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Everything posted by Bogbaits

  1. I sold these for almost 8 years,not thin at all they aren't real fat but not thin,My customers loved them,,they fit over a very large jighead as a matter of fact,you could contact do it for the exact dimentions,I don't believe anyone else makes a mold if your looking for a fatter one you will have to dip it your self,good luck
  2. just sold about 7 of the 6.5 inch tube molds,I got them from caney creek molds but he sold out to Do it,they carry the molds,very nice mold,easy to shoot
  3. Ya I know why it changed,my end product had changed also,need to readjust everything,They didnt tell anyone it changed is my complaint really,in this buisiness you have to keep readjusting when manufacturers change product,would be nice to let customers know I believe
  4. ,I used the plastic for over 10 years everyday so I know the plastic,it changed and is not even close to the plastic it once was,they still advertise It is crystal clear, smokesless and is less likely to scorch when heated properly,not true anymore,I still use it so I'm not really bashing them,just would like to see the truth stated in the description,not talking about any other plastic,Im talking about the lurecraft 500,and it still is a fact no matter who cant get what,its not the same anymore as I stated,who said anything about fault???
  5. Bogbaits

    Ball Frog

    This bait started out as a bunch of scrap wood balls laying in the workbench drawer,I get these strange ideas after looking at lure parts and odds and ends for a while,I just had to do something with them,took the wooded balls and drilled them out and then inserted a 062 wire through the bait and tied it off then did the same to the wood balls for eyes then went to town with the frog paint,about 4 coats of epoxy later I tied on and drilled in the hook hangers and added the hooks and skirts on the hooks,Just an example of what happens when you have a junk drawer and some time on your hands!!!LOL
  6. enjoy that old 500,the new stuff they make isnt even close to as good as that was,they changed the formula,now its not as hard,burns easy and smokes like crazy
  7. Bogbaits


    Topwater Buzz Rigged Frogs,150 LB coated leader wire attached to a 6/0 corkscreww hook make these as tough as they are good looking,they come with a selection of different size and color Buzz blades ,shown is our Custom Bog Frogs on the Green Transparent Blades these can be used with any soft plastic bait to turn any of your soft plastics into an awesome Topwater Buzz Bait
  8. Bogbaits

    Popper Snake

    This is The 8 inch Popper Snake,A Floating Snake bait with a Popper head that really attracts the fish,has that pop sound when jerked,It also has a 3 ball glass rattle in the tail for extra noise,The snake has to be hand poured with plastic that is at a certain degree to get the sprue of the mold to suck down just enough to make the popper shaped cone on the head,the cone still needs to be thick so it doesnt rip or is weak,a lot of trial and error until you get everything just right,realistic paint and eyes round out the entire bait,They float a 4/0 to 5/0 hook also
  9. We had a formula 5 heaping tablespoons per8 ounces of plastic,also noticed in my years of using the micro ballons some plastisols dint like the stuff,we used lurecraft hard formula,we tried a lot of other plastisols and the lure would tear and break very easy,A lot of trial and error is need with this stuff depending on wht plastic you use
  10. so is it new this year that we can enter multiple lures in one category?I see thats the case in many categories
  11. i have 8 of the do it croaker 4 inch frog molds,read the ads,its there

  12. Do it 7 inch lizard molds I have 4 of these they sell new for 69 each ill take 45 each shipped paypal friends and family benfrank@charter.net
  13. yes its toxic,so is your lacquer thinner,the paint is made with mek,I use it on thousands of lures,be safe,be carefull,that being said as long as you protect your self its all good
  14. We tell our customers to rig them sideways,We kill them rigged sideways,talk about dying action!!!try it sometime
  15. I have a current Fishing Lure biz that may be for sale contact benfrank@charter.net and look at www.bogbaits.com
  16. You can also demold the bait whie its still cooling ,when I do big pours and am in a hurry this works well,the plastic doesn't have time to dent
  17. Bought one on ebay,never said I purchased it from you,ya got that hand pour from you and had to figure out how to get it to work,the one off ebay I had to modify with venting,a lot of molds need to be modified,not just yours,as a lure manufacturer I dont expect all mold makers to get this stuff right,after all Im the one pouring and injecting thousands of lures with different plastisols and different heat ranges,I do what I need to to get them to work for me
  18. Ive got that mold and its not vented at all,I even contacted him and he had no answer so I hand poured the mold then flipped it upside down,I have another tadpole mole from him and it also has noventing,ended up injecting it,topping it off then turning that one upside down also,it works,dont like doing it,I suppose I could try cutting some vents in it
  19. Lure craft always hard packs,not a problem for me,takes 30 seconds to stir a 5 gallon bucket so no bid deal,worth it to us as it works for our situation better than any other
  20. Quick note there are no 3d lure eyes either made in America or in china that will stay on a bait without some kind of help be it glue or clear dipping period!!Don't believe it,though most the American made eyes are far superior for sure its just a small matter of time before they fall off also,I have used super glue,the cheap stuff and it worked fine,we dip ours in clear plastic
  21. Also try pouring all the way to the top,let it settle then top it off,wait a little bit till it starts to firm and flip the mold over,this has worked on some of my molds in the past,also experiment with demolding the bait early in the drying process
  22. Not trying to start a plastic war by no means,I use Lurecraft ,I use the 500 salt water,i have found in my situation and that's a key word here my situation,All lure makers have several varaibles in how they pour and make theire baits,i use 4 1000 watt mics to make our lures and I have tried all plastisold,I mean all of them and the lurecraft 500 is the only one in my situation that will not yellow and is the most consistant bucket after bucket,it hard packs so I must spend an extra 30 seconds to stir it,no big deal,it is filled with heat stabilizer and all the good stuff that is lacking in most Ive tried,if you want a tough plastic that wont yellow than this is it,treid some of lurecrafts other plastics with mixed results,bottom line is get lots of samples and try everything you can,only then will you really know what works best for you!!
  23. Go to clear bags,you can order as little or as many,cheaper the more you order,I get mine from there ,you will have the up front fee for color plates,I get mine for a round 10 cents each for 5000
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