Not trying to start a plastic war by no means,I use Lurecraft ,I use the 500 salt water,i have found in my situation and that's a key word here my situation,All lure makers have several varaibles in how they pour and make theire baits,i use 4 1000 watt mics to make our lures and I have tried all plastisold,I mean all of them and the lurecraft 500 is the only one in my situation that will not yellow and is the most consistant bucket after bucket,it hard packs so I must spend an extra 30 seconds to stir it,no big deal,it is filled with heat stabilizer and all the good stuff that is lacking in most Ive tried,if you want a tough plastic that wont yellow than this is it,treid some of lurecrafts other plastics with mixed results,bottom line is get lots of samples and try everything you can,only then will you really know what works best for you!!