Here's a press release with a proposal by Peter Garett (Australian Federal Minister 'OF' the Environment and lead singer 'Midnight OIL')
I'm all for conserving these places, BUT in a supposed democracy, I'm sick of having my life influenced by a tiny minority of squeaky wheels, who at the extremes think the world can survive on bit of oxygen and paddock full of 'free range hens'. Maybe we can put them all on one of the idyllic islands out there, and see how their utopian ideas work, I'll bet they won't be there next Christmas.
As you may see from the map attached, it's about 700-800 miles long and 400 miles wide. Pete
Garrett’s marine environmental policy on the brink of disaster National Spokesperson for the Boating and Fishing Council of Australia (BFCA) Dean Logan today pointed to the front page article in the Weekend Australian (Dec 5-6 Marine Park Battle of the Coral Sea ) on the
Coral Sea as a defining moment for Peter Garrett’s environmental leadership of Australia’s marine
Mr Logan commented, “The unilateral decision to declare the Coral Sea a Conservation Zone and side with
the USA funded Pew Environment Group (a division of The Pew Charitable Trusts), was done without any
consultation.“As a result Peter Garrett has single handedly lost the respect of the entire Australian recreational marine,
boating, outboard and fishing sectors and is causing deep divisions within the Australian environmental
On 20 May 2009 the Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett set a worrying precedent with the
unilateral decision declaring the Coral Sea a Conservation Zone with no prior consultation with industry or
affected Queensland communities. Significant angst and uncertainly now exists as a direct result of the
decision with the international environmental lobby group Pew – with a $US4bn balance sheet - using the
Coral Sea issue to push for the implementation of ‘no take’ marine policies throughout Australia.
Logan continued, “The BFCA makes no excuses for adopting a strong marine environmental stance,
however the appalling Coral Sea decision is a significant issue that effects not only Queenslanders but has
major ramifications for other parts of Australia.”
Pew have a clear no-negotiation, no-take – and in some instances no-human activity – policy stance and
are already using the Coral Sea announcement as a backdrop to run massive campaigns in Western
Logan went on to say, “Make no mistake that some of Australia’s largest companies are watching this very
issue with great concern.
“In our view the environment will benefit more through a collaborative co-management approach where both
industry and community views are respected and taken into consideration. We have some of the best
marine environmental policies in the world for this very reason.”
Peter Garrett’s Ministerial leadership and judgment is further questioned with the Bio-Regional Planning
Process also in complete disarray. The BFCA and the Federal Department of the Environment, Water,
Heritage & the Arts have convened a critical meeting this Friday in Canberra to resurrect what is a
terminally ill process.
Logan concluded, “Our door is open and we will continue to work with Australian environmental groups to
secure a balanced outcome for industry, the community and importantly the environment. We can’t however
stand by and allow international lobby groups to dictate terms and disrespect decades of hard work by our
respective sectors. The sooner Peter Garrett realizes this and starts to work with us the better,” concluded
Mr Logan.
END - Media can contact Dean Logan (National Spokesperson) on 0403 195 798
Boating and Fishing Council of Australia - Canberra
8 December 2009