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Driftwood last won the day on September 3 2024

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  1. It should go through the holes with no problem. I use the plate with the largest holes just to make sure.
  2. Oh spare my feelings, I was just pointing out that you are a know it all pampas ass. Nothing more lol.
  3. Aahh yes, you did answer the question but... you also shot a dig by stating "hobbyists are not a good source of reliable information." So, are you the consummate professional with 25+ years experience? Or just want to be relevant by telling a whole lot of hobbyists their information, ideas, and experiences are not reliable information?
  4. If hobbyists aren't a good source of information, what are you on this board?
  5. Driftwood


    That's what I get also.
  6. Driftwood


    Yeah, that's kind of what I gather also. I guess it's a small inconvenience for the information we get and get to share.
  7. Driftwood


    Maybe one of the moderators will chime in.
  8. Try adding Carolina brown instead of Chartreuse and see if that will bring it in.
  9. I would stick with lureworks for colorant. I would also add that if you use a paste colorant, you will be able to get a better consistency by weighing by grams.
  10. Get a cheap meat grinder from harbor freight. I always add some regrind to fresh plastic( same color of course) to cut down on waste. I also add heat stabilizer.
  11. Yeah, I don't own a vac chamber either, never saw the need for one and like bass-boys, I've been doing this for over 20 years. You would be a LOT better off getting a good respirator.
  12. Yeah, that is a good looking color combo.
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