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Posts posted by Bogbaits

  1. My list of folks who always ask for freebies and sponsorship


    1-Tournament anglers- numerous e-mails every spring requesting sponsorship. They all start out by saying," I love you baits"-to which i reply- "If you love them so much ,then why isn't your name  on my current,customer data base." then they respond by saying,I'll make your baits famous"--Laugh!!! :nono:


    2-Fishing guides/outdoor writers who want  dirt cheap/free products. They are offered a substancial discount but no free baits w/ the exception of new proto-type baits.There are only a few that respond.


    3- Never ,ever fall into the consignment trap. Stores want 40% off retail for starters and that works for the  bait manufacturing companies who produce 1,000's of soft-baits per day- not the small manufacture


    Another point to remember, your not supposed to make a profit off of your gimme,gimme friends. Cut them off and they'll disappear quickly.


    This cutthroat tackle business is tough enough for those who play by the rules and pay their excise taxes.  Custom CNC molds and shop/office expenses separate the men from the boys.You have to love this business to stay in it becuase profits don'r support the long hrs. and continuos supply of financial input necessary to stay with it. Don't quit your day job but if your retired, make sure you have the financial means to support your enterprise w/out spending your table money.


    Self-satisfaction from creating your own,unique products in one thing,selling them for a profit is another. If you're  copying others' baits,you're likely to fail unless your the cheapest guy on the block.There is a tremendous difference between a gross and net profit. Your annual Schedule C form will show you that in cold,hard numbers.Time is money and those who attempt to turn a hobby into a business find this out rather quickly.


    Edited for spelling

    Well said and right on the money!!!

  2. Just curious, is there anyone here who sells plastic baits that did not start out by giving some away?

    Mike,I never gave away any baits when I started out,still wont do the freebie thing,I get about 2-3 request per week from people wanting free samples,been contacted by every bait store in my area and out of my area,they all want your baits for nothing so they can make the profit,If you have a unique product you can get top dollar,dont give in to the vultures!!!LOL

    • Like 2
  3. Bog baits is proud to announce we will be sponsoring The American Predator Tv show on dish channel 266 this summer,They will also be fishing and doing some shows on our handpours,host Dave Langston is a class act,check out the show!!!Its about time the hand pour guys are getting noticed!!!


  4. Just a quick note to add to this and I have not seen too much on this topic,when youb pull the plasic out of the microwave if thats how you are heating it I have found that the pyrex cup your heating it in will hold heat and I call it a super heating effect,it will keep heating the plastic until it will turn yellow and actually start to burn,on the cheaper plastisols with not much or no heat stabilizer you need to pull the cup out of the microwave well before it is done,stir it until it is ready as it will continue to heat up and cook outside of the microwave due to the heat of the pyrex cup,,hope this helps give you some info on what goes on after you take your plastic out of the microwave!!!

  5. Not always a mixing problem,depend on what kind of plastic your purchasing,i recently purchased some cheap plastic and it wont set up even after 2 weeks,remember cheaper is not always better,im going back to my old plastic,much more expensive but in the long run less time scewing with it,cheaper plastics dont have the satabilizer added and all around are a much cheaper product!!!

  6. About every 3 or 4 lures or so, the eyes bleed some shortly after being cleared coated. This only happens when I'm using red eyes. They're being finished with a 2 part auto clear. I know it isn't really a major problem, but am interested in what would cause this?

  7. Voice of experience here . Depending on the type of individual this person may or may not be it could cost you . If he just likes to fight in words or deed and is loaded with cash he might just take you to court knowing full well he would lose . But with the hope it puts you under . If it did Then he wins because it would be possible to reclaim the patent . Sort of two strikes for one . Just food for thought .

    Its not costing me anything,I would change the name of the bait if he can show me he has a trademark on the name black mamba and That I cant name my bait black mambe because his buisines is named black mamba,I do believe i need to see a letter from his attorney and not an email from him telling me such,just my thoughts,anyone else have an inside on this,thanx for the replies

  8. John -sounds like you did the right thing and checked things out before naming your bait.

    Something similiar happened to a custom rod builder. Some lady got in face about naming or trademarks. Turns out her trademake expired a long time ago. Long story short she got so much bad reputationon htat forum that whatever she was trying to sell, there were a lot of guys who would not buy anything from her. So all she ended up accomplishing is getting a bad reputation and loss of potential sales.

    I also sent him an email stating I went to the site and found out it was expired,so we will wait and see what happens next,will keep you posted,may get interesting?

  9. My guess is he can do just exactly what he said. My former boss had to change his business name because it was already registered to another company in another state and it was his real name to boot.

    I did a trademark search and it shows his trade mark expired on 12-23 2006,at the us trademark office on the web,I also told him to send me a copy of the trademark and a cease and desist from his attorney,john

  10. I recieved this email today ............Mr Franklin,

    I am the President of Black Mamba Fishing Systems up in Ontario Canada. We own the trademark for the name Black Mamba both in Canada and the US. It would appear that you are using the name Black Mamba in promoting your 16 inch 'snake'. As that contravenes the trademark laws, I am requesting that you cease and desist using our trademark immediately, to avoid legal action.


    Dave Wraxall

    President, Black Mamba Fishing Systems

    My question is can he have a trademark for the name of a snake that lives in the wild and stop me from having my snake named black mamba???We named our snake lure after the snake the black mamba,not his company???any one have any angles on this would be much help,john Bogbaits,this is also not from an attorney but from the owner of this company.

  11. Congratulations!

    I'm sure you've put countless hours into building your business, and I happy for you that it's being recognized.

    Thanks mark,yes ,many many hours but I love it! Hand pours are getting some respect,Ive been contacted by a few more mags,we also had a feature in a japan bass mag,Its all about having products that the big companies do not offer and finding that niche.

  12. I was reading the June 2011 edition of Field and Stream, and saw a snippet on "Monster Worms", and Bog Baits was in it! Their Black Mamba was featured in the magazine. I find it cool that hand pour/hand injection companies are finally getting recognized.

    Yes ,they did an article on using large worms for big bass and featured our 16 inch black mamba snake lure,it is very cool that we small hand poured companies are gaining respect,










  13. What is the problem with the end result?On wood lures depending on the size of the eye and also depening on what you are using for clearcoat,if using epoxy you just need to stick the eye in place and press it firmly for a few seconds,if the glue on the eye is weak you can press the eye in position and then take a tooth pick with some super glue and dab it on the eye edges,this works well to hold it until you clear coat it either with spray clear or brush on,or if you prefer ad a larger drop of glue over the whole eye once it is in place,it will run all the way around and glue in firmly the lure,try a few test on the glue and the paint to make sure they are compatible,just some trial and error involved.

  14. I wipe all I can with a paper towel than go over it with laquer thinner,I wipe it all down with the thinner than go over it with a dry cloth,I dont let the thinner set on at all,has worked perfect for me with no problems,I like the thinner because it evaporates quickly and seems to take the vaseline off very quickly!:)

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