I don't use them myself, they use the thin wire hooks, and I like something with a little more umph to them. A lot of people that tie in my area buy hooks pre tied, buck tails pre dyed, I do everything myself.
  11. BLT


    I think this forum isn't what it used to be either. I do saltwater stuff, so most of what was talked about didn't really apply to me. Not to much spinner bait usage for me lol. I'm pouring about 300 to 400 jigs a every other week for Spec rigs right now, (1/4, 3/8 and 1/2 oz., no hair) plus tying Flounder, Weakfish, Tautog, croaker, spot rigs, and do surf rigs and jigs up to 3oz. on request with hair. I try to have most stuff tied before May/June, but I bought a new Shad Head mold last fall, and I can barely keep up with demand right now because people want them for Spec rigs for Gulp Alive for Flounder. I'm a full time Printer, and do this on the side lol.
  12. My understanding of the Hagens add was that it is for soft baits only, not for lead heads like Me. I could be wrong though.
  13. I may be interested in this new guy. I have a mold that just needs 4 eye holders put in.
  14. I had some very thick hunks one time, used a good hard cold chisel and hammer.
  15. The reason I asked was I have a bead shop and some craft stores around me that I can get beads in so many colors and variety I was just curious why all the effort. Another forum I go to people are asking if painting your sinkers was a plus. Makes for good conversation.
  16. Why do you powder paint beads?
  17. I find with mine, the more powder the better it works. When I tried to use lessor amounts, I had more of the volcano action going on.
  18. I do 95% saltwater tackle. I am in 6 shops, and have people in other shops in another state that may want me in, and a relative that wants to try to get me in at Va. beach area. I work a full-full time job, meaning a lot of hours, and between that and the tackle I make now, I just don't know if I want any more business. Right now, it's fun, and I don't want to cross that line where it IS a job. Lucky for me, most business is from May-late September, so I can take a month off or so, then spend the cold winter months stocking up for the next year. It's fun, make some extra $$ on the side, that's about it. I just could not see all the time I would have to put in to make enough to make a living. So what happens if you do claim a loss and they consider you a "hobby". Anyone know what that changes tax wise? What do they do?
  19. IMO,....after making and selling tackle to retail shops, people are more critical about lures than the fish are. Do you really think the fish will notice the way you have the string along the shank? I want my stuff to look good for selling, but also because it's like an art. I know guys that use unpainted jigs and will out fish most people with fancy painted jigs lol. They do use the right color swim bait for the conditions though, and think presentation is more of a factor than a jig painted in 3-5 colors. You will be amazed at how quick you will pick up on tying. You'll look like a pro in no time. Check your local fly tying shops also for classes, (if they don't charge to much) and local clubs to join. Hope it is alright to post another sites link, but here is another forum that is great for tying: My link
  20. You just started a new illness, tying! Not sure what action you want from a "float n fly", but for regular jigs, or tying hair on hooks for teasers, the common issue for newer tyers is to use to much hair/material, which will affect the action under water. Go to Youtube and do a search for flytying, making bucktail jigs, anything like that, and there are some great videos and watch for links of websites on the videos to go explore. Looks like your off to a fine start. Main thing is, have fun!
  21. BLT

    Hilts Molds

    I have 1/8 and 1/4 oz. bullet heads and they pour well. Don't care for the feel of the handles, but that's a small issue. Have some sinker molds of theirs also.
  22. BLT

    Glow Paint?

    If you just want to do it to spoons, Pro-Tec (Component systems Inc.) makes glo powder paints you may want to try. Use a heat gun to heat the spoon up, dip it into the powder, bake.
  23. Melting painted jigs in the garage is a good way to get kicked out of the house lol. I have bought a lot of really old jigs at yard sales and auctions that were in box lots for all but nothing, or they came in the tackle box that I bought. I use a turkey fryer burner and a cast iron pot to rough melt the lead, flux and clean it into ingots outside the house. This is where I melt down any ooop's of mine, wheel wts., or the junk jigs I bought. It is a NASTY smell that comes from that paint. The jig will melt fast, then the paint just floats on the top and smokes. Skim it off the top, drop it in an old and dry can.
  24. BLT

    painted lead

    What C-man said, and I do it OUTSIDE and down wind from the house so the Boss of the house doesn't complain lol.
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