Nemo Blobs - how to
StoneCoal, it's a bit hard to show how these were painted, as they take a while to paint and would need 4-6 photos (I am up to four now). I can tell you though - It is acrylic paint which I water down to about (guessing here) 20/1. The lure has to be pretty flat and held in a vice or something - using a small stick/nail (for bigger lures use a bigger stick) place the thinned color blob on the lure in the shape you want and let it dry. If you move the paint around while drying, you will get overlaps which will be darker shades of the original color.How it works as I am sure you would know, the watered down pigment tends to flow to the edge of the meniscus giving the darker line. Just keep adding colors and turning the lure (when dry) to add colors to top / bottom etc. It will speed up the drying if you use a hair dryer, but be careful as blowing the mix around may give you overlaps/ runs you don't want, then maybe you do, it's pretty random so try anything with it..
If that's not clear enough please ask again and I will try and elaborate. Have fun.pete