Good morning, it's another day here - Thank you all for your condolences, it is very much appreciated. Fortunately these tragedies don't happen often here, being a pretty small department with only 230 F/F on the ground- the down side to this is everyone knows everyone else, so it's very personal for the whole originisation.
The biggest tragedy is he leaves a wife and 3 children, which must be devastating for them. Dave was a really funny guy, didn't fish much, but was an avid shooter and bow hunter, and had been a F/F for about 10 years.
Gerry, thanks you for you condolences, and kind offer of assistance, Dave's widow and children will be well looked after by his 'extended' family and a good pension fund, but emotionally, I don't know how families get over this, his wife is a very tough lady though and a qualified electrician, so has something to eventually fall back to.
Thank you all again, and Ken, sorry for hijacking your thread, I heard of Dave's death as I was typing that post. pete