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About whttail101

  • Birthday 02/05/1976

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  1. I think it looks good and is a neat idea. LMK how it tests. Dean
  2. I really feel like an idiot now, I pmed a member named Pop. He probably is wondering what I was talking about, lol. I hope he gets a good laugh. Thank ya'll for the clarification. Dean
  3. Travis, I couldn't find durham on here, and I emailed Pop. Do they sell these molds? Those do look great.
  4. Collins emailed me back and said the can make an aluminum one for $250, little out of my range. They were the only one so far that said they ca make one for me. I may try to make one myself if I get brave enough. So far I have only tested these baits in small lakes, 4 acres or less. In those it worked real good. I just havent had the chance to make it out to a real lake with them yet. If anyone here wants to shoot me a price of one they make, one that has the right action and doesnt spin, PLMK. Dean
  5. Great. I will have to search through and find the tutorials. I was thinking of making making some of my own molds later, one step at a time, right. I look forward to learning a lot from you guys.
  6. dampeoples, thank you for the info. I will email them right now. I just look at it this way, I would rather make my own, the colors I want, instead of having to pay $6 for a 6-pack. Thanks Again, Dean
  7. jmik26, I already read through those posts. One, like me, wants to find it and no-one knows where to get the mold, and the other just complains about Lake Fork Tackle stealing the idea from Imakatsu. Dean
  8. i haven't used the Javallon, but used the knock-off (exact replica) by Lake Fork, and it worked great in smaller lakes. It did best trolling it, cought some ok black bass. It helped locate the bass. I am going to try it out in a bigger lake tomorrow, maybe have good news. I am also looking for a mold for it. Anyone have and information on some? Dean
  9. I am looking for a mold that can replicate the action of the soft jointed swimbait that is sold by Lake Fork Tackle, Imakatsu Garage Craft, and Poor Boy's Baits? I'm not looking for the exact one, just something kinda similar I would prefer at least a 2 cavity. I have tried searching the posts, all over the net, and even asked Lake Fork Tackle and Lure Craft. They both said that since they sell the bait after production, they will not sell the molds. Please, any help will be greatly appreciated. Dean
  10. I am so excited about finding this forum. I am going to loose countless hours of sleep going through all the posts. I am extremely new to lure making. I am so new that I just got my first package of equipment from Jann's Craft dropped off by UPS yesterday. I have decided to start out learning soft plastics, then move on to others. Before I get started on this site, I have one question for everyone, and you can just shoot answers in a pm. Where can you purchase or how do you make a mold, 1 or 2 cavity, for a soft plastic swimbait that has soft joints, like the one sold by Lake Fork Tackle, Imakatsu Garage Craft, and Poor Boy's Baits? Thank you all for having me, and I can't wait to get involved in the forums. This site looks awsome!!! Dean
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