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Everything posted by hazmail

  1. Thanks mate, that's better. pete
  2. Hi Gaboon - Welcome to the TU, where is BFE (Be Fore England??), Canary Islands maybe?? Location helps if you have any questions, especially when it comes to merchandise (glues, parts etc). pete
  3. It should get here in about 5 years @$50 a half pint, you guys will have the bugs ironed out by then, I hope. pete
  4. hazmail

    Just Desert

    Too funny Dave.pete
  5. Clemmy - I had the same problem and had to dump and reload everything, forgot to save my favourites, but the Trojan had probably invaded them as well. Can you post the Korean sit address, instead of the translated, as I am having trouble loading it (no pictures). Thanks pete
  6. Hey Phil - Did you get my reply to question on wood glue etc (I can't find it). If so how did you go with it?- there is a current thread on Polyurathane, with some good info. pete

  7. When I caught my first fish on one of my own, I don
  8. hazmail

    Just Desert

    Anyone see the final bid? I have been fishing for 2 days, and forgot to add it to 'Watch this item" so I could check. Bet she's laughing. pete
  9. hazmail

    Just Desert

    TJ. Already thought of that, but unfortunately, neither are my size. pete
  10. hazmail

    Just Desert

    TJ - I don't have that sort of money, I dropped out at $1.99. Last time I looked, they were US dollars. Imagine how much the Harley will go for. Now $25,500 USd.pete
  11. hazmail

    Just Desert

    There's been a bit of a jump in the bidding (92 bids) and they are up (or is it down) to U.S$25,200:00, with just under 3 days to go!!!. pete
  12. Gee you guys have got me worried, after many years of 'denial' and the thought of another 150Lb of weight , I have just bought a 55. pete
  13. samjf00 - Hang in there, there is more to it than just picking a colour and spraying it, it's paint not coloured pencils. Someone came up with the idea of using poly pipe to practice on, do this instead of using your hard earned creations - If you don't like the colour /effect, just wipe it off, thin/thicken the paint, turn the air up/down and have another go. Just remember, cheap paints contain cheap pigments (usually coarse), weather they are oil, shellac, lacquer, or water based acrylics, and WILL give you a clogged tip, speckled finish and much heart ache etc. You Do get what you pay for, and as 'CreekMonster' said, get some good thinners, some of the stuff sold as 'Thinners', is just waste from spray booths, sugar cane plants, and breweries. Keep us informed. pete
  14. hazmail

    Just Desert

    Good Morning Bruce - sorry for the post, but I'm thinking we should not miss this. With only 4 days to go. pete
  15. hazmail

    Just Desert

    Go to 'fleabay" com.au and search "A PHOTO OF 'THE TART'S' KNICKERS" - also If you are after a Harley, there is one going cheap sooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnn. Ha! Ha! Ha! "Hell has nothing like a woman scorned". pete
  16. I know this is only small time compared to there but, paypal have reimbursed 2500 customers here recently, when a major seller went bust. Like some one said we only hear about the bad ones. pete PayPal to reimburse Aussie eBayers: News - Business - ZDNet Australia
  17. Summit. Do a search FOR - "perfect finish", "jointed swimbait", "rotate lures", "epoxy" - there are heaps of posts on these- also look in the 'tutorials' (if allowed), there is a good one by 'Fatfingers' on epoxy finishing amongst others. Sorry, but I have even less time than you, otherwise I would search them out for you, find them, and print them to read at your leisure. pete
  18. BJ - watch it does not eat the guts out of your brush, acetone can be real savage on "o" rings, if they are not made of the appropiate amterial. *The "O" ring is at the back of the bowl, the needle passes through it. pete
  19. Bruce- Trim switches?? I have one on the control handle, one on the gunnell, and one on the motor, no doubt about it, one on the bow would be handy, I will be making up a bit of a loom to power the electric motor in the next few days so might add that - I am just waiting for a circuit breaker and a 4 way battery switch. That fire here was so hot, it baked huge boulders grey and spalled huge slabs off them -that's hot, also sterilized the ground and they say it will take years until anything will grow on some of the Western slopes. Rain only adds to the problem, with erosion etc into the dams, but a bit of snow would be good (snowing up there now). Even the native trees (to about 100'), which are able to stand a pretty severe fire, were baked, there is whole mountain sides, covered with dead tree trunks. Some others (Wattle about 10') have done really well ,as they rely on fire to germinate the seeds, so the shrubs were burned but the seeds germinated and have taken over in some areas. As for the pine plantations, all gone @ about $2 billion in lost timber and closed down a big ply mill here, it was packed up and shipped to Malaysia (maybe V/man is working there). But this is all nothing, compared to burning 506 houses that same afternoon. Don't know much about the bird mortality numbers, but quite high from what is in the news papers. They get young parrots, and somehow put them to sleep, slide them into a tube (cardboard I think) and supposedly carry these tubes in special coats, with appropiate pockets - anyway from what we see in the papers, even when they arrest them on the way out at the airport, there are a lot killed, but I suppose at some of these prices, they figure 1 survivor out of 10 is worth it. pete
  20. Dick Nite's Lure Coat gets sprayed by a few here, and say they have good results. I have never sprayed it, but have coated with a brush and it is good gear. You would have trouble spraying epoxies, like D2T or Etex without specialised guns and a lot of money. DN usually has an add at the top of the home page. pete
  21. After the big bush fires here in 2003, there was quite a few of these around here (mainly Yellow tailed and a few red tailed cockotoo's), they came out of the mountains because all the pines (amongst other bush) was all burnt out, they used to roost near a fire station I was working at, and eat in a small pine forrest across the road - there were about 80-100 in the flock. I think the birds pictured are from further south of here, and are quite rare (not my photo), about 1000 birds left, so there is a big push to save their habitat. Clearing farmland here is forcing a lot of birds to the brink, mainly parrots, as they usually nest in knot holes in standing dead trees. pete
  22. I have spent most of the past few weeks waiting for parts to replace the tiller steering (cables, controls etc), pulled up the floor and got rid of a few mice, which were eating the polystyrene under-floor floatation - They must have got a shock, coming from balmy Queensland to freezing Calwell, a bit like going from Florida to Kansas City in winter (about 16 hours drive)
  23. Clamboni - Black Cockatoo's like these? [/img]
  24. Bass Wisperer - there a quite a few, with quite a few pros and cons, but I don't think Createx gloss coat is quite up to the rigores of teeth, sun, cold water etc (I have never used it though). If you do a search for "Devcon 2 Ton" (D2T), 'Dick Nites' clear coat (or DN Clear), 'Etex', there are vast amounts of info here, also have a look at the "Tutorials", there is at least one on how to apply top coat etc (by 'Fatfingers). pete
  25. Dieter, very nice work - Like they are all saying enjoy it, if you ever start selling them, eventually you will realize you are only making what customers/sellers want (even when you know it won't work), as opposed to what you have here, which is something YOU enjoy with results YOU want - been there and done that. pete
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