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Posts posted by Bogbaits

  1. I Have reheated my plastic several times,I think it depends on a few factors,Color being one,Darker colors I have reheated several times,They dont show discoloration that you get from rehating too many times and getting it hot,also i have noticed the softer the plastic the easier it burns on reheats,The harder plastics seem to be more resistant to burning when reheating several times,You also need to stir it and check it more often when reheatingmthat being said I have reheated plastic over 4-5 times and kept the same color intact.oh,I also use a microwave.

  2. Thanks for all the information everyone,I have been using a microwave and it works very well,i wanted to heat more at one time but im thinking of just maybe buying another microwave instead of the pot,I have plenty of molds just not sure if the pot is the way to go with the white and make it worth the extra cost for the pot and stirrer,I have been heating 8 ounces at a time right now,It takes roughly 6 minutes to heat it to pour,I can pour quite a bit from the cup but Have seen the pots and they look like they would be great,I guess I may have to try one to see if i can increase pours ,john

  3. I have never used a presto pot but I am wanting to purchase one in the near future but have some questions .Can you heat white and keep it warm without burning or turning it brown,most of the baits I pour are white.Also Im wondering if it might be better to just heat the clear in the pot and then ad the white color and plastic in a pyrex right before pouring,if anyone has any experience with pouring and heating white Please let me know what you have found ,thanks,

  4. No I put it in a gallon jug and let it soak a bit then shake the hell out of it,the blender sounds like a great idea,im going to try it but either way this stuff is great,Im always trying some new ideas,I recently purchased some bulk salted large(6 inch) anchovies and made some scent with them,really awesome and strong fish smell,john

  5. I started using the worm oil and mixing my concentrated ground crawfish and shad and believe it or not it worked very well,with the pastes I get from my supplier,since then i have tried and like the fish oil and I have found fish oil cheaper than worm oil so I have learned something here,the fish oil also has the properties that I liked with the worm oil but is already a mild scent,so mainated with the craw pastes and shad pastes It makes a very potent scent,its fun coming up with your own smells,Thanks for all the input and for steering me in the fish oil direction.:yeah:

  6. Another thing to ad that may be some help to some is the softer the plastics,super soft plastics in general have a longer drying time and demold time, Ive noticed they stay a bit tacky and take much longer to dry,I prefer the harder plastics ,they are ready to demold in a few minutes as opposed to 10-15 sometimes for the softer plastics,

  7. I just finished 5 gallons of it ,for my frogs it was way too soft,I had to request hardener which they gave me a gallon free of charge,very good service,its an excellent plastic,I just needed something harder,I think this would be great for stix,worms and such,easily mixes with shaking,no or little seperation,hope this helps

  8. I add worm oil as a medium,I suppose fish Oil would be the way to go if I could get it at a good price,Im looking in to it,if I do get the oil im sure it will be great,ive used it in the past ,its not as slimey as worm oil and doesnt shine as much,doesnt last as long in the bag but it does smell even stronger,Ive tested it already but used the worm oil instead,maybe just a tad of worm oil with it,Im still hooked ,what can I say.:lol:

  9. I love worm oil as a medium when mixing fish and crawfish extracts,You could also use a fish oil or craw oil insted of the worm oil but the worm oil is a little cheaper,if you buy the concentrated craw and fish extracts they are so concentrated that you would be wasting it putting it on without a medium,scent only penetrates the plastic so far then the rest is wasted,This is just for the few who like to make their own products and not to cut on anyone elses products but the stuff I make is the strongest and longest lasting that I have found except pro cures scents and its all home made.

  10. I wanted to also add that I use the worm oil as a medium when using fish and craw oils,they are very concentrated depending on where you get them,but I also know for a fact that a lot of scent manufacturers are also using it as a medium so when you say you are just adding scent you may indeed be adding worm oil,or at least some genaric medium unless they are using 100% extracts,but then I think by adding a bit of oil ads to the look of the bait,makes it shinier and also helps distribute the scent and of course makes it go a lot farther,a lot of these crawfish and fish oils are not meant to be used by themselfs,They need to be mixed with oils.

