okay guys, follow along here...
i am gonna make a lipless swimbait and document my progress here.
whether it works or not i do not know.
but here goes...
i started out with a piece of 5"x7"x3/8" basswood plywood. i cut it in half and sketched out the shape of my swimbait on one half.
then i roughed out that shape and then did some refining to get it how i wanted it. i then traced it on the other half, roughed it out with a hand saw and used rubber cement to temporarily attatch it to the other half. then i went in with a dremel and refined both halves so they were exactly equal.
here are the two halves, glued together, and refined (still pretty rough):
leaving them together, i rounded off all the corners, tapered the head and tail with the dremel, and then did some hand sanding with 80 grit paper. i also marked where i will cut the joints.
side view:
head on:
tail view:
later tonight or tomorrow morning i will cut the joints and shape them.
to be continued...