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One Sock

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Everything posted by One Sock

  1. silver pearl and strangely enough arkansas shiner, my smoked crappie color sells well in that area(arkansas) also. it's a silver pearl with silver flake and black string flake, mixed in with a little 62 black flake
  2. yeah if you are looking to save money then just buy them from the store, chances are they will not have all the colors you want and that alone will save you money as far as the spouse thing goes everything they say is true..., it's getting to the point where I have to tell my wife I was at the strip club in order to account for the excessive amount of glitter on me.. it kind of goes like this... no honey I swear, I was at the strip club, I wasn't making worms:nuhuh:
  3. I started doing those a while back ago when I was out fishing, I had my little one with me and he hooked a crappie, well as fate has it the hook was very very deep, we tried to release it but the hook had done it's damage, the fish died and as it was sitting and floating, I looked at the pattern of the fish, as these other fish were coming up and nipping it, then a big ole bass came up and just took it whole.. got me thinking that pattern baits have their place and moment. It is actually quite easy, just seperate the molds add some spots to each side.. best to off set where you add the spots as to not clog the molds when pouring the main color, silver with black is by far my most productive, I actually have quite a few customers that request these from me, swearing by them. The popular colors are black with flourescent red spots, silver with black spots, orange pumpkin with green spots and purple with silver spots... , I usaully run them 6.50 a ten pack, 6.00 if ordering more than one ten pack some might not consider that a lot for a quality hand pour but for the fact alone that there are so many knock offs out there selling for 7.00 a 50 count, people would rather buy junk in quantity.... they usually find out afterwards that you get what you pay for gonna start selling retail soon , getting my website set up soon, wish me luck, just 5 inch stickbaits for now and a lot custom stuff whatcha think of the name? www.americanbassbaits.com
  4. not sure what you mean Jim, got some [pictures?
  5. There are a few approachs, shutter speed, direct light on the box, not just a desk lamp, try a irredescent bulb, or in some case's move the light back a bit. I have also had some luck covering the flash, if you are using it..with sometissue to dull the flash a bit what kind of material are you using to cover the sides of the box
  6. looks like a smoke with pearl blue hi lite in it to me
  7. yeah smoke with purple flake is a very good seller for me,apparently it is similiar to a color that some company or another use to call ozark smoke. Truth of the matter is purple is one of my go to colors, especially in green pumpkin with red and copper flake
  8. yeah complete accident for me, was cleaning up and layed some white sticks down on some other color, then thought hmmmmm, this could be something different
  9. made one of the light tents for about 7 bucks, still need to work on the lighting part, maybe a different bulb.. but for those trying to get better images, this works pretty well
  10. here is the purple in a clear type stickbait, it is actually a bit darker, still working on my home made light tent and need a different bulb, but pictures are clear this was also a remelt after the intial pour to see if it would bleed, didn't see no change until the 4th or 5th time being remelted
  11. man I have done that so many times, go to reheat for 55seconds and then about 4 minutes later realize those last two stickbaits you needed are not gonna happen, think it was at the point where I couldn't see no more where I said uh oh, might want to open the garage door...along with what's that burning smell?
  12. Yeah I know what you mean, let me get some pictures up to show you what your dealing with, I have to place another order soon and have no problem splitting some up as minimum orders are 10 pounds per color per size, as you can imagine, I have no need for 10 pounds of anything..except maybe beer, do they sell beer in 10 pound containers?
  13. One Sock

    Absorbed colors

    Thanks guys, I love playing around with this stuff..now if I can just get that "make worms all day job"
  14. quick thoughts are good, I like it thanks Nova
  15. Got it from a company in germany, very difficult and slow response from them but eventually got what I needed, I can't really say non bleed, but it's good to 400 degrees maybe even a bit higher, it also a dark purple, unlike the lavender and bright bright purple most are selling. I have a few ounces as a sample and will be ordering soon, would be more than happy to cut some of you in on some if you want, it was not a lot but shipping was a bit high, will have to work that out in quantity with the distributor, they also have a awesome green that's is beyond anyone's else's, I can post some images of all the manufacturers colors so you can see if you want
  16. Ok I have been playing with baits again. You get to a certain point with this hobby that you are always trying to get something new and exciting. Not sure I achieved it yet but it looks promising. I have a big glass table top( I mentioned this once on here) I poured some plastic (purple) on the glass and let it cool, would probably work with any flat surface come to think of it anywhoo, I took some different colored baits and lay them out on the purple and let them sit for a few days, The color was absorbed in a nice straight line on one side and through the bait on the other, almost like a purple laterrel line. They came out pretty nice so i posted a picture of them in the gallery, I have to experiment some more but wow, what a neat way to get some additional color in a bait without actually adding the color. I rolled the purple circle up and put it in a bag and have been able to use it over and over, does not seem to fade in the baits either over time as I have left them in direct sunlight etc etc so, I have some custom baits, reduced cost on the additional color as I can use it quite a few times( i guess eventually it will turn light and I will have to melt it back down with some more color, but hey it's fun to do and it opens up some creativity for me, next it red white and shad for a truly unique american bass bait, stand by I'll have some pictures up soon. Seems to work better with light colors absorbing dark watermelon with green pumpkin absorbed smoke with red and blue white with red watermelon with red These are just a few I have done, by far I think I like the orange with brown and green, will take some more pic's and get them up soon anyone else have any tips like this to share?
  17. One Sock

