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Everything posted by hazmail

  1. Thanks Bob, I found it somewhere a few years back and he looked like a real inquisitive B*****d:?. pete
  2. hazmail


    Jari- Great lure and great photo.pete
  3. Ben- I am thinking the Non UV Poly would be the same as ordinary Perspex as far as light goes. Some applications need this NON UV to allow natural light through, such as 'Green Houses' and old folks homes, humidi cribs etc . I used to frame pictures many years back and we used UV Perspex on pictures which were sensitive to sunlight e.g photos and water colours etc, otherwise we used plain old Perspex, so I am assuming there would be the same uses for non UV Poly as there is for Perspex. Also Polycarbonate is used a lot in Bank security screens, maybe non UV allows for better visibility for cameras and all sorts of other applications. pete
  4. I found lots of "Safety Wire pliers" on FleaBay, good prices too so I got two sets. pete
  5. Yeah the drill press is the best tool I ever bought, you forget how good they are until you bust a belt and can't find a replacment.pete
  6. hazmail

    Frog Splashers

    Great work Joe, I love those little gill holes which should really spread those bubbles around.pete
  7. hazmail

    Line Tests

    Yes Jed I know what you mean, I lost 50 yards of Fire line (and a lure) to the tiniest nick on a spool a few weeks ago.pete
  8. Diemai - again great result and beautiful work here - Isn't it great when you get such a good result after so many sleepless nights. Good on you - The lurkers will be all over this. Pete
  9. hazmail

    Line Tests

    Don't say I never tell you guys nothing - here is a site (Australian of course, not U.S, so it must be true ) of just about all the line brands you can name tested @ 'Names', true diameter, 'stated test lb', 'true test lb'- If you want another tested send 2.5 meters (8' ) to him and he will test it - SORRY, If it's not on the list it's probably no good . These are tested in his back yard shed, not at some sponsors lab:drool: .(The "True Diameter is tested round , not flat as most state on their packaging) >pete Paulus Just Fishing
  10. Mainbutter- I had a mate I worked with come over to my house for a Bar-B-Q in 78 -79 (thats 1978-79) and he told me he had been Bass fishing (that's Australian Bass!!) and had caught a couple, would I interested in getting the canoe out and going down the river (100 miles away) and try and catch some??. Being married at the time with the regulation two kids each, and not having a secret stash of cash between us for lures we decided (knowing nothing about it) we had better make a few. Well off we went a week or so later with probably six home madey's between us, and low and behold we caught Bass, and lots of them. What we call Bass here, are different to there (U.S) in that I don't think ours are really Bass (Perch), they are rare (endangered), aggressive, live in fresh and breed in salt water in the most South East coastal rivers, and rarely get any bigger then about three pounds. Australian Bass Ever since then I have made lures, both commercially and now for my and a few friends entertainment. Commercially I made a new '2” frog pattern' (about1986) which I caught a 32 lb Murray Cod on while in my canoe fishing our local lake for Trout (on 6lb line), this made it to the local fishing mags and before you know it I was a slave to the “2” Frog Pattern”, as fast as I could make them the Cod fishers walked them out the door. I think this is where I get my disdain of endorsements of lure colours/brands, ('one fish does not make a school'), I think I caught one more cod on this pattern (2lb), but I still catch Trout on them, and this is the rub, I still make this lure in lots of colours but the 'Frog' is my 'go to' colour for Brown Trout here, in fact I have eight blanks in the shed I made yesterday (I have just about run out of “The Frog”) Since 1978-79 I have been hooked, I only have about three different profiles and am more into painting than shapes/hydraulics, I treat them as a canvas and love mucking around with the paint, but as 'Fatfingers' is saying, put your b***'s behind your product and you will clean up, although I have to admit to using an occasional 'Rapala' and 'Tassie Devil' when things get slow !! And as all are saying, you can't beat the buzz of catching ANYTHING on your own lures, it will keep you entertained for at least the next thirty years. pete
  11. Here is a video of a Murray Cod (100 lb), caught in the Murrumbidgee River at a place called Hay in N.S.W, - Not too sure that this guy would be able to lift a fish that size, and at these angles in a small boat, but anyway she is a beauty. The record for these is about 212lb, caught in the late 1800's and in the same area as above.pete
  12. Dave They have started to do it here too, not brush piles though, as lots of Eucalypt trees would pollute the water - They have been using concrete spheres in this salt water lake I fish and it has improved the fishing no end, not so much the volume of any particular fish, but the variety of species has exploded. pete Six artificial reefs for St Georges Basin | NSW Department of Primary Industries
  13. I don't buy into these debates much these days, but it's all too much for me:huh:. For me .7-.8 mm is the go and if I could get it .9mm. I sympathise with BobP and his out of control 'through wires' and 'cracked D2T' etc, so what I have been doing is annealing it which makes it much more pliable, and you can reverse it.pete
  14. hazmail

    Sintra Lipless

    Atrophius - I know what it is like to work near miniature, beautiful work here and adding the foil adds another degree of difficulty. Great work .pete
  15. Wormil - I'm with you, they call it "Clear Hard Shellac" here (with plasticisers) but I am finding some really good uses for it . DSV - you need hard underneath and tough on top, to finish try some Nyalic, single pack, not moisture cure but has all the GOOD qualities of M/Cure. pete
  16. And what a beautiful little thing, both of them. Congratulations.pete
  17. Yeah George Happy Birthday, sorry I am a week late but you know how it is when we get to our age, mine is the 22nd October, remind me will you - Hope you are over your hangover by now. Pete
  18. As you say George, it's all white man magic, I know nothing about this mysterious 'alchemy' either, but it sounds good to me, so keep us posted, until an Electrical Engineer chimes in and shoots your idea down in flames - anyway it will be fun while it lasts, and again, it sound really good to me, can't wait to try it .pete
  19. Jeep the lures are good,......................... but I also liked the music -- watched it twice.pete
  20. I'm with George K.F, that cabinet would be empty in a week if it was me, bottles of paint scattered all over the benches - also great idea with the fridge George, I will have to find one, might save my shed, if not my life.pete
  21. hazmail

    Crappie Swimbait

    Looking good John, and up to your usual excellent standard.pete
  22. Looks like it's getting there KF, I bet you would not be sitting there if the fan was going.pete
  23. Dieter, you are right, I never noticed but I am not a member any more:eek: - Oh well I'm not panicking, it's not like I get flooded with emails, I am sure it will be sorted out in the next few days.pete
  24. Hi Jerry I only have 15 'sent' messages in the box but keep getting this message "Your PM box is 100% full" - I thought it may have something to do with new sub's which were paid (July 16th / PayPal). Can this be sorted or am I doing something wrong, I have already emptied my 'In Box'. T.O.A- pete
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