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Everything posted by jim45498

  1. I tried the E-tex after using D2t for a long time. I went back to the D2T because it was so much more managable. I am using some Dick Nite now and I will give it a chance to beat the D2T. I have a pint of DN and some Bloxygen. Hopefully I don't lose it suddenly.
  2. Pete, I noticed the lower right hand corner has a red net look. At first I thought it was a scale pattern for the now distinct saber tooth muskpike. But after further study I realize it is a record of redheaded mammoth kills. I also noticed there were some kills of the fabled ivory colored square headed rooster fish. Man, these guys were wicked.
  3. Being able to read and being able to write are two different things. Just because you can write don't mean you know how to read. Or, being able to read don't mean you can write. Therefore, this explains the caveman drawings, writings. (what does a mammoth with a gun mean? or did the mammoth have a stick? now I don't know how to read8O)
  4. I would not use the 5 min. if I were you. You might not get it done in time.
  5. I wonder if this is the same moisture cure as the more expensive types? Amazon.com: Garco Classic World Moisture Cure Urethane Clear Non-yellowing High Gloss - Quart: Home Improvement
  6. I use an artist brush. . After use, I wipe brush on paper towel, swish it around in a small cup of alcohol, then store it in a fresh cup of alcohol. I have used this same brush for over a year with no noticable wear. It is a super soft brush that keeps the epoxy smooth when applying.
  7. I usually wait at least 3 days just to be sure it is a good cure.
  8. I use an airbrush and let me tell you I have been thankful for waterbase paint. I have made several trips to the sink and washed many paint jobs off and had to start over again. It is all trial and error. A lot of error but when you get it right, you will look at at and say "yep, that's a good one". I am still learning and so far I have used only waterbase paint. Someday I want to try laquer but don't know if the colors are available as in waterbase.
  9. jim45498


    I have used the acrylic and really like them. Their color really comes out after applying the clearcoat.
  10. Thanks Mark, you are right about the raised area. I think I will go ahead and cover all the E-Tex with D2T so it will look even. I will try it this evening. This is not a large lure, it is for bass.
  11. I top coated a lure with E-Tex and it did not cover the kill spot very well. If a second coat doesn't cover the kill spot, is it ok to use the D2T to cover the E-Tex?
  12. When I started to read that last paragraph, I ran in the other room and put my boots on so I could finish reading.
  13. I also picked up the last 5 tubes at our local Harbor Freight. I guess I'll stock up.
  14. I have been wanting to try E-Tex and D2T for a while now. I finally decided to compare E-Tex and Devcon2T. Everyone has their own final decision between the two. Here is mine. I put the Devcon2T on one lure and E-Tex on the other. The Devcon was quite a bit thicker and went on quite well. The E-Tex was very thin and went on very easy. Both were put on the turner for an 8 hour period. I decided on 8 hours because it was time to go to bed. Next morning I checked the lures. Took them off the turner and made a comparison. They both looked really great. I touched the E-Tex very lightly with the tip of my finger and it was tacky. I then touched the Devcon2T the same way. I found the Devcon lure dry to the touch. I waited another 8 hours and checked them again. The E-Tex was dry to the touch as was the Devcon lure. I found the E-Tex needed another coat. The Devcon did not. I put the extra coat on the E-Tex and put it on the turner again. Here is my conclusion...I liked both as far as clarity. Neither had sagged any at all. They were the same. What I did not like was having to put another coat on the E-Tex. After consideration, I have decided to use the Devcon2T. I made this decision because 2T is the easier of the two to use. I don't know what the long range answer will be. I do know that either will make a great clearcoat. I just wanted something simple. BTW these lures are going to be used for Bass.
  15. The VIP were the glass rods. Great for crankbaits. Most fishermen hang onto them.
  16. strickly esox, before you painted, did you clean the bait with alcohol? It must be free of any oils. Also, did you touch any of the paint with your fingers between coats? If you did, you will have tons of problems trying to get the fl. paints to work.
  17. I don't know what the clearcoat is, but he for sure dipped and let drip. Here is the link
  18. You get a lure just right and you want to get down on the floor on your back and go around in circles just like Curley on the 3 Stooges. WOOB WOOB WOOB WOOB YERK YERK YERK!!!!!
  19. Yes, CC, thank you for the information.
  20. I have repainted a lot of my old baits and I just cleaned them really good with alcohol. Taped off the bill and put on a white basecoat, then painted the color or colors I wanted. Finished with D2T. To be honest, I have never noticed a difference in action or weight. Neither have the bass, because they seem to like them.
  21. I have been using D2T for a year now. I found out the hard way that you better do what Skeeter and CC just said. Spread it out thin when mixing. I use Freezer Wrapping Paper cut into 4inch squares to mix my D2T. I tape the edges of the paper to the table. That seems to work for me. The temp of the room plays a big part in the way the stuff goes on. I put it on thick and work it from the front to the back with a really good artist brush. I then put it on a wheel for 2 hours. Take it off and hang it for 24 hours. I clean my brush afterward with alcohol. I never do over one lure at a time with my mix. Never get in a hurry, it will just cause a problem.
  22. I also will stick with my tried and true method. Just make the crankbait, paint and seal it, put on the hardware, tie a short line to the belly hook, put on the swimming trunks, get in the pool, start putting weight on the line that is hanging from the belly hook,(I don't pull it through the water, just hold it under) when you get the slow rise or very very slow rise you are looking for get out of the pool and drill the hole and put in the weight and seal the damn thing and go fishing. As I said, works for me.
  23. Vodkaman, I read and re-read that explanation. I still don't know what I read. But, I have come to a conclusion. Your water in Liverpool is different from my water in Kentucky. I think your test tank has some Vodka mixed in the water. :lolhuh:jk
  24. The material removed in hardly anything in weight. At least nothing to worry about. It works for me.(My crankbaits are for Bass and may be small compared to some on here.)
  25. I put my hardware on the bait, then tie a string to belly hook and add weight to string. I push the crankbait under water by hand (a couple feet deep). When I get the slow rise that I am looking for, I put this weight in the belly.
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