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Everything posted by hazmail

  1. For quite a while now after trying the plastic cups etc, I have been using reading glass lenses dissolved in virgin lacquer thinners OR acetone. The acetone brew soaks in and is quick drying, but you need more coats, the thinners brew soaks in slow, is much slower curing so with multiple coats it smooths out well on a drying wheel to a rock hard 'Reading Glass' finish. pete
  2. Nathan_ I will have to buy some of these when I get there, you even have AU colors, great work, you had better start toiling. pete
  3. Pete- great idea with great workmanship, I would love to se it in action. pete
  4. Ethylike. Love the color and stenciling, great work. pete
  5. Dave - Don't panic, I have Firefox browser and mine is narrow too, must be an Asian thing . pete
  6. I'm with 'BobP', this stuff is bad S***. I'm a firefighter and the smoke contains copper chloride, arsenic and god knows what else, so does the sanding dust, keep clear of it - you may notice they don't make it much any more, or they don't here anyway. pete
  7. When I was younger and keener, I used to make black 2" diving lures. I would walk along the lake bank at night (darker the better) and cast ahead and close to parallel to the shore. With a really slow retrieve, so the lure was just swaggered on the top inch or so of water, big trout feeding close used to bust them, great fun, really gets the adrenaline going. Tried colors too, but less successfully- black crickets are good too. pete
  8. Gift bags $2.0 ea. pete
  9. Excellent info "Palmetto", might have to try some of this, I think they plantation it here somewhere. Thanks again. pete
  10. Good thinking Dave, I am going to spend the rest of my life chipping off the flaking skin of sun damage - symtoms of a mispent youth. pete
  11. Rookie - if you go to MST (tutorials) there is one there and several 'related topics', which are full of brainstormed ideas. pete
  12. Yes, great photos, I'm enjoying this, for what it's worth it's about 80F and light rain here. I feel sorry for you guys, it must be freezing on the hammer. pete
  13. Bruce - sound interesting, 48"! !!!, I had better start doing some push ups. We are booked for a days fishing on one of the lakes near Clinton with a guide, so maybe I will get a chance to sample these 'Musky', should be fun anyway. Thanks for the offer of spinners, I might take you up on that, otherwise I think "Capt Someone" (forget his name) supplies all the hardware.pete
  14. hazmail

    Couple new ones.......

    Never seen a blue gill, but if that's what they look like , it's beautiful- Great colors, great work . pete
  15. hazmail

    optic eyes

    Mark- If there is alcohol in 'Windex', we invented it. pete
  16. I saw this on S.Talk a while back. Get a block of wood, drill it , cut a head off a nail and insert it in the hole, point up (tight fit). Place block of wood on the drill bed, lower the desired drill size down until it is centered with nail - clamp block of wood at this centre - lower drill press bed. Place lure, bottom center on nail - Centre top through wire mark and drill hole through until it meets nail - should get you perfect centre. Sorry about 'centre' but thats how it is in English. pete
  17. Musky- you have got it in one word- Search 'Stencils', this should get you heaps of answers - or 'Nemo Blobs'.pete
  18. hazmail

    optic eyes

    Fibre Optics is an another Australian invention, and I vaguely understand how it works (aka,Telephones,Broadband for our computers). We also invented the "wine cask", which is now going to be adapted for DN Clear Coat, who knows the possibilities. I do know light, in opaque water (where fish live) is negliable and that's why they (fish) hide there - SOOOOOOO if there is very little light, why do we need 'fiber optic eyes', because fiber optics needs a light source to work? Just asking. pete
  19. It's a shame we can't get this thread into a tutorial (M'sST) there are so many safety DONT's, and brain storming DO's, to questions which are basic and fundamental, to lure making here in one thread, it's not funny - PLUS- "The Australian Wheel' would be in stone for all to eventually take on board with fingers in tact. There are so many great ideas/ tools buried in threads on TU, you just have to read every one.pete
  20. VM - Well put, as you are saying get the grain out of the way or get a timber with no grain-Beech, Maple or something like 'Custom wood' (reconstituted pine chips in sheet) or just burn the holes through, with a hot wire ..............or laser!!! Anybody got a laser yet? OR drill it larger than you want with a forstner bit and fill with epoxy body filler, drill desired hole when set-perfect - It's always easier when you are not doing it???.pete
  21. I use Kauri Pine, no growth rings, machines well, hard, sands smooth as a babies bum, and is (for me) just the right weight- problem is it's a long way from where you are . Pete
  22. Russ-I like all of em, Question -what eats something this size? Must be bi suckers. Salty- nothing wrong with yours also, like the color scheme.pete
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