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Everything posted by Cyrano

  1. And I forgot to mention, pay them per bag of lures they make or package (whatever you want them to do). Then you can calculate their cost into each bag you sell and it makes them work faster as well.
  2. Find somebody who is retired and into fishing, them use them as an outside contractor and not an employee. They can then invoice you for work done and most retired people are happy to work as they are needed. This saves a lot of headaches when it comes to actually have a member of staff on the payroll. Go onto a local bass fishing forum or club and ask around, you should get somebody who wants to help.
  3. Cyrano

    Custom Molds?

    Bob, I hate politics, there’s two things that are sure to destroy mankind, one is religion and the other is politics (mixture of both). A school teacher told me many years ago, never argue about politics or religion as nobody ever wins. You can see this by the state of the World today. Perhaps if I had saved my money on molds and living the dream (or nightmare, depends on your perspective) of having a fishing related business I would have enough money to move to AZ, sure sounds like an idyllic place. Anyway off subject, I would still get a signed agreement for what it’s worth. Like a patent, it’s only as good as the money you have to defend it. Mr.C
  4. Cyrano

    Custom Molds?

    All I am saying is that make sure you know what you are getting into fully before you go ahead and trust somebody based on their word and get a signed agreement before you hand over any designs or money. Before you know it, the mold maker will claim that HE designed your lure that you spent many hours and dollars making a prototype and testing to get it right. And as for the amount of money I spent with this guy, it would buy you a nice truck or boat and I had more money to spend as well. Bob, I hear AZ is nice a nice place, I will add it to my list of must see States, even my neighbor wants to move back there and keeps telling me how great it is. What’s the fishing like there? I have a couple of weeks to kill in the summer.
  5. Cyrano

    Custom Molds?

    Make sure you get it in writing that you own the CAD files before you give YOUR design or you might get screwed when the mold maker lets you down and takes WAY to long to make your molds and you decide enough is enough and you want to go else were. I would not be surprised if there is a mold maker who has the molds made in China and claim it as their own work, not naming any names, just a hunch. Perhaps that's why it takes so long to get a finished mold.
  6. Chris, I am sorry to say that I can’t send you the dyes, because I just found out it is illegal to send this product via USPS mail and I don’t fancy the chances of getting caught and slapped with a huge fine. I really wish I could help out another TU member.
  7. Send me a pm with your contact details, as I have a bunch of Spike it spray and dip. I am sending a parcel to the UK in the next week or so and you can buy the dyes from the retailer i am shipping to.
  8. I can email more pictures, just let me know.
  9. This pot really needs a good home, make me an offer.
  10. This pot must go, open to reasonable offers.
  11. Just looking for some inspiration for some new recipes and colors. What’s your favorite colors or color combo’s regardless of what style baits use.
  12. I just wanted to make sure that everybody who requested more information got their emails. I have been having problems latley.
  13. I have a custom built cooking pot by Rite Heat. This pot will heat just over 5 gallons at a time and will reach temperatures of 400f. It has three separate heat bands (one for the outlet) with separate thermostats, so as the pot empties you can turn off the top half so that the pot does not burn. It has an extra large outlet which is heated, the motor is very strong, with around 7hp after it has been through the gear box. There is no need to turn the mixer off even when the plastic turns really thick, it just keeps going. This is the ultimate cooking pot, no expense was spared when I ordered it. The pot is about 1 year old and has been used about 20 times, so it is like new. I am selling as I don
  14. Use a better airbrush that does not have rubber seals. I have never had a problem with my air brush.
  15. Buy it direct from the manufacturer for about $50.00 per gallon. Get the clear and you can make any color you want using the same coloring that you use for soft plastics. If you add enough MEK you should be able to revive the sludge.
  16. The thinner is MEK that can be bought at Home Depot for $15.00 a gallon. Very strong stuff needs good ventilation and a mask to use.
  17. Can you tell me were to buy 0.090 glitter? I have not seen it before at the usual on-line suppliers. thanks
  18. I need to get two 4 or 5 gallon heating pots. I was thinking of getting a Rite Heat pot made complete with agitator, thermostat (not digital). Problem is the price $3250.00 each and I need two! I looked at other brands like Sta-Warm and Wensco. The Rite Heat has a couple of advantages like different sections of the pot can be heated separately so that I don
  19. http://www.smoothonsecure.com/store/product_info.php?cPath=291_1_10&products_id=186&osCsid=4ee7222d3b8022e90a775d45fbe19fc7 use this in your silicon mold. its easy to work with and can be sanded and machined when cured. makes great masters and works with RTV this one http://www.smoothonsecure.com/store/product_info.php?cPath=278_279_281_79&products_id=435&osCsid=4ee7222d3b8022e90a775d45fbe19fc7
  20. How long does it take to heat 6 quarts from cold?
  21. I have got one of those Food Savers vacuum sealers. I was thinking that I could use that with a storage canister. http://www.foodsaver.com/ProductDetails.aspx?productid=1955
  22. Thanks, i will check out the local auto store
  23. Without sounding dumb, but what is pop? I make a few RTV molds and carve the masters from wood and try to clear coat them to give the mold a smooth finish. Is there anything better for coating the wooden master to get the real shinny finish for RTV, like certain mold release? What is used to add scale patterns to the master without having to carve them, is there a resin and would a net work?
  24. I am looking for some large glitter in red and black. does anyone know were or if i can get some bigger that 0.062? thanks Cyrano
  25. thanks for the replies. i will see if my local auto parts sells the pump
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