How about a 'sticky index' with headings like; Top Coats & problems - Screw Eyes - Properties of Paints - Lip Templates - Weighting Baits, bla bla. Inside each category could the initial Thread Title be put here, with a link to all the posts on that thread???
With 6800 members and probably 2 new members a day, there is bound to be some repetition of questions and it's only going to get worse.
I know from experience, looking after a thousand people, you can email, post on a web portal, text message them and they will still ask questions on things that, if they would only take the time to read, they would realize, it has been there all the time, staring them in the face.
Maybe it just has to be made easier, rather than looking for a word to fit a problem, we list the problem and add the solution.
As always it's easy sitting here typing, and not having to do all the categorization. pete
NOW, there is only 10 DAYS to GO ! !