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Everything posted by Bogbaits

  1. I think people should practice what they preach,b benton for one,he started on this site asking questions and now hes got this attitude,If you have nothing to say to help someone I say dont say anything,Let someone who is willing to help do so instead of being rude and ugly,this isnt about choosing sides,its supposed to be about helping other talking hobbiest,helping others,get it!The reason this site was started,not to ridicule people for asking questions,get real everyone.
  2. I think everyone needs to remember when they started on this site they asked quite a lot of questions,yes they tried things on their own also,b benton,I looked up some of your post when you started and you asked a lot of questions so dont forget that a lot of people helped you and gave you direction,this kind of reaction to a question is quite rude and disrespectful and discourages future post ,is that what this site is all about,and then you have senior members chimming in and agreeing with b benton,not good.
  3. I tend to think that we try too much to make lures look like real fish ,I hear a lot of descriptions and people talking about natural action and colors,I have better luck and actually enjoy making lures that are not natural looking or acting,I think the unatural effect triggers more strikes,irratic movement,blotchy,choppy paint jobs,lures that run a little off center,these are all things that I have had the best luck with,and I think large hungry fish look for,the minnow that swims sideways,the injured bluegill,yes there all natural but not what peop[le are trying to mimmick,just my outlook on the whole deal,I like the nice lures that people are making myself but if I were making the lures for just the fish They would be some plain colors with a lot of irratic action.
  4. For me I do it 2 different ways,On my smaller swimbaits I use a weighted hook,On my larger bluebill type swimbaits I slit a small hole in the bottom of the bait and insert an egg sinker of the weight I need, then I use mend it glue,Just a small drop to glue the slit closed,The mend it glue is awsome,You cant tell it was ever slit .The slitting process can be used on the smaller baits also
  5. Ive just purchased some of this oil line on ebay for a roll of 100' it was 12.00 so what a deal,I wanted to ad this line comes in a coil and when cut has a natural curve to the piece from being in a coiled postion makes it perfect if you are running the tube from the mouth of a bait to the belly,just feed it in,no need to use any tools to auger out a path,never used the antenna tube so I cant comment on it but this line is inexpensive and a harder plastic/nylon,also if you wanted to flare the ends all you would need is a small nail to twist into the opening until you get the desired flange,I have not needed to flare the ends but it may make for a nicer opening and also hold the tube in lace
  6. I use plastic oil pressure gauge hose,It cost about 4.00 for 2 feet,its bendable and holds its shapeits about 1/8 inch diameter,All I do is insert it in the bait from the mouth and push it where you need it to exit,I use a wire cutter to clip itoff even with the bait,you can use a drop of mend-it glue or pro glue to help keep it in place but ive used nothing and it seems to stay put,then run your wire through,very easy also I have used floating fly line to run through the bait,its thick and strong and can be tied easily,would not recomend it for toothy critters but for bass itworks great
  7. Thanks,that 11 1/2 bag i think I can use,john
  8. Checked those sites,no one has any,Im afraid a 12x6 might be a custom order,I am packaging 11 inch worms and lizards,thanks
  9. Has anyone or does:( anyone know where I can get some odd size zip lock bags,I need 12x6 inch 4 mil ziplock bags,they are for very large worms,thanks.
  10. Here id the mend it website,check out the instuctional video,http://www.menditglue.com/
  11. Put the words mend it in the search box,I came up with 4 diff results that show the glue here is one item number 300195949109
  12. Thanks,I read the post and am going to give it a try,who knows,I may end up saving big time or----------------------- Ill post my results,Trying to save some cash on the moisture cure urethane,theres a lot of out there,just need to try .
  13. I bought it on ebay,check ebay,the sellers website is also listed there,I dont have it at the moment,This is great stuff,
  14. I have a line on some moisture cure urethane for 36.00 per gallon ,crystal clear non yellowing ,this is a huge savings over some of the other moisture cure urethanes ive seen ,ill post my results,
  15. Thanks vodkaman,Im looking for lower cost alternatives to devcon and some of the other top coats,I was sure someone else had tried a polyurethane clear for floors or marine use,ill try it and post my results
  16. The brand doesnt matter,ill try it myself and if it works ill let everyone know,somethings you have to do yourself,thanks for your reply.
  17. Bogbaits

    mend it

    I just recieved my bottle of mend it I ordered and got to try it out.I purchased it to try on some bluegill swimbaits I make,i slit the belly of the bluegill and inserted my lead weight and then glued it shut,worked perfect,I thought it might,you cant tell that it was ever glued,It should have a lot of uses,I like the weight insertion idea,could work with rattles in worms/swimbaits also,nice stuff:)
  18. I think Its the buisness who should let the customer know right away if they dont have any items on an order.
  19. I seen an ad for some clear marine polyurethane,Im wondering has anyone used this to top coat lures or do you think it will work,Its a no mix product that is for wood,floors ,boats,price is 18.00 a gallon,thats why im asking,claims to be chip resistant,non fading.
  20. I think I understand ,but I believe you are an exception,most other retailers would have listed the name and not had a problem with it,there are a few who jump down peoples throats in a heartbeat if you say anything negative about their products,I was also told as a child to speak the truth ,not to keep my mouth shut,sure glad for that,
  21. Then there are some retailers who use these forum sites as there own venue to do anything to promote thier own products including lying and misleading,no names here but they know who they are.And when you refer to most people on this site you are including people who have bought your products and are or not going to buy in the future,I like the post in the soft plastics!
  22. This is just an observation but correct me if Im wrong,seems we can give thumbs up to suppliers on this forum without getting any negative reaction but when we post problems we have with a supplier we are bashing,is this a double standard?again just an observation
  23. I have used it for a while and I notice the worm seems to glide through the water better and It doesnt squeak as much,olive oil works better and when your done fishing you just toss them in a salad with some vinegar and your good to go.
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