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Everything posted by BCBaits

  1. I use a roll of thin soldering wire that is just thin enough to fit easily in the eye, but large enough to pull off plenty of powder coat.
  2. I think WD40 is made with some sort of fish oil. Although I'm not quite sure its safe to use. *edit as much as you can trust wikipedia: There is a popular urban legend that the main ingredient in WD-40 is fish oil.[3] Although it is unknown whether the formula contains fish oil, material safety data sheets for the product show that the main ingredient is Stoddard solvent, not fish oil.[4] *edit #2: ...according to USA Today. The WD-40 Company receives hundreds of letters from consumers confirming this use, but prefers not to promote WD-40 as a fishing lure since the petroleum-based product could potentially pollute rivers and streams, damaging the ecosystem.
  3. Soft plastics with veins are not commonly airbrushed. They're poured in layers, one layer on top of the other with another layer on top of it, which is how they get the vein.
  4. why not just make the molds two peace molds??
  5. Anyone know where CLU is getting the bodies for their baits? www.customluresunlimited.com I just have a strong doubt that they're producing them in house. Their poppers look a lot like Megabass poppers.
  6. I did that with a mold I have now, but I actually just combined a few different baits. Thinking about getting Del to make an aluminum mold of them, since they dont look as sharp out of POP as they do metal.
  7. Anyone have the recipe for the AYU color?
  8. That thing is going to haul in the bass. It does a reel drive by.
  9. You can also use paid and organic search engine marketing to drive traffic to your site. My site isn't even completed yet, and I'm already getting free traffic from Google, Yahoo, and MSN. I know ghost baits gets traffic via search engines (hope thats not what he considers his secret, but I was happy to see I was able to pass him on the phrase "soft plastic baits" in Google). The service can be expensive, or if you have time you can find things you should be doing for your site easily online (Jim, I can list a few things you could do to pass right on by my site, as well as many others on terms you're not quite top yet). I just happen to be in the industry, so getting my site ranking well was second nature, can't wait to have time to finish the site.
  10. So I'm a bit confused as to why you couldn't pour this in a two part mold. Claws down, pour hole via tail, and that bend in the tail would be poured last. With the belly side only having a small amount of plastic until the tail, wouldn't it be possible?? Mad Man, can you tell us what kind of mold you were using?
  11. I sell them as well, I just dont have pictures yet.
  12. I'll try that tonight, I hadn't tried shaking it much. It was like My lady was cooking fish in my garage it was such a strong smell.
  13. I got mine yesterday. Very strong scent, but mine was super strong fish smell. I couldn't smell anything that smelled like coffee. Although it was a very strong fresh fish smell. Was anyone else's that way too?
  14. You don't think one could be made of metal?? I sure would like to purchase a machined one.
  15. I guess the oil would be better then listening to the lady complain about me using her expensive French vanilla to make worms.
  16. There are some very nice templates you can buy if you're on a tight budget. Here is one such example: http://www.coolhomepages.com/store/ You add your content to someone else's design. It's pretty cheap too, and you get a decent looking site. Don't expect traffic from search engine's though. There are some online resources that you can spend some time reading to help you learn how to do that on your own. Hiring someone to get you traffic from search engines can get costly.
  17. One fishing story I heard was one of the guys in my club caught a bass, and noticed that there were some sticks in his mouth. He went to remove the sticks so the fish would live in the live well. The sticks turned out to be bird legs. He pulled a full red shouldered black bird out of the basses mouth.
  18. I also own and operate www.sandiegowebdesigns.com, I specialize in Search Engine Optimization (getting your site ranked in Google). I can provide you with a quote if you would like something to compare too. I currently run an SEO department for an Interactive Agency in San Diego, but still handle some smaller projects on the side.
  19. Is that a print out of the fish, then placed on the bait?? Looks very good.
  20. Try a standard tooth brush. The soft bristles should harm the mold but be stiff enough to pull the plastic and flake out.
  21. Sounds like some water is in your plastic. I wouldn't recommend it, but I usually put on welding gloves and glasses, keep the heat moderate, and stir slowly and boils out the water.
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