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Posts posted by Bogbaits

  1. The fluke is definitely a tough one given the small, narrow tail.  This is the method I used until I got so tired of trimming that I learned how to not overfill.  LOL.  It takes a ton of practice to get that smooth, final flow into the tail, but you'll get it. 

    When I say over pour I dont mean too much but I found it a whole lot faster when your pouring large orders for customers to trim the bait than to pour a slow stream of plastic into every mold,just my way to speed things up,I know how to pour all these molds but just a whole lot faster with great results,just another way to do things

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  2. I dont believe dryer sheets or fiberglass sheets will support any large cracks that why I use wood strips one half inch thick,2 inches wide  and they run the full length of the mold and are epoxied to the outside of the mold,I run a lure making buisiness and these molds are used daily for over ten years,i have done the mesh thing when pouring the molds but it wont help you when you drop the mold,it falls and cracks,you need to stiffen it up on the outside,have had them crack from falling but it never effected the mold!!!You could even go one step further and epoxt wood strips on the sides of the molds also for a bullet proof mold,I never ever had to though!!!

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  3. Just want to say over the years Ive been a sponsor and just a member and you all are some of the most awesome people on the planet,what a great site,great people,I love comming on here and just reading most of the time,I dont comment much as I DONT THINK YOU NEED MY 2 CENTS,ANY WAY LOVE COMMING HERE,THANX FOR BEING HERE WITH THIS GREAT SITE !!!


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  4. I have had the same problem with a large Frog mold I have,10 inches long and the frog weights 8 ounces,The only way I could make it work was to pour each side of the bait with the mold open then close it and inject the center,on such large baits you end up pushing the internal air that's in the molds,not even sure you could vent it properly as it takes a large injector,maybe if you were machine injecting you could vent it properly,anyway this way works for me

  5. Just a quick note I bought 3 different injectors from basstackle over the years and each one was supposed to be 5/8th,well they are but not any piece from one will interchange with the other,meaning the nozzles will not fit each other,small size differences,you would think they would be the same but they are not!

  6. Ive been pouring as a business for about 9 years now so im no newbie,and this is not intended to start a plastic war or to bash any company,just wanted to get that out of the way,For the most part I have been using lurecraft plastic,I switched to the salt water plastic they carry about 3 years ago,loved the stuff,over the past few years each batch I purchased seemed to vary in hardness and consistency,the last 2 batches have smelled strongly of petroleum smell,contacted lurecraft and nothing has changed they say,well my customers are complaining and I noticed it,I pour a lot so I will know if it changed,anyway looking for imput,who makes a real durable plastic,salt water tough that has lo odor,low smoke,doesnt burn easily,I know its a lot to ask but ive used the lurecraft so long its all I know,I did try the essential a few weeks ago but its too soft for my liking ,please chime in,I will be asking for samples from manufaturers but just wanted to get some imputmthanx

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