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Everything posted by hazmail

  1. Try TAMIYA model car paint (In ''clear colors''). Pete
  2. Thanks mate, it's something I notice when looking a Jap lures, their 'hardware'' is usually exceptional- I have been trying to find and buy this hardware for a while, language is always a problem . Thanks again Pete
  3. ''Japan has: Reproduction Vintage lure hardware a company that makes bespoke, engraved/polished/cut hardware like custom spinners, custom name badges, etc.'' Hey Clemmy, very interesting-- can you send me a website address for these. Pete
  4. Wayne--Try dipping them in latex--I bend and stamp my name in mine before I even get near assembling them, this sometimes takes it's toll on the finish ---- unfortunately for me latex will not stand up to the heat while bending / stamping them so I have to put up with any imperfections. . Pete
  5. Mark--Around here they tend to double up ''craft stores'' with haberdashery (Cloth, neddles and pins, cotton etc) , this is where you find some of the best screening materials (stencil), aaaaaaaaaahhhhh those spools of lace in the ladies tack on doodah's section is a wonder to see. pete
  6. "'Pete, I just want to say how awesome Australia is. I hear the girls are terrific ''---Not sure about that Jigginpin, all girls are awesome when you are 20, I'm way past that -- Knowing what I know now, I'm converting to ''Hinduism'', so when I come back (probably as a dog or cow) I can use my vast untapped psychology on them. Yeah everything is supposed to big here and bites, but my problem is mosquitoes, they drive me crazy. It's wet season here (Up North ,not anywhere near me) . Last weekend 15 people tried to cross a flooded river in a 4x4 and got washed off the crossing, 12 got out, they found another 2 drowned, guess where the other one is, part of someones crocodile handbag in a few months I reckon--just one of many (a lot are tourists and fishermen) who will not see Easter, Summer is just warming up and the sharks haven't even started yet !!!!! Pete.
  7. hazmail


    Between Etex Lite and what ??? Pete
  8. Yeah but they get to keep your design. Pete
  9. Working on a Video, know nothing about it SO bear with me.
  10. " If I had one, I'd probably load it and just run it to watch it run, like one of those marble drop machines, or domino runs. " Yes Mark it fascinates me too, , sometimes I just have to load another stick in and watch it run , This past week I have cut about 50-60 blanks of the size pictured above --60mm (2 1/4'' ) for Bream/ Trout / Bass here, these should last me all year, unless I donate/ sell/ OR gift some. This morning I cut about 8 X 4" versions of this blank for some ''protos'' I want to try, this is where I DO save a lot of time, I would rather paint and finish lures than carve them. Everyone thinks machine carved blanks save a heap of time, the only time saved is while the machine is eating wood, I can be somewhere else in the shop sanding or priming blanks ready to paint---for me painting, is Nirvana Pete
  11. Q .."LOL Ben, I'm impressed with Pete's duplicator. I saw the wiring but it gave me a chance to see where it went to. A lot of guessing on my part. It's funny to see people adapt to a issue that they face and start to find answers. It's been happening ever since man. I would like to see it in action to. It's impressive nevertheless. Thanks Pete " Thanks Dale and everyone else . This morning out of the blue I realized I have "Hijacked " you thread Dale, I'm very sorry it was never my intention, I saw your thread "My Duplicator & Shop" and just assumed it was Paste Your Duplicator, how bloody stupid I am. Anyway my intention was not to take anything away from yours Dale, just show the variations, these things are basically all the same at the cutting head but with slightly different ways of getting there. Sorry mate bigBlue2 - sorry no plans here, this thing has evolved over 2-3 years , it sometimes really tests my memory when I need to alter something. You should be able to get an idea of most of the components/ processes from the posted pictures, this is why I posted them- the principles in most copy lathes are very similar, nothing new here--check out the pic of the Gun stock Lathe, lots of similarities here too. Mark-- The stock is pulled in when the saw head returns to begin a new blank-- by the pawl attached to the bottom bed, see att pic. I really need to start a new thread-- Pete.
