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Everything posted by Ganns

  1. Hey Mark, I have no idea how to use this typr of forum, but if this goes through...... Howdy.

  2. Mark, try contacting "Ganns Tackle", they might be able to help you. Mark
  3. Cadman....... Oh yeah, the power of a great marketing plan... Cool Video....... Very large payroll for the faces endorsing the product, ( I would assume). $9.99 a pack, I had to get one of each of a couple styles just to see for myself ( yep, one born every minute). They are very sharp out of the package, pretty good sized barb ( one of the least understood or examined aspects of a hook imho), and seemed to dull or tip roll just like all the others hooks I have put in the water. Saw a video done by a fella to test the initial puncture effort between a couple three different brands, can't remember all manufacturer's but, Gamakatsu was one of em. His rudimentary test did in fact show the Trokar out performing the others, but the others also performed the intended task, so........... Here is what I think this has done, and I am always looking for better performing products as most of us are.......... If they prove to be a marketing success and they can move enough product at these ridiculous prices, they will signal the other major manufacturer's the market will bear a larger increase in prices than they currently have imposed. I currently use only Gamakatsu in all of my products, this for the brand recognition and my perceived performance standard,and the cost is something I am acutely aware of. This year alone a 15% increase?, I am not sure what other brands kicked it, but I do know it isn't exactly a great time to raise my prices, so I am absorbing the increase and looking at even less money per bait profit. Flatsrat76, great pic, wish I could have seen the landing . Yes a cage match between ninja's armed with each major brand, forged by their own hands into the dreaded throwing stars and blowgun darts. You were right Cadman, I do feel better Mark
  4. Merry Christmas everyone. Mark
  5. Ganns

    Stamina Inc.

    I think you will find the new owners to be very responsive to the customer... I am pretty sure the new owners are Cast Industries... They are who I use to do my casting and painting for my heads, they have proven to be very easy to work with, have a very good turn around time and stand behind their work 100%, at least in my experience... Mark
  6. What's on your mind?

  7. What's on your mind?

  8. What's on your mind?

  9. What's on your mind?

  10. What's on your mind?

  11. Manufacturing the Finest Jigs, Spinnerbaits, and Buzzbaits. [CENTER][B][I]" YOUR GONNA NEED A BIGGER NET !!! "[/I][/B][/CENTER]
  12. Well, I missed the poll, I just don't look around often enough and I missed it. Would I be willing to pay the membership fee? YES, I don't post often, I read much more than post, however when I have asked a question, the answers were swift. I have a part time Tackle Business and I have to make my time count. This site has a wealth of information, and the willingness to share. I'm sorry I missed the poll, but I will be a continuing member, as long as the site exists. Have a great 4th of July Mark Hiser Ganns Performance Tackle
  13. I will give him a call. Thanks Mark
  14. Yep, you guessed it, I'm looking for a Watermelon Candy/ Green Pumpkin Candy Pad. Haven't found one yet, any suggestions? Thanks Mark
  15. I'm looking for the outfit that is marketing the "NEW" super fine cut silicone pads? so far I have had no luck. Anybody using them? anybody have a lead on where to get them? Thanks Mark
  16. Robbor, thanks for the reply, I agree about the gimmick thing, I was looking as I have seen a few baits in the past that had them, I am really lookin to try to get a little heavier blade which I might be able to convert into extra " squeal" . I thought someboby might have a contact already doing it, since they are plating in Gold. These baits are for sale, and little things can make a difference. I already have my heads done, and may have to go with Lakeland or someone else to have it done. Again, thanks for the info. Ganns
  17. Howdy, been following this site for a while, and have a need, perhaps someone can help. I'm looking for nickle plated Buzz Bait blades. I can find Gold, but haven't found nickle. Any help greatly appreciated Ganns
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