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About jtibill

  • Birthday 08/18/1958

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Rockler.com has their Click-N-Carve CNC Carving Machine (BE2015) that retails for $1600 but goes on sale for $1000.
  2. Hi Gene, The back of the socket holds the wood with a forced fit and no play. Check out the pictures of some very thin parting cuts I was able to do easily in the hard bait gallery. The wood cut so well it was actually shiny. Bill
  3. Hi Repair, My lathe is set up to turn metal masters I use to make water putty injection molds. The chuck has less than a thousanths runout and the tailstock is aligned with the bore of the chuck with no indicated misalignment. I don't turn much wood so I was looking for a way to avoid removing my three jaw chuck. The 1/2" drive socket holds the wood with a force fit and no play at all. I was able to cut a 0.025 basswood disk with my parting tool easily so I tried a 0.010 disk but the wood fell apart. I then cut a 0.015 disk with my parting tool no problem. I posted the pictures in the hardbait gallery. If your four jaw chuck can do better post a picture.
  4. jtibill

    015 parting

    Third try at cutting a disk out of basswood 0.015", or less than the thickness of 4 sheets of paper.

    © Bill Scholvin

  5. jtibill

    025 parting

    First try at disk cutting basswood 0.025", or the thickness of 6 sheets of paper.

    © Bill Scholvin

  6. jtibill

    Two partings

    Two very thin disks cut with a parting tool to check how well the back of a 1/2" drive socket would hold a 1/2" square dowel in my three jaw chuck.

    © Bill Scholvin

  7. jtibill

    stik master

    Aluminum master I turned on my lathe with a hand ground form tool.

    © Bill Scholvin

  8. I wanted to turn some basswood and balsa wood lure bodies but I couldn't find any round dowels that I could hold in the 3 jaw chuck of my mini lathe. I woke up in the middle of the night last night thinking, " I wonder if those 1/2" square sticks I have will fit in a 1/2" square drive socket." This morning I put the 1/2" square sticks I bought at the art supply store into the back of a 1/2" drive socket and they fit pjerfectly. Now all I have to do is chuck up the socket and insert the stick when I want to turn a square piece of wood in my lathe. I'm sure 3/4" and 1" drive sockets would work as well. Bill
  9. I have a Paasche VLS and the owners manual says sputtering is caused by loose packing around the needle. You can download Paasche manuals at http://www.paascheairbrush.com. Bill
  10. Hi, Where can I buy basswood dowels in quantity? Thanks, Bill
  11. My favorite Ben Franklin quote. " Beer is proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy."

  12. Which material is the most widely used to make commercial hard baits like crank baits and stick baits? Thanks, Bill
  13. Does anyone know of a good Patent Attorney preferably in California? Thanks, Bill
  14. Thanks, Senkosam; however, I want to paint the bait after molding so I don't think oiling is going to work for me this time. Bill
  15. Hi, I am just trying my hand at molding soft plastic lures. I want to get the smoothest, shiniest finish on my pours. Which type of mold will give me the best finish? Metal, silicone, plaster, or something else? Thanks, Bill
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