Six Feet, no problem , it's all good info and thank you for the tip.
Mark - I don't think this is personal or unique, we all slave away and could never recover the time spent in $ terms. My sander is a bit 'blunt' at the moment, and it depends weather they are 'split body' or not, but, about 10 minutes to for a standard body with screw eyes or 15 for a split one.
As you would know painting is a different story - some recent prawn colors took about 1/2 hour because of all the colors, a lure with all the blob colors probably 1 hour, because you can not heat dry the paint. Standard 2 or 3 color ones take about 5-10 minutes, I spend more time washing out the brush than painting.
The one above with the inverted platypus lip is not paint, it s 'Mylar', and the few I have done, I do them in halves as I think it is easier, and you can get the film right up to the edge, with few creases, probably takes 15 minutes to glue and stretch the mylar, very fiddly. Thanks for the compliments on the paint, and as you would know, with some of your jointed lures, the hours just drift away.pete