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One Sock

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Everything posted by One Sock

  1. If your not catching fish, your doing something wrong. fish will bite...period. either out of hunger or aggravation.. when tournament fishing, I always have staples in my arsenal. Jigs, big and small, spinnerbaits and a wacky rigged stick bait. This is not to say i don't have buzzbaits, creature baits, rattletraps and poppers, I always have a full bag, usally more than i need, But conditions change and you need to be able to adapt, switch up frequently if your not getting bit, i always like to downsize with small grubs on jigs when the bite is tough. white being my most productive color, and if I can pas one good bit of advice on to you it's this...what works one day, might not work the next. I have seen too many anglers get good fish on one bait or another just to throw that same bait all day long the next day and wind up skunking, a lot of guys will slow down and methodically fish certain spots for long period of times. i'm more of the cover more water and you will get more bites kind of guy again just my 2 cents
  2. One Sock


    The top color is a very drak watermelon green, my green pumpkin is an almost identical match to zooms, more of a greenish brown than a greenish green if you know what I mean...I added gold, black and a touch of green flake, the bottom is off white with very small silver and a touch of 62 black flake that shows up as random dark spots. Jim, the laminate pattern you listed sounds like it would work great, gonna try it later, i have a bunch of these baby bass to make.. You think laminates are a pain...try the swirls that i do, they really suck, but then again. I'm only making them for myself and a select few others I kno...as long as it buys the next 5 gallons, I'm a happy man
  3. See my motor oil frogs in the gallery, sticks can vary a bit if you decide you want salt, but not much
  4. Ok, I'll call you on friday, drive safe
  5. any pictures of the color on the purple, I have 3 purple's and they are all different, only one that I like and it's a dark purple..hhmmm second thought maybe it's easier for me to post the one I like.... Ok thanks again
  6. Yes, I appreciate it. I have some other questions, I got your number (I think), I'll give you a call soon
  7. MF liquid pearlescent is the way to go. Not only great in white baits but others as well where you want a pearl tint without the additional color, purples and translucent colors are great to use with the straight pearl Heat white on lower temps, also since i switched to metalic chrome and silver flake, no bleed problems in the white baits. very nice stuff indeed
  8. I'll get you a linK for bags, don't remember what i paid, but they were dirt cheap at almost 2 cents each, they are all 4 mil bags also, I don't like anything thinner than that. tim might also have a link to who he uses
  9. Link's? Also it wasn't lurecraft. Anyone have a picture of the flakes they use? so I can compare colors? Drop me note, thanks guys
  10. Who do you get this from? I recently ordered some and am not happy with the color. It's a very lite colored purple compared to the purple I have left (dark), the problem is I can't remember where I got the purple from lol(getting old I guess) anyone know where to get that dark purple flake from? Oh I recently found a company that has both metallic and poly flake at a real good price, like 6 bucks a pound for metallic and 11 or 12 bucks for the poly. They sent me some samples and they are really nice. the problem is they want 10lb minimum orders per color. If anyone is interested in splitting some PM me( No i haven't seen their purple)
  11. LOL, mine too... only it's been modified, call me for details, your not gonna believe it
  12. ask for his special, tell him one sock told you he has a barkley killer, he'll know what you mean
  13. One Sock

    Clown Swimbaits....

    Yeah that looks like a pain in the butt to pour, but they look nice. I did some custom frogs yesterday for a customer, when i quoted him a price of a buck a piece, I figured he would back off. he saw a picture of them and ordered a 100. Looks like a long night tomorrow
  14. One Sock


    Yeah i have gotten a few already asking for weird laminate colors, the strangest????? 1/2 purple w/silver and 1/2 black red laminate. Thanks for the kind words on the baby bass
  15. One Sock

    1st Attempt Motor Oil

    I use Bob's from mold and yes you can PM me if interested in some
  16. Ok some will answer and some won't,,,,,, some will lie and some won't. But here is what i want to know. How much does it cost per bait to make. Now consider these in your answers, but let's start easy. Your pouring 5 gallons in one color, black with blue flake in 5 inch stick baits, salted. Include who you get your stuff from(if you want), don't include price of molds.. Products(including shipping) Plastic, salt, color and flake, scent, softner, hardner Bags, labels, ink or cost to have labels made, any other items I have overlooked Include how many 5 inch sticks you can get out of 5 gallons, what method you use, pot's? Injection? pyrex from the microwave? If you want, considering it's a basic color your black and blue mix
  17. You can't go wrong with tim's baits, he is a great fisherman and a solid hand pourer. He doesn't sell anything he wouldn't fish personaly.
  18. I use MF also, and while I might only get a fish or two. It's worth it. I would trade a bait for a fish anyday here is the problem (IMO) Manufacturers love the fact that baits only last one or two fish. If they lasted for 5-10 fish think about the decrease in sales from your weekend anglers and average fisherman who don't hit the lakes every weekend or everyday. The average bag of soft plastics runs about 3-4 dollars a bag, and while there are tons of money being sepent on soft plastics, there are also tons of people who make them. The other x factor is salt, enviroment where you are fishing and style of fishing. Salt- obviously the more slat you use, the longer the bait should last under normal fishing conditions, but you trade action and softness for that, maybe make some baits a bit tougher for days when the fish just don't seem to care? who knows Enviroment- fishing clear water with little obstructions no rocks or heavy weeds? baits should last a bit longer fishing where the lakes are loaded with toothy critters? baits will definetly not last long especially those chain pickerel you mentioned. Style, t -rigging your sticks? They should hold up a bit longer, wacky rigging them and they might not even get you a fish before it fly's off and you have a bird's nest. If you are a run and gun fisherman like myself, hitting as many spots as possible, the wear and tear on your baits will increase, if you finesse fish them casting or flipping softly into cover or weedlines, yiour baits might last a bit longer. I don't think your doing anything wrong, but there are too many intangibles to determine if I'm right. I have used the lurecraft plastic and the MF and calhoun now and don't see me changing from MF, even if it is 1 bait per fish, which leads me to a whole new thread. If you ever figure out the perfect blend of softness and durability let me know :-)
  19. One Sock


    Ok figured I would try some laminates. not as easy at looks, any tips from you guys who make these. I can't imagine having any real business selling these as they are just too time consuming. Any way to make them easier?
  20. Hi everyone, Was just wondering. I have recently ordered some things from various manufacturers, including but not limited to, del, mf, lurecraft, barlows and stamina. Was wondering how do you rate customer service for the vendors listed. shipping cost comments and turn around time would also be appreciated if not intersting
  21. agreed Bob's molds are tough to beat. I have no problems with them. have never used any of Del's molds but also get good reviews from what I have read
  22. I use MF super soft and just have to shake the gallon up, I usually pour 4 and 6 ounces at a time, so I have containers in those sizes that i fill up, then just pick them up and shake them by hand, works great But your right,you can never over mix
  23. More colors equal more sales. I like the ends like that they look good. I personally like full size bait shots on websites, stay away from swatchs, they never do baits justice. i noticed yoiur bargain bin too. You used the words "leftovers" Just my opinion but I would stay away from the word leftovers, maybe use something like multi colored sample packs. People also like "click on buttons for larger view", again just my opinion
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