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Everything posted by hazmail

  1. P.M sent Rick. Ben /Gary--Me too, no idea where Joe Ma Guires Pub is either--- the 'Croc' incident is by no means unusual, I was up there (Northern Territory) recently and a mate fell out of the boat trying to retrieve a lure in a tree- it was truly a religious experience, watching a man walk on water . Pete
  2. Sorry Mark, missed your reply / question. Yes 'sides down' (convex) is a slower action and shallower lure. Pete
  3. Craig--don't sell / cast any of those lures if they are made with wood $$$$$$$$$$$$$$--- Probably hard to believe but they do make Bass lures here (similar fish to your Bass, but a nicer colour - http://www.ausbass.com/bass.asp ). Native's in rivers, hard to find and grow to about 3lb ( http://en.wikipedia....lian_bass_2.jpg, ) in dams (a recent introduction) they grow to who knows yet, but from what I have seen, not unusual to maybe 5- 8lb-- Big lures -big fish, this makes a Murry Cod look small " I recently caught this Barramundi on the Peel river across from Joe Maguires pub The fish weighed 113kg's (254 lbs) and unfortunately, could not be released as a crocodile attacked it when they had the fish boatside. "
  4. Hi Mark-- the concave is a wide, slow action and goes to 7-8' (slow troll)- The concave is a tight/ fast action and goes to about15' (slow troll) ---before forming the original flat lip would be somewhere in between--I like it because you can use the same lip for different actions/depths, just turn it upside down. LaSnapse--thanks for the compliament, it is appreciated.--- If you click on 'Hazmail' and then click 'gallery', there are a lot of pictures there, mostly older ones. Pete
  5. We have gone full circle mate, I have just come from the 'Aussie wheel' post, sorry I did not answer your post--the wood is 'Kauri Pine' from New Zealand , also Australia (Queensland). Pete
  6. Even we can organise a get togeather (not a shadow on Clinton though) --------------------------BUT there's still plenty of time, balmy weather all year round, shame I don't live up there, freezing down here??????? See you there. Pete http://www.sweetwate...om.au/LureExpo/
  7. Havn't got the patience to hand carve them (or the skill) , I get my jollies out of painting - try making one of these -- 'The Aussie Wheel' Pete.
  8. Dave - I only done a search for 'Free Sex' and finished up here . Great solution to one of the PITA's of swim baits. Thanks for your post mate, it's going in the file. Loved the 'Black Dyke" band also. Pete
  9. Probably made to boil water @100C (212F), once it gets over this temp it is probably automatically shutting off before it melts the element. Pete
  10. hazmail

    Leak Test

    Weight the lure blank to sink in a jar half filled with denatured alcohol (or pure alcohol), screw on a lid with a small hole in it------then suck out the air with a food vacuum pump (or whatever you have handy). If there is a hole (due to the higher pressure inside the lure) you will see bubbles exiting the blank joints etc, when you remove the vacuum alcohol will be forced into the blank by the external air pressure--- the alcohol should eventually evaporate out if you put it in the sun. Once set up this will take no time to do each lure. Pete
  11. Been trying to make eyes for a few years now. Make them with epoxy, very tedious but getting close now. And some "Barramundi" or "Walleye eyes": Pete
  12. Work of art mate, your skill with plastic & paint are amazing. Pete
  13. Sorry "Griffond", pic's are gone for some reason, these are 70mm or 2 3/4" long. Here they are----I think????????????? Pete
  14. Made these about 18 months back- I needed a slow shallow lure for a certain fish here, these are 7cm (2 3/4") long and swim with a steady 'sway'. They worked but needed to be heavy to make them neutral in salt. Pete
  15. Good on you Dave, I reckon happiness is worth heaps. Pete
  16. Just found your post Gene, CONGRATULATIONS mate, and I know you will have a ball, I am-----------Can't believe you are cleaning the shop?? it was always spotless anyway should see mine. What about Linda, is she finished too???????? say hi to her for me . Pete
  17. Nice and simple Coley, AND I finally get a look inside your shed . Pete
  18. Guy - I envy you being able to get up there, a place I always wanted to go--strangely enough my ex is bobbing around on Port Morsby harbour, hopefully on a prison ship --If you see her in the water, leave her there . Pete
  19. Normally I use twisted eyes BUT I'm off to the N.T soon (Northern Territory) and even though I know from static tests on twisted eyes, they will hold 20-30Kg (50-70lb) , I would not even concider trying to catch a large 'Mangrove Jack' or ' Barramundi' without a FULL harness - they can destroy a lure with their jaw compression on the tail and belley hangers---in any timber - For these fish it's not worth the short cut --------------------------------And there are bigger bullies out there. Pete
  20. This is what I made about 20 years back, http://www.tackleund...__fromsearch__1 It's pretty 'agracultural' I know but it worked on sheet Lexan, Brass, and Aluminium (or whatever you guys call it), it cut and bent 20mm circular blanks - If you want standard tapered lips just cut the sides off-- Over the years I have seen a lot of these on forums, going back to the 60's (1960's), from a small ones like mine to larger ones that will cut conventional and 'coffin' lips,, no hydraulics or windmills needed , just manpower, a longer handle and some muscle, you can knock out a 100 an hour no problem. If the tolerances are close this stuff shears like tin foil.!!! Cheap as chips to make too. Pete
  21. hazmail

    Yellow Shad

    Beauty Coley, simple and probably effective. Pete
  22. bbf- I have done the same 'autopsy' on a Rapala CD about 25 years ago, and had the same mind blowing, landed on Mars experience--the paint came off like a skin, and on giveing it a good sniff I detected acetone so came to the conclusion it was what we then called 'aeroplane dope'. This appeared/ smelt to be a logical primer but after a few years of using it I discovered it kept shrinking, and eventually cracked everything above it-- I now believe it was probably acetone based 'Prop', which is much harder. Great to see someone is still looking. Pete
  23. I'm with 'Bassguy', I had sleepless nights with four segment 3 1/4" 'swimbaits', but now I am with Dave (V/M), once you have perfected it (hinges and weight, which probably took 2 months) they ere realtivly easy. Pete
  24. I use Forstners which I find make very clean holes, unfortunatly my bit is 6mm (1/4") and the eyes are 7mm (5/16th") so I found a tube 7mm and filed some teeth on the end, then redrill the holes with that, perfect 'press' fit. Pete
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