  12. Thanks Dale /Dave---the 240V is for a battery charger (12V), and a transformer for the saw which now runs on 18v, gives about 2000 more revs and maybe a bit more torque. The blanks shown in the machine are 60mm (2.5''), by moving the 'stylus' it will cut anything between 100mm (4'') down to 50mm ( 2'' ) blanks , using the same ' pattern". It's self feeding and takes up to 4 minutes a cycle (4") depending on the blank length or about 12-15 blanks a 7' stick. Looking at the dates on that originally posted picture, it's just on 2 years since I started this version, there were another couple of versions before that, so have been playing around for probably 3 years --I like to think I'm learning something but sh-t it's taken some time . Pete
  13. Sorry for the delay, it's been a pretty busy Christmas/ New year, hope everyone had a good break. Took a while to get the pics and edit them, hope they are clear enough to spot whatever you are looking for. This version is about 12 months advanced to the previous Pic (compare ''Plan Views") , so there have been a lot of alterations/ tweaking--next big job is to organize the wiring, looks like a nightmare doesn't it?? Pete
  14. No problem Dale, I just need to take some newer pics but pretty busy today as I am heading off tomorrow for Christmas (1200 m drive) so I will try and take some pics when I get back before new year. The picture below is of an earlier version (Jan 2015), that is 2 years back so there has been quite a few changes since. also LOVE that old Gunstock Lathe. As you may be able to see instead of rollers and pipe I opted to go semi CNC and used 4 linear bearings and 2 x bars for the horizontal slides with a ball nut to drive the bed along, all very Sssmmmmmoooooth - and pretty cheap these days on eBay. Anyway I will check back in after Christmas with some newer pics. Have a safe and Merry Christmas all. Pete
  15. From my perspective I really DO appreciate your efforts Dale, been there and done that. After 2 years, what I thought Was good is crap, I am up to about Mk 4 version and now getting acceptable blanks, BUT still ''tweaking' this thing . I'm now trying to make the wiring look a bit more organized as only I can follow it . If you are thinking of getting into this, go for all 12 or 18 Volt, which makes it safe and very easy to procure powerful / reversible motors etc - steer clear of 100v (or 240V ) ---------to get the power and versatility with 100V (or 240V) will cost you a fortune-----------AND 12-18V is a lot quieter. Finally I can slide a 6' OR 8' stick of wood in and stand back and wait for 10 or 15 blanks @ 120 mm, 80mm or 60mm OR any size in between, blanks to pop out---I've now got it down to about 3 to 3.5 mins to get a good blank. It's taken over my life, BUT gee it's been a learning curve. Pete
  16. What a coincidence ''jsargentina7'', just started playing with this stuff- I have done a test with Devcon epoxy before and supaglue is comparable in a weight test (did not stress test it). With both tests I used 20mm of twisted 1mm stainless wire glued into a 25mm square piece of Indonesian Mahogany (med/soft)- I tried ''Zap medium'' first and hung 20 Kg (44 Lb) of water off it for 2 days, no problem at all with it. I found some trailer hitches and a piece of railway line (anvil) and added it to the 20 kg bucket of water (total weight 26Kg- or 57Lb)), attached another block of wood with same size screw eyes which were this time glued with ''Loktite 460'', hung it in a tree in my back yard for a week which included 3 days of heavy rain (wood unsealed)--------nothing moved except the tree. (pictured below) IMHO-------Higher viscosity ''superglues'', compared to your $1 hardware/ drug store variety seem to work better as they don't soak into the wood as quick and allow both wood and metal to bond. Also "Loktite 460'' is a ''low bloom'' glue, so can be used sparingly on polycarbonate, they make about 10 (or more) different types of supaglues. I don't work for anyone, including Loktite .!!!!!!! I was impressed--- Pete
  17. I tried shellac as a clear coat many moons ago (hard clear shellac), looked good and was quite clear (for shellac) BUT---------- one year down the track I had a lot of cracking going on. Pete
  18. I see what you mean about gloss/ matte on the label Mark-- I'm thinking they may sand it after coating a surf board, as matte seems to be trendy these days. If we could get this to finish with the gloss of ''Zerovoc'' but without the tackiness it would be ideal here-- Like you in CA, we have plenty of sun, and how much time would it save . Keep me posted. Pete
  19. Pretty hard to get a reply Mark?? But they are never short of a question !!!! I have never used the polyester, I went straight to Solarez "Zerovoc" epoxy about 18 months ago, its pretty thick when cold but when heated and you get it on and it levels out (on a wheel) the finish is brilliant,,, problem is this nice glass finish stays tacky on the surface for ages--- so in short, I gave up on it and now it's in storage waiting for another idea or process. I see they now sell an epoxy finishing resin (top coat) but I think it cures to ''satin OR maybe matte''. All variants are still a bit hard to find here, I think there is a SH-T fight between the importers / agents. Pete
  20. Well done Gino, I have been thinking of getting on my lathe and making something like this out of a brass tap (faucet over there) ,,,, Never knew these existed, I have seen them used for street gas lines and they are big and plastic, which would disappear in no time with M.C----good find mate, this opens up a whole new world for moisture cure.----------Just bought TWO . Thanks --Pete
  21. Gino -X3 here too--and I would be interested in seeing the ''Wire Jig'' in the fall-- we have already had that ''Fall'' here and are into the early stages of Spring now. . Pete
  22. Thanks Gino, sounds interesting-----found it "TITEBOND III " - http://www.titebond.com.au/PDFs/Woodbond%20Brochure%20final_2.pdf. http://www.titebond.com.au/products/index.htm Pete
  23. Gee Vince that's wild, I still can't believe the size of lures over there, this must look like a real beast. Nice work. Pete
  24. Hey Robbor--You may get a few more answers to your question if you post this on the main forum (Hard Baits)--Just ''cut and paste'' your text from here,, there are a lot more ''eyes'' on there. Pete
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