Bruce- Trim switches?? I have one on the control handle, one on the gunnell, and one on the motor, no doubt about it, one on the bow would be handy, I will be making up a bit of a loom to power the electric motor in the next few days so might add that - I am just waiting for a circuit breaker and a 4 way battery switch.
That fire here was so hot, it baked huge boulders grey and spalled huge slabs off them -that's hot, also sterilized the ground and they say it will take years until anything will grow on some of the Western slopes. Rain only adds to the problem, with erosion etc into the dams, but a bit of snow would be good (snowing up there now). Even the native trees (to about 100'), which are able to stand a pretty severe fire, were baked, there is whole mountain sides, covered with dead tree trunks. Some others (Wattle about 10') have done really well ,as they rely on fire to germinate the seeds, so the shrubs were burned but the seeds germinated and have taken over in some areas. As for the pine plantations, all gone @ about $2 billion in lost timber and closed down a big ply mill here, it was packed up and shipped to Malaysia (maybe V/man is working there). But this is all nothing, compared to burning 506 houses that same afternoon.
Don't know much about the bird mortality numbers, but quite high from what is in the news papers. They get young parrots, and somehow put them to sleep, slide them into a tube (cardboard I think) and supposedly carry these tubes in special coats, with appropiate pockets - anyway from what we see in the papers, even when they arrest them on the way out at the airport, there are a lot killed, but I suppose at some of these prices, they figure 1 survivor out of 10 is worth it. pete