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Everything posted by lowfi

  1. Hey everyone, Does anyone know where I can get some glass eyes for my baits that are relatively cheap but good? (you know...things they use on taxidermed stuff...black dog baits, etc.) The cheapest ive found is ~4-5$ which is pretty expensive. Any sites or places to find them would be sweet! Thanks, Sean
  2. are you going to paint them? wooden lures are the best for clear water;) sean
  3. OOOOO the high performance are nice , does anyone use the custom micron????
  4. what compressor should i get????...i kind of need a quiet one (for my roommates)
  5. sorry.....i didnt mean bcs i meant CS but i think i know where to look now!!! thanks!
  6. hey guys, saw this price at a local hobby shop and was wondering if it was a good deal. Iwata: HPCS Eclipse - 154.99 Sound good?? Sean
  7. lowfi

    bulk devcon?

    so I can just roll up to a distributor?? I called the place and they were asking for a business name! hahahhaa I want some devcon
  8. lowfi

    bulk devcon?

    so you just hope that your local hardware store will help you out?...did i misinterpret?
  9. first off the water decal stuff...expensive $$$...but awesome!!!! 1) how do you apply it? (with aersol adhesive?) and 2) does the product yellow after some time...leaving you with a clear lure and a little logo that has some yellow on it??? wow that is awesome..thanks a lot RJBASS sean
  10. lowfi

    bulk devcon?

    Anyone know where you can get/order bulk D2T epoxy? I hate buying it one at a time for mucho $$$$. Anyone got any sweet tips on where to locate a case or something?
  11. hey guys, im interested in signing my baits realllllllly tiny and wondering how you do it? kinda of like the megabass lures. I am using a fine point sharpie now but really want to get smaller and perhaps different colors. thanks for any advice. ~sean PS: itll be kinda like the guys who sign a grain of rice at the malls you know, they'll write your name for a couple bucks...!
  12. yea that's one of my swimbaits...swims like crazy...ahhhh i just made a lot of baits and now i want homemade screweyes on them. @#$%! oh well i just guess it'll have to happen next time. this thread is sick.
  13. thanks everyone for keeping an open mind. when i get some money I am thinking of taking someone up on this idea. thank you for being so generous. yea im not to sure about michaels because they dont carry Iwata and that is what I was thinking about purchasing. how is the brand that they carry?
  14. PS: OH I almost forgot...this isnt anything urgent...just wanted to put my idea out there
  15. Hey Guys/Gals, I live in San Diego, which is nowhere near any HobbyLobby's. Right now they have a 40% coupon but it is only for in-store purchases. I was wondering if anyone is willing to purchase an airbrush (Iwata!)for me with the coupon then I will send money for the airbrush, shipping, etc.!!! I know this is a tall order but I would be stoked to get a brush for 40-50% off depending on the coupon. Thanks a lot. I understand if no one wants to do it. Thanks, Sean
  16. lowfi

    let it rip!!!

    Thanks a lot hoodaddy and bobP for the good tips...i applied the epoxy to the baits and they came out good... now the final sanding and painting and EPOXYING again. Cant wait to show you guys my stuff...its hard with the 'rattle cans'. ~sean
  17. in the bays for sandies and spots...one word...grubs..(4"-5")
  18. lowfi

    let it rip!!!

    Hey guys, thanks for the quick responses on my earlier posts. I am planning on epoxying 15 of my lures tommorow morning (the first coat to waterproof). I am going to add some 91% ISO to thin it out. I use the 2 hour devcon....should I get faster drying stuff (like 30 min.) to help with the added dry time due to thinning? I am super stoked to try making my own hook hangers. Do you have problems with drilling the hole for the homemade hangers/line ties? (what size 1/8, 1/16 drill bit?) Once I paint and finish my lures i will take some photos (I use spray cans..not airbrush....so I cant get thattttttt fancy) This site is awesome! Take it easy, Sean
  19. you ever used those screw eyes for your line tie connection? im so worried about them busting the line on those little nicks. So anyways what your saying is you seal, prime, put on more laquer (or epoxy), paint, and the epoxy again? so almost 2 undercoats of sealent? wow. ive just been epoxy..paint..epoxy. I just bought some 91% isopropyl today to thin out the devcon epoxy. Will that stuff work? How much should i add to the batch of epoxy...or is it just a 'whatever looks right' type of thing...concerning flow, etc. Will thinning the epoxy greatly increase drying time? Thanks a lot sean
  20. how do you put it on if you dont brush it? i was thinking about thinning for the undercoat to seal the wood and then just regular for over the paint. Do you only use one coat for the topcoat? I have read something about guys using wire to put it on...!...that seems kind of gnarly. I just brush mine on. Got any tips? Sean PS: what kind of wire do you use and where do you get it (size, diameter, metal type, etc.)
  21. Hey guys, First off, just wanted to say that this is my first post here...so hello. I live in California and have been hand carving wooden lures for a while now. I have a few questions regarding screw eyes for the line tie. Ive noticed that the screw eyes that I purchase from stamina (1") have little nicks where the machine crimped closed the eye of the screw. I am worried about this cutting line when Im fishing my baits. I have read a little bit about making those homemade hook hangers for lures but am worried about them pulling out or making them incorrectly (plus they need a pretty big hole for mounting, and its pretty hard to get the epoxy in there...worried about drilling that in my baits and messing up the noses!). It would be nice to make my own hook hangers, it would really lower the overhead of buying the screws online. Also I have been experimenting with jointed swimbaits and I have had a real problem with my 2-ton devcon epoxy cracking, and flaking off, at the joints where the bait 'clacks' together. I am just wondering what the most popular finish is to use on baits (what does everyone use the most). Do you guys thin your devcon epoxy? It is such a hassle to put on being so thick and sticky. I buy the slow drying stuff and it still gets tacky pretty quick. Thanks for any help you can give, I cant wait to trade tips. Sean
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