    Absorbed colors

    I posted about pouring some plastic out on glass, letting it cool then putting different colored baits on the cooled plastic to absorb some color, here is one of my first attemtps at getting some purple absobtion on a smoke colored bait They come out nice and is way different then what you would normally see, I can roll out 200 of these on a flat surface, let them sit for a while and they all come out the same way for the most part, will try some more with different colors
  18. you might be surprised how long it actually takes to learn how to pour one piece molds, for the average person that is, some poeple are just born shakey and should stick to 2 piece molds That being said, it seems to be your amount of time your heating plastic, 2 ounces is not very much plastic and will smoke a lot if there is too much heat, experiment on different settings and differnt amounts of time to get where you need to be. I know with many of my colors I have to change the power level when re-heating or doing a second heat, smoke with purple might be my best example.. the purple flake bleeds like a pig even with adjusted temp on the micro. I hate the color personally and was thinking of doing away with it, but now I got some cool non bleed purple flake and all is good with the world. You really need to experiment with all the colors plastics and flakes out there a little at a time, most of the big 3 sellers will gladly include some samples with an order if you ask nicely. All 3 sellers have plus's and minus's when it comes to customer service but overall you can depend on all 3 to answer your questions and help you with whatever you need, I have never really had what you would call a bad customer service experience with any, combine the people that sell supplies with the knowledge base on here and you can not go wrong...unless you were one of those shakey people to begin with..then you might just want to take up model airplanes or stamp collecting:)
  19. want a very nice watermelon? play around with del's light watermelon and the dark NB watermelon from MF, I am not gonna put a recipie or anything as others stated it depends on temps ability to shake a container, salt and plastic but using the light watermelon with the mf NB watermelon with a 2-1 ration of light to dark works great. I have over 80 different colors now and have used all of the 3 manufacturers of colors, always trying to get the right mix through the years. This is what I found out. If you want the best colors for your baits out there..you will need to utilize all 3 while Mf colors take a bit more they do have a purpose in the colors I make, del has some great colors and I really like his a lot.I do not use as much lurecraft due to the fact it is very heavy, using a lot of the LC color seems to give off a wax type feel but none the less, I could not make my colors without them, so I have to utilize all 3 of them and after years of experimenting it is working well, some might require MF black with 20 drops and some with LC black with only 3 drops, my recipie book is bigger than betty crocker's at this point and I love it, same applies to glitter...exept for purple(glitter) in which case nobody seems to get that right come on guys get me a purple that's purple purple!!!! That dark eye popping purple, everything out there seems to be that lavender purple or bright shiney purple..where is the dark purple man!!! I have very little left over from a few years ago for private stock baits, might need to post a picture so you can see what I am talking about..hmmm private stock uhmm I mean Tournament select series..h,mmm brain is thinking again starting to dwindle into marketing mode again.....heeeeeeeellllllppppppppppp
  20. This is a great idea, had to share for those trying to take better images, cheap and easy to do How to Make A Inexpensive Light Tent
  21. ahh is it the color or is it the fisherman? next time fish are biting, soak a gummy worm in some wd40 or something nasty smelling...see if you catch a fish... when they aren't biting color may play a part but for the most part...at least for me now a days it's all in the action of your ait
  22. the bigger question is...who's plastic are you using? yeah, I once asked my wife to bag baits, the quickest way to have her avoid your worm is to ask her to bag your worms:teef:
  23. I have used all kinds of stuff from soap plastics and crayons etc ect, nothing ever panned out all too well, but fun playing with it
  24. yup Mason Ohio..hell if you can't fish, might as well pour
  25. Ok so was playing around again and decided to test something out. I have a big glass table top from an old table I had, I keep it in my shop and place baits on them when they are finished, very easy clean up. was making up an order one day and did not watch my fingers hitting the numbers on the microwave, before I knew it my smoke color...well was very yellowed. I decided ok just add some color to it and make up some freebies for friends or just keep them to fish with, decided on dark purple, well heated it up and then came up with this idea...poured it into a long strip on the glass, the glass is very thick so no worrys about cracking.... let it cool off for a while. Then i took some smoke with black flake sticks and layed them on the strip and folded it over on top. let it sit there that night, next day I go out and these smoke with black flake had absorbed the purple throughout the bait, so still had the smoke, but now had some nice purple coloring to it. i tried it out with red and orange and orange and brown with very good results, you can add 3 colors to white baits if you pour thin strips, I just did a nice red white and blue stick bait and it was pretty neat, the watermelon browns are nice too. Not sure you would want to sell this stuff unless you were getting big money... but for fun and friends it is pretty cool, also great as a custom bait, if you want only one side with a perfect stripe down the side don't fold the plastic over, just let the baits sit on the cooled color you poured......again just something I thought I would share....if I get time I will post some pictures
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