How does it spray when you just run the cleaner through it? -Put it up to the light and you should get a (broken jet) very misty, wide 'plume'- If the plume is not 'conical', it either has a bent tip or has something in the tip - if not, I would be checking the air line, from regulator/dryer?, to the tip- check the 'shrader valve' where the air enters the brush, maybe a bit of dirt from compressor - also if you have an 'air adjustment screw' on the side of the brush, screw it full out, OR remove it and clean it. You should clean the brush after EVERY use, and about every second month, pull it completely apart, and clean everything, in what we call methylated spirit, and I think you call denatured alcohol, this stuff is cheap and in my opinion is by far the best all round cleaner. Keep at it, they are quite delicate, but simple, so there can't be too much wrong. pete