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Everything posted by hazmail

  1. Great work again Vince, as usual, just works of art.pete
  2. hazmail

    Bette Davis Eyes

    Mark/Pikeman, there is enough gap there, it's just that the head is tilted toward the camera, so looks like there is none. BBDUC, yes I saw that and it looks like his is on the right track, with smaller lures I think there is just too much friction, and this should cut it down considerably - I just had another look at your jointed baits, very neat little set up, nice work .pete
  3. hazmail

    Hard Bait Tip

    That's me Coley, forever banging them on something, great idea, will have to try it.pete
  4. Happy Birth Day Phil, hang in there mate, it will be summer soon. All the best .pete
  5. Matt - I just loaded some links to the 'eye' pictures in the 'gallery' section under the 'striped expanded PVC' picture.pete

  6. hazmail

    Striped Expanded PVC

    Matt - it's amazing what 'Macro' picks up, I never seen those bubbles before!! http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb290/hazmail/uploads/eye1-1.jpg These are the first sets I made, seem's the more I made the worse the bubbles got.pete http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb290/hazmail/uploads/eye2-1.jpg
  7. hazmail

    Two New 7" Clone Patterns

    Nice work Lilman, can't wait to see the final results. pete
  8. I have had countless packages from the U.S through USPS (over about 20 years), and have never had anything damaged, usually takes about 5-7 days (for 14,000 miles) and they are banging on my door -------------although I am waiting for a float switch which was ordered (and paid for) on the 14th Feb, but you can bet it's the seller who is holding it up not USPS or Australia Post.I can get things quicker from U.S than I can from Perth( W.A) or China/Japan. pete
  9. If you application is not in it's too late **********, BUT I might just know somebody who can help!! The Best Job In The World
  10. Good on you 5bites, what sort of job is it ? - he probably thought you must be pretty good with your hands, and don't sit on your a*** all day doing nothing, sometimes people think luck comes to them. Congratulations and enjoy your new fishing buddy.pete
  11. hazmail

    Bette Davis Eyes

    Thanks John/ Daemai - this lure was pretty good before I painted / finished it, but now does not want to preform (only at med/fast), I think the hinges have a bit too much friction for the bait size, and also got small amounts of D2T in them when gluing them up, which would not help. I am going to add a tail in the hope that this adds a little extra drag and does something. I hate it when I finish a lure and find it is a dud. We will see what happens, the tail is being set at this very moment.pete
  12. hazmail

    Bette Davis Eyes

    Mullet profile with Fortesque colours over 'pearl'. PVC foam, weighs 15gm's , 80mm long (3.1/4
  13. hazmail

    Bette Davis Eyes

    Mullet profile with Fortesque colours over 'pearl'. PVC foam, weighs 15gm's , 80mm long (3.1/4
  14. hazmail


    Wild, these would be great in salt water. Very nice work.pete
  15. hazmail

    Striped Expanded PVC

    Diemai, I was taking some pics last night, and snapped this one while I was at it, the holes are there, just need to make and glue the eyes into this today (and 2 others).pete
  16. John I copied yours, they are made from PVC pipe, which when I checked my junk bin, found are in various thicknesses, from 1mm to 3mm, so 2 - 3mm was just about right. As for the lures, I am having varying results, from great to so so with the action - this is a lot to do with my inexperience with weighting these. Playing with tails now, as these seem to have a positive effect.pete
  17. hazmail

    Striped Expanded PVC

    Matt, you can't buy them, you have to make em.pete
  18. Promises, promises. I had the same experience last week, they wanted me to do a spray tan for the wedding - ran out of 'burnt umber'. Story of my short life.pete
  19. Diemai- have you ever visited some of those Russian sites, they are in a world of their own, such innovators, they will try anything to catch a fish, and the detail is unbelievable.pete
  20. I think I have seen this guys lures on FleaBay and I know what he means about paint, and finishes;). I'm having the same problems, thanks 'Rookie'.pete
  21. Welcome to the asylum, we are all mad here.pete
  22. hazmail

    Striped Expanded PVC

    Expanded PVC, 8cm, weight 12gm, Kauri Pine, shallow running.pete
  23. hazmail

    Striped Expanded PVC

    Expanded PVC, 8cm, weight 12gm, Kauri Pine, shallow running.pete
  24. John, great work and great result - I had just sent an email to 'Jamie' saying I would have to do a test on the hinges and see what happens, then I came across your post. You have excelled, and saved me a heap of time. As Daemai said, it would be a big fish that would put 54lb on a line attached to a good rod. Thanks again, and excellent work.pete
  25. Besides all the junk, I have a few going, from disasters, ready to go, to near finished, probably a reflection of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:roll:pete[/img]
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