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Everything posted by ghost

  1. I think I will stick with my spinning rods.... Haven't had any trouble with them in 20+ years. Anybody want a bait casting rod? lol
  2. I picked up a bait casting reel at a yard sale the other day. After rethreading the spool I tried it out last night. To start with it would only cast about 8 feet using a worm harness. It seemed like it needed to be oiled or something. (I have no idea what I am doing on bait casting reels) After getting fustrated I thought if I put some weight on the line it would maybe cast better. I put a 1oz egg sinker on line and when I cast the line went goofy. I do not know how to explain other than it looked like the whole line unraveled around the reel and the line that was cast got pulled tight on the reel over all the loose line. It was a mess. Guess my question is: Is there a trick to spooling a bait casting reel? (I just put the spool on a screwdriver in the vise and start reeling until spool is full) Is there certain lines that work better? (currently using 8lb. mono) Thanks for any help.
  3. Good to know. I will check with shorty's. Thanks
  4. Does anyone order there jig hooks direct from Eagle Claw or Mustad? I guess my question is how much (qty) do you have to buy to order direct? What about hooks besides jig hooks? I also use Mustad 3399 in multiple sizes that I would like to get direct as long as I don't have to buy in the millions.
  5. What I always have done with spinnerbaits is use small aluminum pans that small pecan pies come in. Just dump powder in pan bend pan so edges are up and lay spinner bait in powder. Hook and wire do not get in powder so no clean up required. Works real well with all colors except white. I struggle with white on spinner baits and real small jigs.
  6. Yeah without the formula it is a tough guess. I would say get your batteries and go back. She should be in the same water for a little longer. Find her bed and drop a jig in front of her face or a stick bait and you will get a chance to measure her...
  7. First thing I would do is go to the State of Texas website. There is always endless information on the state website about starting or running a business. Second step would be to call the State office with any questions that you don't get answered from their website. Then give the IRS a call to find out what you need to do with them. That will get you started.
  8. A store dedicated to nothing but beads..... ? I bet they always have customers too.....
  9. Does shorty's have a alternative website for people with tax ID #??
  10. Jann's sells a kit of about 12 different colors and 2 sizes of each color for $8.99 but there is not enough beads in the kit to justify the cost. Already checked craft stores and did a internet search and not finding what I am looking for. The beads TJ's tackle sells is the closest I have found to what I want but I am looking for much larger numbers than just 500.
  11. I am looking for a source for plastic beads in numerous colors. Don't want to go through the normal channels (barlow's, Jann's, etc) Would rather go direct to the source to get larger quantities and hopefully a discount. Does anyone know who makes plastic/glass colored beads?
  12. Go to Captain Hook's Discount Warehouse They have the best prices around.
  13. That is some great advice. Currently I have been just melting it in my hot pot 2 thing. I would fill it full of the lead and by the time I scooped out all the junk I had maybe a 1/4 of a pot full of good lead. I have a old cast iron pot that still is full of lead I got for free last year, just don't have a ladle so never used it. Guess I need to get a ladle since it will be a lot easier to clean the lead in the cast iron pot.
  14. Thanks for the reply guys.... Sounds like it is definately worth the work.
  15. I read somewhere on here that if you can find a indoor .22 range you found a gold mine for lead. Well I just found what I thought was my gold mine. I received a call that a indoor range had 3, 5 gal. buckets full of lead from the range for me to pick up. Price for all this lead $5. I have been melting it and atleast 50% if not more is garbage. Granted it is still a lot of lead for basically free I figure it comes out to less than $0.01 a pound. But starting to wonder if its really worth the extra hassle. The guy emailed me the other day and said he has another 3 buckets for me. Not sure if I really want to get them....... Is three buckets full of somewhat junk lead worth getting for $5 and the hassle?? Not sure what the going rate for lead is......
  16. I found a large dental style pick that seems to be working great. Thanks for the ideas guys.
  17. I received my lee production pot in the mail today and don't know how I ever lived without it. But I have noticed one problem. The pour spout seems to clog up on me. What is everyones secret remedy for this? When I first started using it I had a perfect flow but it kept getting worse as I poured until it ended up being a trickle and I had to stop.
  18. The jigs I have seen are simular in shape to the do it swim jig but at a fraction of the size. The hook size is a #6 or smaller to give you an idea of how small the jigs are (about the size of a small fly).
  19. Didn't see them at Hilts. Does Turners have a website? I will see if I can find some pics of what I am talking about.
  20. I know I saw a post on this before but couldn't find it in search. I see so many tackle shops selling tiny jigs for panfish. I used a few for ice fishing. But does anyone know where they are getting the molds for these from?? I know none of them are available in the do it catalog, but someone must be cashing out on these.
  21. I will check into that. Gotta love harbor freight.......
  22. Who sells the lee plastic pots? All I could find was for lead.
  23. I use a microwave for my plastic and have been using a hot pot 2 thing for lead. Just bought a lee IV for lead now and I think a lee pot would be a lot faster than a microwave.
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