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Everything posted by Bogbaits

  1. I love the paint,The cap is a cheap cap but I made it work,and sometimes bringing up problems with products or packaging is the only way for a product to become even better,the fact is the cap is the weak link,like it or not,i did not start the post but thought I would chime in and try to help,I agree to give the manufacturer some slack,the cap is just a small problem,relax
  2. The paint comes in glass bottles with cheap tin caps,In the cap lies the problem,I love the paint so Im willing to make the cap work,I havent even had to try other caps but that would not be a bad idea,anyway the tape works for me but some may feel better trying another cap,I think the manufacturer should look into another cap also:)
  3. Its not rocket science,I have first hand knowledge of this product,not something like it,I use it every day and have bought large quantities of it from lurecraft so what I am saying is fact, tape on the seal of the jar does work,i have been using this product for over 2 years now,I let a lot of sit for months at a time and before I was taping the tops I had a problem with it drying out,have not had one since,clean the tops,tape the bottle top with electrical tape,works for me,have not had any dry up at all!!!
  4. I do know i use the windex to thin my createx paint when painting,it contains amonia and water,coloring,I have never used it to thin and store,The only difference between windex and water is the amonia,not sure if amonia is a long term paint thinner,should not be any different than water,if anything the amonia would evaporate quicker than water,thats why it works so well when you ues it to clean or thin your paints.
  5. Walmarts are terrible at keeping certain items in stock,now with the economy the way it is you will notice a lot of items are not getting replentished as fast as the used to,my wife works at a walmart and you should hear some of the stories,do we have a few pages:lol:
  6. I know your not happy,i had it happen to me,Its our own fault for not really knowing what we were dealing with,The whole nature of this paint is to do what only a handfull of paints do and thats penetrate soft plastic and adhere,Its a highly evaporative mixture and inexperienced people,which I was one will learn the hard way,but what I did learn is check it often,look at the bottles,make sure there is no evaporation,tape the top and seal it ,I have learned this and have the same paint for over 2 years,also if you notice its getting lower have some mek and ad some shake it well or mix it and seal it back up!Some of these products require a lot more maintenance!
  7. Here is one example,this way works with most frogs using the coil.
  8. I know what you mean when you want to cover all angles,most of the vendors i know dont do the credit card thing because of the extra cost and the hassle,im thinking it isnt worth the extra,thats just me,I like the cash transactions,so do most,I do know the big chain representatives do the credit cards,they have the overhead,its not wirth it to me.
  9. Ive done several shows here in wisconsin and From what Ive seen most people used cash,99 % of my sales were cash,I had some peolpe want to pay with card,not many,i gave them a buisiness card and they ordered when they got home,Wasnt an issue for me,Im curiuos,what state are you in and are people there really using that many cards?
  10. Make sure your tops are sealed,its not the color,its the cap,if its not sealed it will evaporate,It cant evaporate if its sealed,Ive had some for over 2 years,no problem,Tape the cap around the seal if you are not going to use it in a while,these caps are cheap.
  11. I can set up and de mold my molds using rubberbands just as fast as with a clamp,ive been doing it for a few years now,i also think the clamps will ruin and crack your molds in the long run,too much pressure on a small confined area,i did try clamping several at a time and thats worse yet,all the pop and durhams molds are not tru and flat and you will crack them this way,The band method is still even used today by all the ceramic companies and there is a reason for it,It saves your molds ,makes them last longer and bands seal each mold much better than a clamp!
  12. This is where it gets tricky but can be very rewarding,I have played with different edge curves,even as far as fully rounding the front of my glider and then not totally rounding different areas in the rear,It changes the action ,so yes there is a lot to learn on this and you may come up with some great and different actions from the same old gliders
  13. I found this on the web,use it to get an idea about how to achieve colors when mixing primary color paints,may be helpfull to some,enjoy:) Online Color Mixing Palette for Painters
  14. Get yourself some modeling clay,roll out some balls of clay and form them in cone shapes,cut them to the size you need,thats all i use,they work perfect,no need to make a mold for any,make sure you get the modeling clay,comes in colors,does not dry,it works better,it stays wet,you just pick it out the mold and reuse time after time.
  15. The rubber bands are the ultimate chris,There easy and quick to take off,I might ad I cut some wood blocks the size of the mold and sandwich them then wrap the bands around,Over time you,ll find if you dont the bands will cut into the plaster,chip it and it also cuts the rubber bands,i cut the wood from 1/2 inch stock and rounded the edges as not to cut the bands,You can find some nice large rubber bands on some of the plaster mold sites for yard ornaments and such,thats all they use for their heavy molds and they are of better quality,Higher rubber content and will last a long time,You can even find them on ebay once and a while,youll find the cheaper brown bands dont last long,get the large red rubber bands:)
  16. When mixing the water putty I get it to a pancake batter consistency,when doing the first half tap all the air out or vibrate but dont vibrate too much,when you think you have all the bubbles to the top lay in your masters,after dried mix up another batch and brush the maters with the mixed water putty before you pour the second half,this stops the trapping of air around the bait,Your going to make a lot of molds before you get it down,just be patient,youll get it,it took me quite a few times before I got a system down.
  17. It really does depend on the size of the lure,my most common sellers are 3mm 5mm 7mm
  18. Glad you enjoyed it,we need a little humor here evry once and a while:D
  19. Your all welcome,i come across some usefull things while searching the web and always glad to share usefull items,enjoy:)
  20. Here are some usefull conversion charts and tools I found while searching the web,Could come in handy. Online converter
  21. Here is a conversion chart from metric to inch,a lot of people find this usefull,I know I get a lot of customers ask for it when wanting eyes,hope you can use it. http://mdmetric.com/tech/cvtcht.htm
  22. Just a little tutoral on what not to heat with your microwave here www.greensock.com/portfolio/MicroManiac/index.html
  23. The easiest way to reize a pic that a lot of people dont know about is if you are running windows program,I have xp right click on the pics you want to size,a drop down panel appears and one of the options is send to mail recipient,click on this and a tab appears that asks you if you want to make the pics smaller,click on that option and widows resizes the pic automatically,then just drag the pics from the email box or send them to yourself,you dont need a photo edit to do this although they are nice.
  24. I Use the devcon 2 ton,Ive made several thousand lures using it as a top coat and have never had my musky lures,bass and pike Lures crack,the 3 ton does give and is not brittle in all of my applications,Its also easier to use and handle then the other clears mentioned but its a personal preference,your going to here diff stories from everyone about diff clears,try them yourself and see what works for you.
  25. Thats the right stuff,the 2 ton is my favorite,it allows for more workable time before it sets up,it does come in a 9oz kit,1 bottle of 4.5 ounce rezin and 1 bottle of 4.5 oz hardner,you can get it on line at some of the hobby stores,the 90z is a better value for your money,one note,your not going to get rid of the wood look with this,do all of your sanding and finish work or it will still show,you just wont feel the grain.
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