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Everything posted by b75nweav

  1. b75nweav

    'The SUPER shad'

    Less detail!!!!!!!!!!Here you go. I need a better name for this one.......
  2. b75nweav

    'The SUPER shad'

    Less detail!!!!!!!!!!Here you go. I need a better name for this one.......
  3. b75nweav

    Blue Gill

  4. b75nweav


    Here's a new one i did last night. My daughter was bored tonight and wouldn't leave me alone so I let here come up with a paint scheme tonight, Its drying right now I'll post it tomorrow, came out pretty cool........
  5. b75nweav


    Here's a new one i did last night. My daughter was bored tonight and wouldn't leave me alone so I let here come up with a paint scheme tonight, Its drying right now I'll post it tomorrow, came out pretty cool........
  6. I agree with you all on the detal vs the action thing, and i've caught bass on just about every color imaginable. I've had days where I was catching on one color like crazy and my partner tyed on every color he had (same bait(different colors), same line, even same reels) trying to get him some and nothing. I used to think people were crazy for wanting painted baits but after that and many other times like that I think there may be something to this color and detail thing.............
  7. purple Polka Dots And Pink..............mabye A Touch Of Yellow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol.........who Knows Might Be The Next Best Thing. My Personal Favorite Is The Blue/chrome/orange Rattle Trap, And The Rapala Dt Bluegill, But You Already Knew That Didn't You.
  8. b75nweav

    Threadfin shad

    Great to hear that, I didn't really like it but I know it's going to catch fish.
  9. b75nweav

    Threadfin shad

    You all thought this was something painted, didn't you........lol.....I thought they would load together.
  10. b75nweav

    Threadfin shad

    Don't really like it on this dt 10, think it would look better on something thinner.
  11. b75nweav

    Threadfin shad

    Don't really like it on this dt 10, think it would look better on something thinner.
  12. b75nweav

    Jointed Tails

    Really love that black and gold one! Great job man.......
  13. b75nweav

    Same old, Same old....

    I know you all are getting tired of this one but it just keeps looking better on every bait I put it on........
  14. But will it hold up to the GROUPERS, rookie.? Great looking bait man..........
  15. b75nweav


    Thanks fatfingers, but that is glare.........not a bad idea for the next one though. huh. I ment to put the orange under the scales so they didn't stand out so much but I think It'll still catch um' reguardless....
  16. They have holes in the handles so just get some really small screws and screw them in. Quick and simple.
  17. b75nweav

    still wet

    Very cool....nice stripes and love the green gills...
  18. Here's some pics of mine. Easy to make and works great. I use a microwave 2.8rpm gear motor (got micro from neighbors, they were throwing it out when I caught them, they thought I was crazy) Cut some plywood for a frame. 4ft dowel with the end carved down to fit into the coupler and just screwed it in until it dug grooves into the dowel, drop of super glue and your good to go. Just dont buy the colorful clips I have there, they suck. There hard plastic and will drop your baits, I love the ones with the soft plastic on the ends. I can do about 12 baits but have a lot of room for more.........
  19. b75nweav


    What's ya think.....
  20. Been keeping this one a secret but I found the best mesh for scales at the flea market. I was browsing in one of those chinese dollar stores for nick nacks to use on my painting and saw some little tents you put over your plates at picnic's to keep the bugs away. Its like an umbrella that opens. It has a very small octagon pattern and is 1 dollar each! I can paint about 30 baits from one just cut the mesh out. You probably wont find them in my town though, I bought them all.........
  21. b75nweav

    8" and 10"

    If you could figure out a way to throw them all at one time you'd have a whole school there.......Great looking baits. These florida bass wouldn't know what to do with those. Might be the ticket!
  22. b75nweav


    You got the best looking eye's. If my wife only knew I told you that on valentine's day:( Keep them coming...Great looking baits......
  23. b75nweav

    a few more

    This one too.....Great job
  24. b75nweav

    a few new ones!

    Love this one...
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