  11. It may be the salt,not sure,I know I use worm oil and scent mixture on all my baits,I have some in bags since last year,not hard,very nice actually,My mixture is fish oils and crawfish oils in worm oil,about a 50/50 mixture and has been working fine,no complaints from cuatomers,actuall a lot of comments about how real they smell and feel,just my experience,john

  12. Look at the price of worm oil verses scent and youll know why,If its good scent its very expensive,thats why I make mine,look up anyone who sells trapping supplies,they most likely sell 100% crawfish,salmon,fishoils in many different varieties,Most are 100 % oils,There are a few on ebay also,its nice if you sell baits to cut your cost and still offer an outstanding product that can be better than most other stuff on the market.

  13. You may want to check also ,a lot of scents are just scented worm oil,you can add any scent to worm oil and make it go a long way,in packaged baits this works well,you can also make your own scents as i have with fish oils,crawfish oils and mix them with worm oil and marinate them,this is what a lot of the scent companies do,i have come up with many of myown scents that are very concentrated and awesome.:)

  14. I use a 45# COATED leader wire on my large musky frog baits,I thread it into the frog with a leather craft needle ,very easy to do,on each end where the wire comes out I ad a piece if nylon tube glued into frog to keep the wire from tearing through the bait,crimp the ends with a wire sleeve and your good to go,very fast neat and strong.The wire crimp can be pushed into the nylon sleeve at the front end for even a nicer look .

  15. Just for the record I admit I was pissed off about the plastic,I thought I could get it sooner,I thought it should have went out on saturday not knowing how some of these shipping services ship and have already owned up to that nut dont keep throwing that in my face,these other post do not have anything to do with you,mind your own buisiness, I had no plans to scam you or anyone,when ever I post a comment on any issue you seem to chime in,I have never mentioned your name and how do you know the posts are even aimed at you,because they are not but you seem to insert yourself in the replies,I would have to say that maybe you may have a complex,stop thinking everything is about del,im done ,have a great evening.:yawn:

  16. There was no bs post,I posted asking people here if they thought this was reasonable time to expect the plastic.I then remember saying you were going to cancel my order,,I never once called you and left any nasty phone messages,that is what is really pissing me off,and where do you get off saying im a scammer?I never scamed anyone nor do I plan too,again you are lieing,ask kim at lurecraft whos a scammer,if you can prove im a scammer by all means,if not shut the hell up,get your stories straight,.and also that first post had no ill effect on me,I still air my side in any forum if I think Im right,I never mention any names on my posts exept in the first one but you always seem to jump right in,thats why im always looking to chime in on one of yours or one you have your 2 cents in,Oh and I never ordered any worms from al so get it right or dont post your bs.

  17. Here we go,this is exactly what im talking about,Now im an online scammer,you are so full of$%##,the funny thing is the only reason you are even on this board is to promote your molds and whatever else it is you sell,you know and so does everyone else here,as for als worms he sent me lure colorings that were spilled in the box and I wanted a refund for the spilled material,ask him,again your full of it.I also stick up for myself and dont let anyone push me around,here or elsewhere,I was the one in school who kicked the $#$^out of the guy who was picking on the fat kid,so I take no bull,your stories are one sided opinions,I never lied about anything,I just gave up on the fight because here it was going nowhere,and you know as well as I do your not a well liked peron here for just thee reasons,when I posted the fact that it was going to take so long to get my plastic and you canceled my order here on the forum,that was real nice i recieved over 20 pm,s from members here including some hiarchy who had less than admirable things to say about you and your buisiness but asked me if I would tone it down and then and only then did I make a post apologising,those are the facts like them or not.:yeah:Also I spend hundreds of dollars with lurecraft,ozark tackle,barlows and stamina,I have scewed no one,Another lie,boy your full of them,you can so anything you want,well you can anyway but this is your opinion,People like lurecraft,ozarks,barlows dont get screwed like you because they are honest ,no bull buisinesses,they dont piss people off by lieing to them,once you figure that out you may have a happier customers1

  18. redg8r,I come back because I cant believe the things that go on here,The chosen few who buy your ad space can do and say just about anything,its true,this is a world of its own and you and a couple of others are GOD!:worship:LOL:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: and del who are you calling anyone a liar,seems to me almost everyone has had issues with you not telling the truth,pot calling the kettle black,Everytime some one has an opinion you take a pop shot and call someone either a liar or some other name and you get away with it because you buy ad space and you own some mold company,big deal.

  19. Have someone smell your baits who has not been pouring all day,each plastic companies plastic has its own smell,some are stronger than others,some of you may not smell it because you are getting used to the smell,the smell is there,some scents are also stronger than others and some scents do not mask the plastic smell,it depends on what plastic you are pouring and what scent you have.

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