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About hazmail

  • Birthday 10/20/1949

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  1. AA, try searching for orthodontists pliers, they're well made with S/steel , I got a few pairs on ebay about 10 years ago, still use them for bending wire loops etc. Pete
  2. hazmail,

      I have been doing a little research on hook retention with magnets.  I saw your examples in a post and was very interested in your design.    I am curious in the placement and quantity of magnet(s) used.  It seems like it would be a delicate line between retention during the cast and release during the hookset.

     Any insight would be greatly appreciated.



     Snagless 8.jpg

  3. Yeah, I remember the U.S was famous for a few Silo explosions (wheat dust etc). They used to show them to us at work quite a lot. Wouldn't like to be there, pretty spectacular though.
  4. Hi Marc- You would think it would,,, as its that collapsible AC ducting 4". As with PVC tube, some say yes, others say it's all B/S- I suppose to be on the safe side it wouldn't take much to do, never been zapped yet, but if it exploded it would be a drama. You probably remember I built this one years back and have added 2 more tubes since, which works much better-- Its a "downdraught" set up, air is drawn down then up through the 4 tubes to the "Fan Box" and then expelled outside, through the shed wall.
  5. Hi Dan Not sure if paper filters would be the best option for paint. I know there are a lot of people using them but as you say the motor H.P requirements need to be big . The problem with paper /fiber glass is paint tends to dry/ or "set" very quickly when blasted with air (especially thinners based paints), so it will quickly start blocking the filter which restricts the air flow which allows more paint to set in the filter, so around and around it goes and probably starts drawing air around the filter or from the back. Lots of guys use "flash proof" Gas Heater fans from old home gas heaters. The overspray is transferred (suction) via a spray booth (box) into corrugated plastic or Al (heater ducting) ducting along which it travels through the fan (squirrel cage heater fan) and out to the atmosphere. If you use enough flexible ducting (4" or Bigger) the paint solids tend to set in the ducting, not the fan blades, the solvents or water will be expelled through the fan- which MUST BE FLASHPROOF. Connect the ducting via PVC pipe fittings. Bash the ducting occasionally and the paint solids will fall off as paint dust. Had one for years and still works as new, still passes the required air volume tests too. Pete
  6. Nice "Flaswimbaiter " & Marc, I might try those hooks, it looks "weedless" too, especially on a surface lure. Pete.
  7. There should be a tutorial on heating/bending polycarbonate bibs etc on here somewhere (if you can bear reading it). It was posted about, must be 10 years back. pete Here it is: Just click on the bold "Lip Former PDF"
  8. Thanks Barry. No these were made and posted here (I think) 4-5 years ago, I don't think there was any contest back then. Here are 2 more .These are 2 of my favouriotes. Sorry about the Font and layout ,, something wrong --Pete
  9. These lures all have magnets (1/8" dia disc "super magnets") which are light and hold on quite well. I made them to be "snagless" for fishing in shallow weedy water- the magnet is in the slot about 3/8" below the hook eye in all these versions.
  10. I occasionally use CA and like most here I use my finger. BUT I am a bit hesitant to use it all the time as I'm sure I heard years back it has "Iso Cyanates" in it . This was a problem with the 2 Pack paint systems (Very toxic)---might be worth checking it out. Hope I'm not crushing any toes here, it's nowhere near as bad as I thought. Pete From Wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyanoacrylate Toxicity[edit] The fumes from cyanoacrylate are a vaporized form of the cyanoacrylate monomer that irritate the sensitive mucous membranes of the respiratory tract (nose, throat, and lungs) and the eyes. They are immediately polymerized by the moisture in the membranes and become inert. These risks can be minimized by using cyanoacrylate in well-ventilated areas. About 5% of the population can become sensitized to cyanoacrylate fumes after repeated exposure, resulting in flu-like symptoms.[33] Cyanoacrylate may also be a skin irritant, causing an allergic skin reaction. The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) assign a threshold limit value exposure limit of 200 parts per billion. On rare occasions, inhalation may trigger asthma. There is no singular measurement of toxicity for all cyanoacrylate adhesives because of the large number of adhesives that contain various cyanoacrylate formulations. The United Kingdom's Health and Safety Executive and the United States National Toxicology Program have concluded that the use of ethyl cyanoacrylate is safe and that additional study is unnecessary.[34] The compound 2-octyl cyanoacrylate degrades much more slowly due to its longer organic backbone (series of covalently bonded carbon molecules) and the adhesive does not reach the threshold of tissue toxicity. Due to the toxicity issues of ethyl cyanoacrylate, the use of 2-octyl cyanoacrylate for sutures is preferred.[35]
  11. I have been using UV Clear Epoxy for a while now and appears to be pretty good. I have had a 2 inch "puck" on a piece of tape stuck to the side of the shed (in full sun and frost) and have been checking for colour change and brittleness for about 2 years, hasn't changed at all, still quite clear and still bends without cracking. What I like is you can paint it on, warm it up and rotate it (if you want), cure it for 15 sec with a UV light/torch and its all over--give it a bit of sunlight for the final cure---no more gunked up brushes, OR doing 6 at a time, and waiting 12 hours before you can touch it AND it makes my colours POP---(make sure you use an exhaust fan if indoors). I've been making lures (trying to) since 1979 and this stuff has given me a new lease on life, there's an extra day in every week-----It's a bit like getting a dishwasher or washing machine Just ask your wife. Pete
  12. Andy--These things just grow in your head, I seem to be forever adding something, last week it was a new wiper motor (1995 Honda Civic ) which replaced a 32V geared laminator motor- Yesterday it was add a small linear motor, today it's wire in a micro switch to to change the way the chuck "unlocks", it never ends. Pete
  13. Dave, I just realized this topic is 18 months old Thien Baffle for Dust Collector : 21 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables Pete
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