Mainbutter- I had a mate I worked with come over to my house for a Bar-B-Q in 78 -79 (thats 1978-79) and he told me he had been Bass fishing (that's Australian Bass!!) and had caught a couple, would I interested in getting the canoe out and going down the river (100 miles away) and try and catch some??. Being married at the time with the regulation two kids each, and not having a secret stash of cash between us for lures we decided (knowing nothing about it) we had better make a few. Well off we went a week or so later with probably six home madey's between us, and low and behold we caught Bass, and lots of them. What we call Bass here, are different to there (U.S) in that I don't think ours are really Bass (Perch), they are rare (endangered), aggressive, live in fresh and breed in salt water in the most South East coastal rivers, and rarely get any bigger then about three pounds.
Australian Bass
Ever since then I have made lures, both commercially and now for my and a few friends entertainment. Commercially I made a new '2” frog pattern' (about1986) which I caught a 32 lb Murray Cod on while in my canoe fishing our local lake for Trout (on 6lb line), this made it to the local fishing mags and before you know it I was a slave to the “2” Frog Pattern”, as fast as I could make them the Cod fishers walked them out the door. I think this is where I get my disdain of endorsements of lure colours/brands, ('one fish does not make a school'), I think I caught one more cod on this pattern (2lb), but I still catch Trout on them, and this is the rub, I still make this lure in lots of colours but the 'Frog' is my 'go to' colour for Brown Trout here, in fact I have eight blanks in the shed I made yesterday (I have just about run out of “The Frog”)
Since 1978-79 I have been hooked, I only have about three different profiles and am more into painting than shapes/hydraulics, I treat them as a canvas and love mucking around with the paint, but as 'Fatfingers' is saying, put your b***'s behind your product and you will clean up, although I have to admit to using an occasional 'Rapala' and 'Tassie Devil' when things get slow !! And as all are saying, you can't beat the buzz of catching ANYTHING on your own lures, it will keep you entertained for at least the next thirty years. pete