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Everything posted by hazmail

  1. hazmail

    some recent paints

    Appreciate your good wishes, thanks. G/F, yes, made to swim between 2' - 3' Pete
  2. hazmail

    Some recent paints

    I don't know how this nice little plastic got listed under me , must be a 'glitch' somewhere-- whoever it belongs to, nice work, must be a trout killer. Pete
  3. Nice one Barr, these are like old typewriters at the local tip, should be able to pick one up cheap. Thanks Pete
  4. Brilliant Del- Lot's of old worldy principles at work here, just add an electric motor and it's modern. I would love to get a close look at it, governors and variable speeds, cams and chains--we/ I could learn a lot from this. A steam engine without steam. Beautiful thing. Pete
  5. 'White man magic', never thought of using a welder, but I don't own one. Pete
  6. hazmail


    Milia - Oh well, you're only human Pete
  7. Ben-- I don't know about now, but 'super glue' used to have cyanide in it . Lanolin is the best moisturiser there is, it's inexpensive here, BUT then we have plenty of sheep !!! ( oil off sheep's wool - Marino sheep) --All the nursing ladies here use it for cracked nipples, marvellous stuff . You should be able to buy it at any Pharmacist (drug store)---'Lip Balm' or lip moisturiser, for those every day cold climate 'Chapped Lips' is basically made from lanolin-------------- and lots of cosmetics. It also comes in spray cans, "Lanox" 'lube with lanolin' (probably at 'Allens'), great for anti corrosion on your outboard, amongst other unmentionable things!!!. Not sure if it best applying it, or having it applied Pete
  8. Try FleaBay, lots to choose from - I have bought a heap from of them here, cheap (Meaning inexpensive in Au English). Pete
  9. In the past six months I have been having a lot of problems with clear coats and 'fisheyes'- No 1 suspect was the sand paper I was using, then the wet and dry ( silicone/ and styrates). I never thought of the compressor as the air has been pretty dry here for the last 10 years, but it has been raining here since Spring (September 2010) so in frustration I decided to drain the compressor. I have been using a small FleaBay airbrush compressor for a couple of years now with no problems, BUT--- I found the air tank, which would only hold about 3 pints of air, was probably 30% water (black water). I had to flush everything out, including the hoses, terrible mess- so take it from Ben's book , fit a water filter, I'm going to, it cost me hours of cursing with clear coats. KC Dano has a good recipe for one here somewhere. Pete
  10. Jed -- how about a windscreen wiper motor!! lots of torque, wired through a 12V rheostat (dash light dimmer) and hook it up to a battery, battery charger, or if you heve one a transformer, they only use about 2 Amp/hr-- Get a 3 speed motor (about 15-20 & 25RPM) and wind it down--In desperation I made a coffee grinder out of one recently, a bit slow for this, but good. Pete
  11. Jed Was it this one??? It will do a 'figure 8', just needs a faster motor. I have made a few improvements since posting this one Pete
  12. Nice little set of lures Marc, good to see someone trying something rather than relying on pure physics, as they say "the proof is in the pudding". Pete
  13. No problem John, we can only try these things. Pete
  14. Q-"When you laminate foam to a more dense wood, without hook(s), ballast or lip, the lure outline will float foam side up, OK? Then when you add a hook(s) as shown in your drawing, the lure can be made to balance on its side, OK? Then when you add a modified lip and eye, when pulled the lure will right itself and the more dense wood becomes on top while it's being pulled, Right? Does this description accurately explain what you meant?" No John - The opposite-- I think the less dense foam (more buoyant ---Top) might overcome the less buoyant hardwood (bottom) which essentially becomes the ballast once the lure rolls and is under water. The hook might equalise the difference in buoyancy while on the surface (between the two different buoyancies), but once under the water things should reverse somewhat, in that the (Top) foam becomes even more buoyant and counteracts the gravitational pull of the hook (density of the hook is less under water compared to on surface) and hopefully the less buoyant (heavier) bottom might keep it all under control. Never tried it, but I can 'FEEL' guys working in their sheds eager to test these and VM's ideas-- if it does not work you /we will surely have learned something?? ??? Might have to give it a try myself in a week or so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I am going to Mallacoota (Vic) for a full weeks fishin----------and some nice red wine in two days (on Friday here)!!!!!. EDIT to this--SSSSOORY -I just realised that you intend putting the hook on the bottom, for some reason I was assuming it would be along the top somewhere, should not matter much and you could have either or both, you just need to attach/size so the lure is made to float on it's side at rest. Pete
  15. ### WARNING - TECHNICAL DISCUSSION ALSO### This is my old favourite ---add buoyancy not ballast!!!! How about— laminating half PVC foam over half some wood (not balsa) that is more dense. As the lure is moved forward against the lip and tends to rotate down, the considerably more buoyant top overcomes the lesser buoyancy of the denser wood and the counteracting weigh of the hook which will also weigh less as it is drawn under the water (how much less I don’t remember ??? help Dave) . And if you get it right the foam should take over and the lure should swim upright!!! This would be a fine science---------------------- Sounds easy—in my head anyway. Pete
  16. Dick--UPS normally ships to here----do they ship your NEW BREW to Australia???????????? Thanks for YOUR persistence---------------and replies. Pete
  17. Like CLM I use a long set epoxy, so use a timer - I set it for 6 hrs and walk away, BUT just make sure you set it properly - About a week back I didn't realise it was into it's cycle when I hung them and was lucky enough to have come back and discovered the timer had turned off,,,,,,,,,saved them. Generally four hours is enough. Pete
  18. Neat little set-up Dave and cheap to build too- Thugalures - The fans to use are small computer fans, 12V and cost about $3 on FlaeBay and move minimal amounts of air, my computer runs 24/7 and is 7 years old with original fan. Another way may be to try micro waving it, wood turners have been playing around with this process for a while now, have a search here: http://www.woodworkforums.com/. Never tried it myself though!! Pete
  19. They published a magazine here a few years back which was full of the stats for various lures both local and O/S- To get a fair comparison they were all trolled (in a dam) at the same speed and length of line past a vertical PVC pipe, this was calibrated and divers observing recorded each individual lure depth. From memory (which is bad) there were probably 500 different lures tested, I think there has been an updated version printed recently. It was called something like- "In depth lure fishing". Pete
  20. hazmail


    Hey Milia and Dave, I'm still here - I was in Brisbane for Christmas visiting my lovely daughter, never seen so much rain, no wonder there is floods, I just looked at the forecast for up there, they are going to get 300mm (one foot) in the next few days, so get out your 'LiLo'. Drought here for the past 10-15 years and in the East , BUT the Spring rain has been amazing, all the dams are full again and they have not had a cyclone (hurricane) YET. Poor farmers had a vintage wheat crop for a change, then it rained and destroyed most of it, they can't win!!!! About to start looking at flights to Clinton 2011 and will be going South this time to Louisiana/Alabama/ and maybe Florida - Could change though, last time my goal was Maine and New Brunswick, finished up touring from Tennessee to Michigan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does this mean I'm second best????????????? Pete
  21. Bit late with this one, but I hope you all had a good one- and for the future hope it's a great New Year. pete
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