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Everything posted by b75nweav

  1. Go to the flea market and pick you up some plate cover from one of those chinese dollar stores. There like little umbrella covers to keep bugs off your food. Just cut out the size you need for your bait and clamp it on with small alligator clamps. 2 dollars a piece and can do about 30 baits with one.....Great scales also. Check out the scales -----http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r246/b75nweav/sunfish2.jpg
  2. I've been using a cheap airbrush city capital 2006 gravity fed for a while now. Only about 69$ on ebay or there website. Great airbrush, just remember to buy extra needles and tips. I bet money you will need them someday.!!!!!!!! Thecrankincracker..........com
  3. b75nweav

    Carp II

    Awesome, man!!!!!!
  4. Got me some of those walmart brushes tonight. Think I'll just not clean them over the sink . I was actually rinsing it off when it fell. Yea i use the needle to clean out the tip also. You've got to be careful not to apply too much pressure or you will open the tip up..
  5. Just a word of advice, Dont clean your airbrush parts over the sink! I spent 2 hours tonight taking a peetrap apart to get to my nozzle. Not alot of fun........Guess its funny now that I found it...
  6. b75nweav

    Bass Crankbait

    Very nice! Love those scales on the belly......
  7. Thats a dang saltwater fish!!!!!!! Snook or redfish catcher'. Love it though. Send me a couple and I'll see how they work in fresh water............LOL.......
  8. b75nweav

    Some new one's

    After painting all of these im beginning to hate them too.......!
  9. b75nweav


    Paintjobs take long enough, cant imagine carving too......
  10. b75nweav


    I wish..............There Bagley baitfish lures.........!
  11. b75nweav

    some photofinish

    What time is dinner? Great looking bait.......
  12. b75nweav


    Put the panfish patterns on some Bagley's. These came out awesome.
  13. b75nweav

    Some new one's

    Couple new ones.........Just some more eye candy!
  14. b75nweav

    Some new one's

    Couple new ones.........Just some more eye candy!
  15. b75nweav

    Baby Bass

    Love those fins!!!!!!!!
  16. b75nweav

    Fat shad 4.5" crank

    Awesome!!!! How big is that thing?
  17. b75nweav

    talapia baits

  18. b75nweav


    Love that dark blue.......Great job.!
  19. b75nweav

    For B75nweav

    Not bad......! Looks like a crappie to me.......
  20. b75nweav

    'The SUPER shad'

    as a matter of fact. Came with red hooks and you can't see it but micro fine red glitter on its back...
  21. Yea, I guess you beat me too it. Very nice.
  22. b75nweav

    Carp Glider

    AWESOME!!!!!!!! Did you paint the gills on top of your first clearcoat. Looks 3d.......Great job...
  23. I've tried to paint this one over and over and just cant get it. I like to see if anyone in here can copy it..... Its a baby crappie and I dont know if you can see it in the pic but it's full of colors, real pain in the butt to paint.
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