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Everything posted by Bogbaits

  1. Bogbaits


    More hardbaits ive done
  2. Bogbaits


    More hardbaits ive done
  3. Bogbaits


    More of the stuff I have been working on
  4. Bogbaits


    More of the stuff I have been working on
  5. Bogbaits

    Arrow frog

    Was having some fun looking for a different frog lure,This is what I came up with,eyes are made from wood balls and tacks,just thought id share a few of my lures.
  6. Bogbaits

    Arrow frog

    Was having some fun looking for a different frog lure,This is what I came up with,eyes are made from wood balls and tacks,just thought id share a few of my lures.
  7. This is a strange one,me an a cousin of mine were bass fishing in the wisconsin cranberry bogs and he gets a nice bass on ,I watch him bring it in,its a 4 pound fish,the funnything is it had another hook in its mouth and his hook was through the eye of the other hook that was hooked in the fishes mouth,what are the odds.
  8. I think the same thing cadman said applies to stamina,If you cant play with the big boys stay home,They have dropped the ball on numerous occations with me and my friends,were just hobbiest but if I had a biz they would not be on my list,just my 2 cents,
  9. I have been wondering,when doing retail worm bags do you put your scent and worm oil on after you package them or before,The reason im asking is how do you keep your bag clear and not wet from the scent and the oil,most bags of worms and plastics I see seem to be nice and clear and dry looking,thanks
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