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Everything posted by chadholcombe

  1. If you are interested in gold willow leaf blades, I have a good many that we are not using anymore due to a switch in blade styles and I will give you a good deal on them. Here is a pic of what I have....Give me a call if interested.... Thanks Chad Git-Bit Baits 678-758-6567
  2. check out gitbit.net....They have a 1/8 or 3/16 with 4/0 or even a 5/0 if you want. Custom heads...no flashing. Good Luck
  3. How many of you guys that sale to stores are using gross margin to calculate your pricing. Just wondering what most people are doing. Mark up percentage or gross margin. Thanks in advance guys!
  4. Contact Chuck at Tight Line Angler's Products and be done with it. He can make anything you want and you will be happy. He is also a TU sponsor. His ad is here on the tackleunderground.com homepage Look for it and give him a call. Tell him Git-Bit Baits sent you! Good Luck! Chad
  5. Hey Buddy!! I would first try the board sponsors mentioned and if you come up empty give Lakeland Inc., Worth, or Hagen's a call. They should all 3 have them. Good Luck! Chad
  6. Dawg...You may want to try picking up the phone and try calling. I have found that these companies often have a lot more than what is in there catalog or on the web site Good Luck!! Chad
  7. I am not for sure, but I believe that Cast Industries made those spinnerbaits. You can contact them or you could get you a custom mold done with Chuck at Tight Line Anglers Products and you will have exactly what you want. He is a board sponsor and will do you an excellent job! Good Luck! Chad
  8. One thing not mentioned is your trailer. I do not know how you are threading your trailer on, but I have found that the trailer threaded on like a worm will hang up less in rocks because it makes a wider body and does not get into the cracks as well as the jigs seem to with the chunk type trailer just hanging off the rear of the hook. Works for me anyway! Good Luck! Chad http://www.gitbit.net' rel="external nofollow">
  9. My guess is that it comes from either Worth, Hagen's, or Lakeland. If it is not a standard color in the catalog, it may be a spec ial color that Stamina has run for them as all 3 companies will do this, but you will have to do a bigger order than 1 or 2 hundred (Probably going to be 1000 - 1500+) Good Luck! Chad http://www.gitbit.net' rel="external nofollow">
  10. 1st.. How difficult is it to tie the rubber skirts with the copper wire in stead of the bands and how long does it take you to do a jig. Also is there anywhere that you can watch someone do it (tie a rubber skirt ):)on the net? 2nd.. Has anyone come up with a cure for skirt pads sticking together and having to be separated after making the skirt. We make a bunch of skirts every week and it is really annoying, not to mention time consuming. Some colors stick and do it much worse than others, with black being easily the worst and most annoying to work with. Thanks Guys! Chad http://www.gitbit.net' rel="external nofollow">
  11. We always charge shipping to the dealer and usually ship as stated above by Priority Mail in the Flat Rate Boxes. I do offer free shipping with orders of $400 or more. Good Luck
  12. I too like flat eye hooks on my jigs, BUT on a swim jig, you will have allot of people tell you that a flat eye will collect more trash when swimming through grass and such than a regular eye. Whether or not it actually does who knows, but that is the perception of most people so if you are going to be selling them, I would probably go with a regular eye on a swim jig. Good Luck!!
  13. The Mustad 38108 is a little finer wire and may be good for what you want. Same hook as the 38109 just finer wire. In my opinion this is a better hook than the Gammi especially considering the problem getting the Gammi's.
  14. Give Chuck a call at Tight Line Angler's Products. He will do you right and you will have a great looking product and it will be your design. Give him a call..Good Luck!! Chad Holcombe
  15. For those interested....the Turbo Flare is made by Skirts Plus. I too, b ut alot of skirts from Charles and I love his selection of colors. We have just not done any spinnerbait skirts with him yet Probably will be very soon. Good Luck and Thanks alot!! Chad Holcombe http://www.gitbit.net' rel="external nofollow">
  16. Good luck!! These hooks are very hard to come by. Great hook, but until Mustad puts more of them out it will be tough to get!!
  17. I bought a couple of hundred of these and I want to use them when we design our spinnerbait, but I can't pay what they want at Jann's when buying in bulk. Anyone know who is making these, they look alot like the hole in one skirts, but I do not know if they are...Thanks Guys!! Chad Holcombe http://www.gitbit.net' rel="external nofollow">
  18. I am looking for this jig. If anyone has any that they are willing to part ways with, please let me know. Thanks alot Chad 678-758-6567 chadholcombe73@yahoo.com
  19. I know that I can get them from Worth, but I do not need 1000 right now. If anyone knows where I can get these or has some that they would like to part ways with, let me know. I would like the 4 & 4.5 sizes. Stamina and Barlows do not have them on the web. Thanks Guys!!
  20. We have a new jig that we are working on and would like to fing who makes the jig rattles you see in Stamina or Barlows so that I could talk with them about a design we have in mind. Does anyone have this info. Thanks alolt! Chad Holcombe Git-Bit Baits www.gitbit.net sales@gitbit.net
  21. I just wanted to let everyone here know that Chuck and Tight Line Angler's Products are first class. They produced a bait for me off of a drawing and I just recieved the masters and I am here to tell you that I am really impressed. If anyone here wants to have a bait made and deal with people that care about their work give Chuck a call. Good Luck! and again Thank You Tight Line Anglers Products
  22. We have a few designs on plastic worms that we would like to get a mold made for as well as poured for production. Does anyone have names of people that do this. I know some people only do the huge quantities, but I would like to start of relatively small and work my way up in the plastics world. Thanks chadholcombe Git-Bit
  23. Guys I am getting ready to put my baits in a few local stores that I have spoken with. What is the normal mark up that should be used when approaching a store to sale wholesale too. In other words if I want my package of 5 jig heads to retail at $3.75 - 4.00, where do I need to be when selling to the stores. Thanks guys
  24. I was wondering which pot some of you higher volume guys are using and where is the cheapest place to get one. Thanks
  25. I have been pouring and making my own spinnerbaits and jigs for some time now, but I am having a problem with losing my blade and swivel on the spinnerbaits. This does not happen all the time, but enough that it bothers me because I do sell these to other people. I have not had any complaints, but was wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I use .32 wire on my baits and have tried a small loop and a big loop. I wish I could get this fixed because the baits have been very good and look great. I also fish Terminators and SOB's a good bit and I do not have this trouble with theirs. Please help.. Thanks , chadholcombe
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